Chapter Sixteen: Youth

Girls just starting college, without many acquaintances around, would certainly want to chat more with a "friendly" and handsome senior like Zhou Yuwen.

In the midst of their conversation, she playfully glared at Zhou Yuwen, complaining that she tried to contact him online, but he hardly paid her any attention.

Zhou Yuwen laughed and said seniors are busy, alright, they have to help other juniors get their cards.

"Then, are the other juniors as pretty as this one?" the little junior asked, hugging her chest with both hands and putting on an arrogant look.

Seeing Zhou Yuwen chatting and laughing with the beautiful girl, Chang Hao and Li Qiang were both stunned, with Li Qiang inappropriately asking, "Wait, Zhou, what's the deal with this beauty? She's calling you 'senior'?"

At this point, the junior noticed there were others beside Zhou Yuwen and asked if they were seniors too.

"They're not."

"Alright, enough chatting. You should head back to the dorm and dry your hair, or you might catch a cold," Zhou Yuwen said.

"Hehe, are you showing concern for me, senior~?"

"Of course, if you catch a cold, you won't be able to get your card tomorrow," Zhou Yuwen pointed out.

After hearing this, the girl pouted immediately, "Ugh, senior, you really are a bit annoying!"

The two of them chatted and laughed for a while.

Then the girl said she didn't want to talk to a straight male senior anymore.

"So I'm heading back to the dorm?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

And so, the girl they had bumped into left, politely smiling at Chang Hao and Li Qiang as she did.

The girl's standout looks had completely mesmerized Li Qiang and Chang Hao, and Li Qiang had been asking why the girl called Zhou Yuwen 'senior'. Since nobody paid attention to him earlier, he repeated the question after the girl left, which Chang Hao was also curious about.

Zhou Yuwen said maybe he just looked older.

"Don't give me that, Zhou. That girl definitely had a crush on you. If you chased her, you'd certainly catch her," Chang Hao said with a hint of envy.

"If she actually has a crush on me, then why should I chase her?" Zhou Yuwen found the logic amusing.

"Ah, you're so clueless. Girls are generally shy. Even if they like you, they won't make the first move, and they won't say it directly, so you need to be proactive," Chang Hao said, transforming into a love guru.

"Really? I had no idea you were so knowledgeable," Zhou Yuwen replied.

"Nonsense! I watch plenty of soap operas with my mom. If you ever have relationship issues, feel free to ask me," Chang Hao declared proudly.

"Yo, Love Master, then let me ask you, do you think Zheng Yanyan has a crush on you?"

"Isn't that obvious? Don't you know? When we played cards, I bought Yanyan a milk tea, and she accepted it so casually. This means she doesn't consider me a stranger," Chang Hao explained.

Zhou Yuwen, who genuinely didn't understand, wanted Chang Hao to elaborate.

Chang Hao, liking to show off in front of his roommates, said that normally, if a girl isn't interested in you, she wouldn't casually take things from you.

Yanyan's attitude earlier was as if it was perfectly natural.

"That means she subconsciously already sees me as a friend, or maybe even as a boyfriend," Chang Hao stated smugly.

Zhou Yuwen found Chang Hao's theory quite amusing, and said, "Couldn't it be possible that your Yanyan is one of those girls who accepts gifts from anyone, but just isn't into you?"

"Impossible, Yanyan isn't that kind of girl!"

Zhou Yuwen snorted in laughter but said nothing further. As a reincarnated person, he naturally knew what kind of girl Zheng Yanyan was. As Chang Hao's roommate for four years, Zhou Yuwen actually felt quite sorry for Chang Hao.

Because, from beginning to end, Zheng Yanyan has never had that kind of feelings for Chang Hao.

The reason she was close with Chang Hao was that, in the entire college, only Chang Hao came from the same place as her; it was natural for them to become closer.

Zheng Yanyan, a girl like her, definitely needed help from others often, like picking up a package or food delivery.

Even doing homework or running errands.

But Zheng Yanyan, being on her own in a different place, indeed had no familiar people to count on, so Chang Hao became the best candidate.

And Chang Hao, in his four years of pursuing Zheng Yanyan, had thought about giving up, but every time Zheng Yanyan asked him for help, he would regain his confidence.

He would think, why does Yanyan ask me for help instead of someone else? That must mean I still have a place in her heart.

Even if I have no place in her heart, if I keep being consistently nice to her and let her get used to my presence, she would end up with me because she can't do without me.

Chang Hao's thinking was positive, but he never considered what Zheng Yanyan really wanted.

Facing Chang Hao's words, Zhou Yuwen just smiled and didn't express any opinion. After the four of them finished dinner, they put the meal boxes in the meal cart, then headed back to the dorm together.

Perhaps sensing that Zhou Yuwen didn't believe Zheng Yanyan had feelings for him, so on the way back to the dorm, Chang Hao talked a lot, saying although it was their first time meeting in person, they had been chatting online for two months, and they shared common interests.

"What interests?"

"We both like playing QQ Speed, and she often takes the initiative to play games with me!"


Faced with Chang Hao's words, Zhou Yuwen could only respond with an "Oh," while Li Qiang, seeing Chang Hao so eager to prove himself, found it quite funny.

He added fuel to the fire, joking, "Maybe she's just bored, Brother Hao."

"You don't know anything!" Chang Hao was too lazy to explain to Li Qiang.

Humph, there was also another reason, which Chang Hao was too embarrassed to tell Zhou Yuwen and Li Qiang; Capital city girls would never fancy guys from the countryside.

In the whole school, apart from himself and Zheng Yanyan, there were hardly any true Capital city people.

Chang Hao didn't believe that Zheng Yanyan had any other options besides himself.

It was about eight-thirty when the four of them got from the cafeteria to the dorm.

On the way back, occasionally a student would stop to inexplicably greet Zhou Yuwen, saying "hello, senior."

Zhou Yuwen would respond politely with a nod.

This made Chang Hao and the others very curious.

It felt like Zhou Yuwen was really like a junior or senior student.

"Wow, Old Zhou, you're like a hidden boss or something." After getting back to the dorm, everyone started packing up their shower gel and shampoo, getting ready to go to the bathhouse together.

Zhou Yuwen said, "Actually, I have a twin brother here who's a sophomore."


Everyone packed their stuff and then went to the bathhouse together.

In September, the summer breeze in the campus carried a hint of the delicate scent of Viburnum. Li Qiang, carrying a washbasin on the way to the bathhouse and smelling the fragrance, frowned and said, "Why is this scent everywhere here?"

"Don't you know? Isn't it from behind the boys' dormitory? To be honest, Qiangzi, did you do something last night while we weren't here behind our backs?"

Chang Hao said this while idly waving his empty fist in the air.

Zhou Yuwen listened and let out a snicker.

Li Qiang was greatly embarrassed and retorted with a flushed face, "Bullshit, it's been so long, if it was mine, the smell would have dissipated long ago!"

"Hey right! We all went out in the afternoon! Only Yuhang was in the dorm. Yuhang, you tell us, did you do something in the dorm behind our backs?"

Li Qiang said this while clapping Lu Yuhang on the shoulder.