Chapter 15 Senior Is Good

Because of the need to handle campus cards, Zhou Yuwen was the most conspicuous person today—basically, the entire class knew there was a guy named Zhou Yuwen.

Not only was he handsome, but he also had a lot of ability. It was said that he was the general agent for the campus cards in Xianlin University Town.

The general agent must make good money, right?

Most people had no concept of this, but honestly, it really was true that Zhou Yuwen was handsome.

Those who had grown up doing business with their parents were very certain that campus cards were profitable.

"Think about it! He said he'll give us thirty yuan commission for each card we help him with, so he must be getting at least fifty, right? If the commission for one card is fifty, then for a hundred cards it's five thousand. How can it not be profitable?"

Five thousand yuan was, to Liu Yue, quite a substantial amount.

After the class meeting, they went to the cafeteria for a meal, and Liu Yue couldn't stop talking about Zhou Yuwen.

Handsome and capable.

"A guy like that would be the most dependable boyfriend, and the very best thing about Zhou Yuwen is that he doesn't judge people based on their appearances!"

"Alright then, since Zhou Yuwen is so great, you go chase after him," her roommate Li Jing said with a laugh.

Blushing at this comment, Liu Yue retorted, "Humph, I would like to chase him, but he has to be willing to accept me."

Li Jing giggled, admitting Zhou Yuwen was indeed handsome.

"He'd be a good match for our Yaoyao."

"Yeah, Yaoyao, come on, tell us, are you interested in Zhou Yuwen too? You even gave him your ID card!" Another girl, a little bit shorter named Ma Tian—quite the homebody and a fan of shipping couples—was really into the looks of Gu Yaoyao and Zhou Yuwen, and even talked about writing fan fiction for them.

Faced with her roommates' inquiries, Gu Yaoyao smiled lightly, "What are you talking about? It's just an ID card. He's the class monitor, and I'm the deputy, basic trust has to be there."

"Eh, that's what you say, but doesn't that mean he'll see your 'ugly photo' now?"

"Hmph, our Yaoyao is always beautiful," they rejoined proudly.

Ma Tian and Li Jing bantered back and forth, chatting around Gu Yaoyao.

Gu Yaoyao stood out in their dorm, being the tallest with a height of 170 cm, and her pair of fair, beautiful legs were long and straight. A girl like her always stood out in a crowd.

But Liu Yue couldn't have cared less about their flattery towards Gu Yaoyao. Humph, Gu Yaoyao was just a bit prettier, what's the big deal about that? Ma Tian and Li Jing really have no ability to think for themselves.

Zhou Yuwen had to stay a bit later than the others because he was helping compile a list for his classmates, waiting together with Chang Hao, Li Qiang, and Lu Yuhang, with Chang Hao even offering help when Zhou Yuwen was too busy.

Zhou Yuwen had no problem accepting the help, and when everyone else had left, leaving only the four of them in the classroom, he offered to treat them to a meal.

"Hey, it's just a little thing, don't worry about it, Brother Zhou. I'll get a card from you too," Chang Hao said, smiling.

"No need for that, this card I have is an internal card with unlimited time. We can just use this card, " Zhou Yuwen replied.

"Great as this card is, it's still yours. We can't always be asking you for the dynamic password," Chang Hao replied, who really wasn't short on cash—it was mainly after knowing Zhou Yuwen was the general agent that Chang Hao thought Zhou Yuwen was impressive. He wanted in on the action, especially since he really was running out of data, and getting a card for the data would be worth it.

Seeing Chang Hao had money ready, Zhou Yuwen couldn't help but smile wryly, "I'll set you up with a 29 yuan plan then, you can use as much data as you want."

"How much data comes with the 29 plan?"

"Use as much as you want, special treatment for you," Zhou Yuwen said with a smile.

"Hey! Brother Zhou, you're a true friend!"

"Yuwen, I'll get one too," Lu Yuhang said.

Zhou Yuwen genuinely laughed, "What, three out of the four people in our dorm getting a card? That's just wasteful."

"No worries, I'm running low on data too, and I want to get a Jinling card anyway," Lu Yuhang replied.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, why don't I get one too? Seeing as all four of us are getting them, can we get a group discount, like 9.9 yuan?" Li Qiang hadn't been planning to get a card, but seeing everyone else getting one and not wanting to be the odd one out, he jokingly made his case.

Frowning, Chang Hao commented, "Always with the requests, huh? 9.9 yuan? That's really generous of you!"

"What's there to fear! Brother Zhou is the general agent!" Li Qiang replied, seemingly joking, but there was actually a note of seriousness in his tone.

"Get lost, go get it somewhere else. Qiang, you've got some thick skin!" Chang Hao, not wanting to put Zhou Yuwen in a difficult position, promptly said.

Seeing that Zhou Yuwen didn't respond, Li Qiang could only offer an awkward smile. Annoyed by Chang Hao's meddling, he thought to himself, here I am trying to save you some money and you're not even happy about it?

On their way to the dorm, Zhou Yuwen treated everyone to dinner at the cafeteria where they happened to run into Liu Yue and her roommates just finishing their meal. The girls approached and greeted Zhou Yuwen, engaging in brief conversation.

"Haven't had dinner yet?" Liu Yue, an extroverted girl, came over to greet him openly.

