Chapter 13: I close my eyes and cannot see myself, but I can see you

At the moment Pei Muchan uttered her apology, Bai Jinze thought she was saying thank you until he saw her walking towards Xu Qingyan and the electric bike, and only then did he suddenly realize what was happening.


The smile on Bai Jinze's face stiffened, and his hand paused in mid-air. Liu Renzhi, standing next to him, was no better off, his face filled with disbelief as he watched the pop diva walk towards Xu Qingyan.

Hearing footsteps, Xu Qingyan lifted his chin slightly and gave Bai Jinze a modest look. The other man's cheeks twitched involuntarily, but he had no choice but to maintain his dignity in front of the cameras.

Xu Qingyan was not sure Pei Muchan would choose him; he just vaguely felt that this woman did not like boys who were too submissive.

Since he was given a script that everyone hated, he didn't need to flatter anyone, so he decided to just go with the flow.

He walked over and handed her a helmet.

"Sister Pei, safety first."

In an instant, along with the Celebrity Observer room, a total of five live camera feeds exploded with a barrage of comments.

"Why!!! Ah!! Don't take that stinky man's helmet!"

"Ah! I can't understand it, why would Sister Pei choose this pauper! Now I finally understand how my old man feels, my Sister Pei's been snatched away by a young punk!"

"Old man, is it safe to park your ghost fire bike under your building? (dog head jpg)"

"Alright, I've got my dream material for tonight."

"Oh no, could my Sister Pei be a love-struck fool? Sister Pei, who's always been scandal-free, might not have had much contact with men before, and now she's lost her mind!"

"Kill Xu dog! Stealing my Sister Pei!"


Inside the Celebrity Observer room, two female celebrity observers looked at each other with strange expressions and exchanged glances without speaking.

"Did the two of them already know each other?" Huang Miu asked curiously, "How come... how come Pei Muchan just got on the electric bike? This doesn't seem quite logical."

"They probably don't know each other, the production team has gone through their profiles," Chen Ming replied, "But in the trailer, their relationship seemed to be going well. Maybe Pei Muchan prefers Xu Qingyan's type."

"Do girls nowadays all like this type?" Professor Huang scratched his round head and turned to look at the peony flowers and Zhao Sisi sitting beside the sofa.

Both were synonymous with high popularity, in-demand rising stars of the entertainment industry.

The peony flower looked somewhat uncomfortable, smiled and said, "Maybe she gets carsick and can't stand cars." Zhao Sisi also chimed in, saying riding a bike was quite romantic too.

Chen Ming did not speak again, but looked up at the large screen in the observer room, where a man and a woman were cycling, and the scenery around them began to slowly recede into the background.

The island highway, the asphalt gleaming like it was washed by the sea.

An electric bike carrying two people rode into the sea breeze, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, both wearing helmets, hiding their attractive faces obediently.

There were few cars on the road, and below the roadside was a dark and gloomy cliff. Waves crashed against the cliffs, booming and splashing, creating a high curtain of white mist.

Pei Muchan, dressed in a skirt, sat on the rear seat, pressing down her skirt with one hand and holding onto Xu Qingyan's waist with the other. The position wasn't particularly graceful but avoided the possibility of being remotely fined and lectured by Haicheng's traffic police.

Her long, dark hair flew in the sea breeze, her crimson lips and the sound of her black dress rippling. Her high-heeled, white and soft instep was so pristine, it had reached a food-grade level of color.

The skirt pressed against the back seat, revealing the perfect curve of her derriere, stirring the onlooker's heart.

The sky was azure blue, while the sea was a deep cyan, with streaks of white waves sprinkling across it.

Xu Qingyan could feel the warm, moist breath on his back, Pei Muchan's arms wrapped around his waist, her faint, cool fragrance gently released by the body heat becoming denser with the warmth.

Bit by bit, it dissipated around his nostrils, piercing to the bone, straight to the heart.

Ambiguity was always the best aphrodisiac, capable of stripping away one's status and identity instantly. The two, initially somewhat strangers, pressed their bodies together, and their relationship seemed to slowly heat up.

He couldn't help but hold his breath and focus, wanting to shake off this illusionary feeling, but Pei Muchan spoke first. The sea breeze was a bit strong, so she nearly had to shout.

"Have you seen 'Blue Gate Crossing'?"

Blue Gate Crossing was a youth film, with a sweet and unripe first love, the male and female leads harbored dreams for the future of their youth. They ran wildly in the streets, shouted confessions in the schoolyard.

Amidst the chaos of youth, bloomed brilliant flowers.

"I have," he also had to shout back, "We watched it before the college entrance examination in class, it blew up into three couples, now I can hardly remember the contents."

The filming crew followed in cars, the sound equipment was on both of them. Their conversation immediately set off a barrage of nostalgic comments, the screen flooded with dense bullets.

"Crying to death!! Sob sob, the person I like is kind, cheerful, and free, like the breeze of youth!"

"This movie is super good! Recommend, recommend! Everyone should go watch, it's like the youth of my dreams, I also met a very nice boy...."

"My first love movie!"


Pei Muchan was amused by Xu Qingyan's words, her red lips coming close to his ear, following the curve of his cheek. Whether intentionally or not, it was nearly touching his earlobe.

"We're riding a bike now, the wind blowing by our ears, just like in the movie."

Her voice was very soft, the trailing tone slightly husky with sexiness, as if she were reciting movie lines slowly, each word pounding his heart.

"Right now, I close my eyes and cannot see myself, but I can still see you."

Xu Qingyan's cheeks instantly grew warm, her breath by his ear was enough to drive someone mad, and in that moment, he was really stirred up by Pei Muchan.

A sour feeling prickled at his heart, as if someone had pinched it.

His reaction was captured on camera, Pei Muchan's lips curved slightly, she knew the state of Xu Qingyan in front of her better than the camera did. Slightly trembling shoulders, slightly flushed cheeks.

Humph, completely in her grasp.

In the live-streaming room where two camera angles merged into one, the audience, finding amusement, overlapped with Pei Muchan's fans, and the viewership reached a terrifying seven hundred thousand.

In this moment, even though most of the repetitive and meaningless comments had been urgently blocked by the technicians, the screen was still covered with a dense mass of white characters.

"Oh my God! Pei is too good at flirting!"

"Love it, love it, I'm that electric scooter's back seat, Pei, ride me!"

"Don't be ridiculous, too envious of Xu dog, he actually got to hear Pei's flirtatious whispers! I don't care, she's using the show to whisper to me!"

"Suddenly realized Pei is so good, riding a bike is much more romantic than driving a car, no wonder she chose to sit on Xu dog's electric bike!"

"Xu dog carried Pei, it's like I carried Pei, dream come true!"

Xu Qingyan was not as excited as the comments suggested, even if he was indeed flirted with by Pei Muchan, it was only a momentary daydream.

Ordinary people might already be having heart palpitations, but who was Xu Qingyan? The ruthless money hunter, how could a real man be harmed by sensual pleasures?