Chapter 27: Disturbing the market will definitely cause trouble

"Brother Zhou, you're pretty impressive! You must be raking in a lot of money, huh?" Chang Hao made small talk with Zhou Yuwen.

With a smile, Zhou Yuwen said it wasn't much.

Zheng Yanyan asked Zhou Yuwen why he hadn't accepted her friend request.

Her question made the eyelids of the two people beside her twitch.

One was Chang Hao,

the other was Su Qing.

Because, in his past life, Zhou Yuwen had boasted to Su Qing that Zheng Yanyan was the kind of woman only Chang Hao would not pursue, claiming that he could win her over in minutes.

"And how exactly do you plan on winning her over?" Su Qing immediately asked with her voice filled with indignation.

Zhou Yuwen then realized he had misspoken.

Now, with time reversed, Zheng Yanyan had added Zhou Yuwen's contact?

Chang Hao was even more flustered.

"Ah? You added me on WeChat? I was too busy this morning and didn't notice," Zhou Yuwen picked up his phone to check and asked, "Which one is you?"

On hearing that, Zheng Yanyan couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter.

Zhou Yuwen's list had five or six girls that were unapproved, but Zheng Yanyan didn't consider herself an outsider; she grabbed his phone and added herself.

She even put a note next to her name, Zheng Yanyan, followed by a heart.

"Is this iPhone 5s the latest model? How much did you pay for it?" She was actually just looking for an excuse to check out the latest iPhone model.

"I don't know, it was a gift from the service center. Didn't I say? I'm the chief agent."

"The service center gives out iPhones? Are they hiring? Do you think I could have a chance?" Zheng Yanyan was instantly tempted upon hearing this.

Zhou Yuwen gave a wry smile and said that wasn't so easy.

"Zhou Yuwen," Su Qing finally intervened, asking with a tone of interrogation, "how did you become the service center's chief agent?"

Zhou Yuwen still feigned ignorance, curiously asking back, "Why can't I be the service center's chief agent?"

Su Qing wanted to say that he was nothing like this in his past life, but she knew such things couldn't be said.

So, after holding back for a moment, she came out with, "Are you even from this world?"

Her question made everyone laugh.

"Giggle! Su Qing, you're so funny. If Zhou Yuwen isn't from this world, then which world is he from?" Zheng Yanyan, with her hand on her belly, giggled out the words.

But Su Qing wasn't looking at Zheng Yanyan; she kept her gaze fixed on Zhou Yuwen.

Naturally, Zhou Yuwen also laughed, "Yeah, if I'm not from this world, where else could I be from? Su Qing, you're so strange."

"Brother Zhou, someone is applying for a card."

"Oh! Coming!"

Liu Shuo's call came just in time to save Zhou Yuwen, who quickly said to keep chatting, as he had some business on his side.

Su Qing watched Zhou Yuwen busily working in the distance, the seeds of suspicion already beginning to take root.

It's just that she had no evidence to prove it.

Could it be because of her appearance that the entire timeline went awry?

And, who was that woman!?

Su Qing noticed that Zhou Yuwen was now chatting intimately with a girl under the tree, who appeared even more beautiful than herself!

In the original timeline, this person didn't exist at all, did she?

What on earth was going on?

Su Qing was extremely possessive; seeing a strange and beautiful girl suddenly appearing around Zhou Yuwen sparked a sudden sense of crisis within her.

Afterward, Zheng Yanyan and Chang Hao each applied for a card.

Shen Yu also applied for one.

During Shen Yu's application, Zhou Yuwen had the audacity to pretend he didn't know her.

Shen Yu came with a sentence, "Brother Zhou, long time no see."

"Hey! I'm really sorry for deceiving you and your mom yesterday. It was just a helpless move," Zhou Yuwen immediately admitted generously.

It was only then that everyone realized Zhou Yuwen and Shen Yu knew each other, and that Zhou Yuwen had even lied to Shen Yu.

Upon learning this, Zheng Yanyan commented, "Dishonest!"

Chang Hao didn't miss the beat, "Hehe! Old Zhou has always been dishonest!"

Zhou Yuwen then clasped his hands in a salute, saying that being a businessman requires it, it's unavoidable.

But Zheng Yanyan wasn't easy to fool, "That won't do, you lied to our Shen Yu, you have to treat us to a meal!"

"Fair enough, fair enough, I'll definitely treat you to a meal after this busy period," Zhou Yuwen agreed.

Zheng Yanyan and the others showed no signs of leaving. Since they had nothing particular to do at noon, they figured Zhou Yuwen's place seemed fun for card-making, so they decided to hang around and chat.

Liu Shuo and Chang Hao also got to know each other during the chat; both were smokers. When Liu Shuo saw three beauties coming over, he swarmed around like a fly.

Meanwhile, Li Shiqi was eating her boxed lunch under a tree.

Seeing Li Shiqi's beauty, Chang Hao's eyes lit up immediately, "Who is this, Old Zhou, aren't you going to introduce her?"

"Oh, let me introduce you. This is my high school classmate, Li Shiqi; this is Liu Shuo."

Li Shiqi, a very quiet girl, stood up politely nodding her head when Zhou Yuwen introduced her, "Hello."

"Hi! I'm Chang Hao, are you also from our school?"

Li Shiqi shook her head.

"She's from Nan Da next door," Zhou Yuwen explained.


At this moment, everyone was confused, especially Su Qing.

Su Qing's expression was one of disbelief, her eyes widened as she looked at Li Shiqi.

There was no such person in her previous life!

And Liu Shuo carelessly said, "Hey, she's my Brother Zhou's childhood friend!"

Childhood friends!!!?

Su Qing's eyes started to redden when she looked at Zhou Yuwen. There were two possibilities, either there was a time-space confusion, or Zhou Yuwen had lied to her in her previous life!? Had he been secretly in touch with this childhood friend!?

Zhou Yuwen told Liu Shuo to stop talking nonsense.

Then he introduced Liu Shuo, "This is my best buddy, Liu Shuo, who studies in the engineering college next door."

Hearing Zhou Yuwen call him his best buddy made Liu Shuo straighten his back with pride!

Brother Zhou actually said I'm his best buddy!!?

Upon hearing that he was Zhou Yuwen's friend, Chang Hao immediately took out a cigarette.

Xuanhe Clan?

Liu Shuo, clearly not bad off himself, also produced a cigarette pack.

Wow! Yuxi!

The two smokers quickly warmed up to each other and began to shoot the breeze.

Chang Hao expertly smoked Liu Shuo's Yuxi cigarette, flicking the ash as he spoke, "Old Zhou, how much money can you really make with this business?"

"Not much. Consider this, the total is one hundred and fifty; the commission goes to those down the line for thirty to fifty, isn't that right? Where's the profit in that, right, Brother Zhou?" Before Zhou Yuwen could reply, Liu Shuo had already responded while puffing out smoke.

"Yeah, I reckon it's just enough to earn a bit of hard-earned cash."

The two old smokers, while puffing away, seemed quite familiar with the business.

Chang Hao even began to devise strategies, suggesting that if a card's commission was fifty, perhaps they could earn less per card, selling for one hundred and thirty rather than one hundred and fifty, to increase sales volume.

However, Liu Shuo expressed his concern that doing so would disrupt the market and cause trouble with others.

"How can there be so much trouble? We live in a society governed by law now."

While the group was chatting away, Liu Shuo's classmate suddenly ran over, "Brother Shuo! Your high school female classmate seems to be getting bullied!"