Chapter 12: Where Exactly Did We Lose?

Whale Cloud Grand Hotel.

A handsome guy wearing a helmet rode an 80% new electric scooter, which grew from a small black dot in the distance to a sudden sharp stop, parallel parked next to two luxury cars.

Xu Qingyan stepped off the pedal, didn't bother to remove his helmet, and stood there with his hands on his hips, wearing a short-sleeve shirt and shorts.

Liu Renzhi and Bai Jinze both had looks of surprise, simultaneously turning their heads and staring at the oddly dressed Xu Qingyan, their faces as if they were looking at a lunatic.

"Why did you come on a scooter?" Bai Jinze still remembered the humiliation from last night, when Xu Qingyan stole Nian Shuyu away from him right in the middle of their dinner.

Not only did he steal her away, but he also hinted to Nian Shuyu that he was going to control her.

How could he tolerate this?

At this moment, Bai Jinze realized that there were at least four live-streaming cameras around, he first glanced at Liu Renzhi. Deciding to start a group, he half-jokingly asked.

"Why don't you rent a car? Don't tell me you plan to pick up Sister Pei on a scooter?"

"What's the problem?" Xu Qingyan didn't see anything wrong, "I've checked, the romantic cottage by the sea is only five kilometers from here."

"It's a straight road all the way, not much traffic. It's totally fine to take a scooter there."

In the live streaming rooms of the four cameras, the barrages flew across the screen.

"I'm crying, he's actually serious, even seriously discussing the feasibility of using an electric scooter to pick up the little diva Sister Pei."

"If it were me, having a convoy of ten Porches to welcome Sister Pei would not be too much!"

"Stop dreaming, Sister Pei won't get into your car, she's already in my arms. Come on, Muchan, say hello to the friends online."

"Get the guy above some medicine! Who let him out of the hospital!"


Bai Jinze was also stunned for a moment, but then he realized what Xu Qingyan was saying and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"How can you pick someone up on an electric scooter? Can you pick up Sister Pei with that?"

"So?" Xu Qingyan asked, not the slightest bit self-conscious, "Why can't I come to pick someone up, or are you saying.... you've arranged with her that you'll pick her up today?"

"You!" Bai Jinze's face turned dark, almost losing his composure.

He hadn't even managed to talk to Pei Muchan last night, so where did this 'arrangement' come from? He knew Xu Qingyan was just rubbing salt into his wound and wanted to charge forward to teach him a lesson.

But he held back in front of the cameras.

At this time, Liu Renzhi, decked out in a suit despite the summer heat, spoke.

"Let me say something fair, driving a car is the basic respect for Sister Pei, your attitude in pursuing a girl is not right, it's disrespectful to women."

"What?" Xu Qingyan was stunned.

Just because I rode an electric scooter, I get labeled as disrespectful to women? I'm just poor, but since when is being poor wrong?

"How am I disrespectful to Sister Pei?" he countered, "Is there something wrong with a scooter? What do you mean by respect, a freaking horse?"

"Compared to the Lamborghini he's rented, aren't you also being disrespectful to Sister Pei? Why didn't you rent a more expensive one if you have the money?"

"I....." Liu Renzhi was suddenly at a loss for words.

In the celebrity observation room, all five celebrities took a sharp breath, smiles spreading across their faces.

"This guest is quite interesting, sharp as a needle against wheat," Mr. Huang smiled.

"Yes, quite aggressive," Chen Ming commented in stride, "I thought the male guests would at least maintain a pleasant demeanor, but this is unexpectedly real."

"I think this guy has a point, you can't impose your own standards on others," Liu Yuzhou said with a chuckle, "Driving an electric car is nothing to be ashamed of, who hasn't been broke before."

"Yeah, I think electric cars are quite romantic too," Zhao Sisi agreed.

"I get car sick, so if it were me, I'd definitely choose an electric car," Yu Meiren joked—regardless of what they really thought, their public comments had to be positive.

"Here comes the star of the show," Teacher Huang stayed calm and collected, pointing with his hand, all while enjoying the drama like one watching a bustling scene without fuss.

At the hotel entrance, the moment Pei Muchan emerged with her dress in hand, all the live broadcast cameras displayed a flurry of the word "wife." White barrage comments cascaded like an ocean, astonishing onlookers.

"I had only heard Pei Muchan's songs before, and never any other news—she's known as someone impervious to gossip," Chen Ming remarked as he adjusted his glasses, feeling reflective.

"Now that she's suddenly on a dating show, revealing another side of the diva to the public, could it be possible that she's contemplating a career change?"

"It's possible, after all, how long has it been since Pei Muchan released a new song?" Teacher Huang turned in his seat, asking Chen Ming.

"About a year and a half, I guess, she hasn't been active since her last album flopped," Chen Ming provided professional comedic support, ensuring not to let the esteemed Teacher Huang's words fall flat.

Their back-and-forth banter was quite comfortable to listen to, obviously well-considered, and they could discuss guest information with ease. Even viewers unfamiliar with Pei Muchan could catch up with the situation amidst their light-hearted conversation.

"There are three male guests present, who do you think Pei Muchan will choose?" Teacher Huang asked with interest.

"Bai Jinze, I'd say," Chen Ming replied.

"I guess Liu Renzhi, since he's a fan, he would probably be more familiar," Yu Meiren suggested.

"Not necessarily, if it were me, I might hesitate between Xu Qingyan and Bai Jinze, after all, both Lamborghini and electric cars are fun," Zhao Sisi said with a smile.

"Why do I feel like Sister Pei already knows Xu Qingyan?" Liu Yuzhou frowned, and seeing the others look over, he quickly explained, "In that trailer, they seemed pretty close, right?"

"Even though that's the case..." Yu Meiren trailed off, her facial expression said it all—which female celebrity would actually ride in an electric car?

They would lose their cachet.

This was just paying lip service, claiming they wanted to be down-to-earth, but once female celebrities genuinely had to be so, they would avoid it at all costs.

In front of the hotel, Pei Muchan stood before the three men, not even glancing at the cars behind them. Her gaze swept across their faces, pausing for a second when it reached Xu Qingyan, looking not too pleased.

Bai Jinze caught this scene, thinking to himself that an opportunity had arisen.

"Good morning."

He bowed slightly, Liu Renzhi also followed suit saying good morning, and almost simultaneously, both extended their invitations by opening the car doors.

Xu Qingyan, too... oh, he didn't have a car door.

"Good morning," Pei Muchan returned the bow without much hesitation.

"Miss Pei, please get in the car... I brought a cup of coffee, still hot," Bai Jinze nearly hurried forward, intending to help with the luggage.

Yet, Pei Muchan politely smiled, deftly avoiding his attempt to lift her luggage, and turned her head to smile at Liu Renzhi not far away as she said,

"I'm sorry."

After saying this, she dragged her suitcase towards Xu Qingyan.

Her luggage would be checked in by the props team along with Xu Qingyan's, to avoid an unflattering shot on camera.

The weather was sunny, the sun shining brilliantly, with a faint noise of the sea breeze.