"Yeah, been busy," he confirmed.

Liu Yue laughed, "Then we'll go ahead, shall we?"

Zhou Yuwen nodded, offering a slight nod of acknowledgment to Ma Tian and Li Jing, with whom he hadn't interacted before, and smiling lastly at Gu Yaoyao.

Chang Hao felt a bit envious of Zhou Yuwen; just on the first day of school, he had already become so familiar with the girls in class.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, when did you become a general agent? You didn't mention a word to us about it," Chang Hao asked.

Zhou Yuwen replied, saying he had relatives at the service station and then signed a contract to become a general agent.

"This phone was just set up for me."

"Wow, an iPhone 5s?" Chang Hao exclaimed in awe.

Unfamiliar with Apple phones, Li Qiang knew that this particular phone was quite expensive. He couldn't help himself from saying, "You must be making good money as a general agent, right?"

"We still don't know yet."

"Then, Brother Zhou, can you ask for me if that business hall is still hiring?" Li Qiang asked.

Chang Hao said, "Idiot, the general distributor means only one person can do it in a region. If you want to do it, you can only work under Brother Zhou."

"Ah? Is that so?" Li Qiang sounded somewhat disappointed, then he immediately asked Zhou Yuwen again, how much money does Zhou Yuwen make for each card sold by a sub-agent?

Zhou Yuwen was getting a bit annoyed by Li Qiang's questioning and said, "That's a business secret. There's a non-disclosure agreement; I can't tell you."

Li Qiang immediately pouted, "You can't even tell good brothers?"

Zhou Yuwen said with a smile, "Not even to my own son."

Chang Hao, who had never thought highly of Li Qiang to begin with, now despised him even more, "Don't bother with him, Brother Zhou. Just let us know if you need help with anything. Speaking of which, we owe you one for becoming the class representative. Otherwise, goddamn, some barbarian would have become it."

The group grabbed a quick bite at the cafeteria and then headed back to the dorm.

Everyone was quite curious about the campus card business as it was new to them, but Zhou Yuwen was busy looking at his phone and didn't have the time to talk to them. They asked him a few questions without getting responses and didn't press further.

It wasn't that Zhou Yuwen was aloof; he was genuinely busy at the moment.

During the day, he had gotten over a hundred freshmen to sign up for cards. They really thought Zhou Yuwen was an upperclassman, and they would consult him first with any issues.

Zhou Yuwen was happy to help them solve their problems, after all, he was waiting for them to get their cards.

Among them, there were some girls in the bloom of youth, looking to further develop a relationship with 'Senior' Zhou Yuwen.

Seeing Zhou Yuwen busy, Chang Hao and the others didn't constantly bother him.

It was early September, and the evening breeze was gentle.

At this time, the university campus was at its most relaxed.

Not only had the freshmen just finished their class meetings, some sophomores and juniors had also just gotten out of class, arriving at the cafeteria in pairs and groups.

These students knew how to dress better than the freshmen.

Some wore short skirts, while others wore shorts.

The exposed long legs of the upperclasswomen seemed whiter and more slender than those of the freshmen, attracting the gaze of Chang Hao and Li Qiang who couldn't help but look everywhere.

Chang Hao was a bit better at controlling himself.

It was Li Qiang who was making a fuss.

"Damn, Brother Hao, look at that girl's outfit, isn't it too daring? Isn't that sleepwear?"

"Isn't that normal?"

A girl who had just showered in the bathhouse was wearing only a loose nightgown, her hair still dripping wet.

She left behind a trail of shampoo fragrance wherever she went, causing some of the boys to become momentarily entranced.

Couples too, holding hands, came to eat.

The girls happily nestled in the boys' arms.

This deeply pricked the hearts of 'single dogs' like Chang Hao and Li Qiang.

Seeing a happy couple ordering food nearby, Chang Hao thought to himself that he absolutely must date in college!

He absolutely had to win over Zheng Yanyan.

At that moment, another girl wearing a white shirt with wet hair appeared in their line of sight.

An eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl, as long as her appearance and figure weren't too bad, would have a fresh out of the water lotus-like charm after bathing. Most importantly, she wore a loose white T-shirt, with the undergarments barely visible beneath.

As soon as she appeared, she caught the eyes of Chang Hao and Li Qiang.

Then, they saw her walking over with a beaming smile, seemingly looking at Chang Hao.

Or perhaps at Li Qiang.

Chang Hao thought she was smiling at him.

Could she be someone he knew?

But he had no recollection of her at all.

Just as Chang Hao was wondering how to greet her,

She approached with sparkling eyes, "Hey! Senior, are you here to eat?"

"Yeah, just took a shower."

"Yeah, the school's bathhouse is so far from the dorm!"

Zhou Yuwen smiled faintly, "Can't help it, there used to be a bathhouse next to your girls' dorm, but it got closed down due to aging equipment."

"Sigh, it's such a long walk every time I take a shower."

The girl had a seven or eight out of ten in terms of looks, primarily because of her very white and attractive skin. She had always thought Zhou Yuwen was a sophomore, so when she spoke to him, there was a hint of coquetry in her voice.

Zhou Yuwen responded smoothly.

Meanwhile, Chang Hao and Li Qiang stood by, completely dumbfounded.