001 was born

Fang You felt as if he had had a very, very long dream.

He dreamed that he was carrying a lot of luggage and kept swimming in the water, swimming and swimming.

He's coming up!

He couldn't open his eyes, but he felt strong light stimulation, and the luggage on his body was cut off by something.

Although blind, with a head still very itchy, Fang You had already thought:

I'm born!

He felt like he had a tiny bit of memory from a past life, but not much.

Although his brain wasn't fully developed, he already had some ability to think.

In a daze, a passage appeared in Fang You's mind that even he, just born, could understand:

[The Life Winner System is now activated, accumulate Energy to achieve growth goals, unlock various Talents, and get a head start in life!]

[Name: Fang You]

[Age: 1 day]

[Growth Level: 1 (0/1000)]

[Current Talent: None]

Awesome, it's a golden finger!

Fang You wanted to carefully examine the contents of the interface, but he had just been born after all and couldn't focus his attention.

Ah... no, so tired!

Newborns only stay awake for two to three hours a day.

Fang You fell asleep.

He didn't know how much time passed before he became conscious again.

This time he could open his eyes slightly.

Even though his vision was blurry, he could see outlines.

He felt he was being held in someone's arms, his body soft, with a sweet smell.

Gradually, he began to hear the conversations of people around him.

A gentle woman hugged Fang You dotingly and, looking at her husband beside her, softly said:

"Look at our baby, isn't he adorable?"

"He looks just like his mother, so of course he's cute!"

Then the husband came over as well, and poked Fang You's cheek.

He was handsome and dashing, with the air of a celebrity.

"His eyes are as big as his mother's, with double eyelids, and his eyebrows are willow-leaf-shaped just like hers."

"I think his nose is very much like his dad's, a high bridge, luckily not like his mom's."

"Hahahaha... This child is clearly our treasure."

"Exactly, there's no fear of him being mixed up!"

Newborns generally look quite ugly, all wrinkled up like little monkeys.

But his parents kept complimenting him on his cuteness.

Seems like he was born into a happy and loving family.

"I hope our baby grows up healthy and happy."

The husband also nodded in agreement, "And she'll grow up to be a beautiful princess just like her mom!"



A, a princess?

Ah, this!

I've become a girl?

Fang You was shocked by his parents' conversation and wanted to reach out to check himself.

Ah... no, too weak, wrapped up too tightly...

Fang You started to cry loudly!

His parents laughed even more happily.

"Look at our Nuo Nuo, crying with such vigor... you must be starving! Come on, be good, mommy will feed you milk."

Fang You was still struggling at first, but when his mouth touched something soft, he instinctively began the motion of suckling.

[Growth Energy +1, Growth Energy +1, Growth Energy +1…]

Uh... mmm...

The energy replenishment feels nice!

Fang You was full.

At this time, his mind also became a bit clearer.

When he heard the couple calling him Nuo Nuo, he immediately sensed that something was terribly wrong.

No, according to the system panel, my name is not Nuo Nuo.

I've been mixed up!

I have to let them realize this!

I can't just sit back and be resigned to my fate!

So, Fang You tried to straighten his body and shivered.


"Ah, the blanket is wet, do you want to check if Nuo Nuo has peed?"

"Let me see..."

The husband picked up Fang You and opened his little blanket.

Then, he expressed doubt about the extra thing on the baby's body—

"Shouldn't our Nuo Nuo be a little princess?"

He wanted to check the child's anklet, but at that moment, Fang You hadn't finished peeing yet.

In his youth, he couldn't control his bladder.


"Whoops—ptui, ptui, ptui!"

Fang You's first pee after his reincarnation sprayed onto the face of the man who was not his father.

It turned out there was another baby born on the same day as Fang You in the hospital, a girl named Xia Nuo, whose blanket got switched by the nurse during the bath.

Fang You's biological father, Fang Guanghui, and Xia Nuo's father, Xia Anyang, held a baby handover ceremony.

Both fathers had somewhat subtle expressions.

After all, they had just given their most intense, deepest paternal love to each other's child.

Looking at the child before them, there was an indescribable sense of unease.

"You You, I'm daddy, daddy—"

Fang Guanghui held Fang You and rocked him gently.

He looked him over from left to right, mumbling to himself for a while, and then, as if convincing himself, nodded vigorously:

"Hmm... he does look a bit like me, the eyes... yes, the eyes are similar!"

Why does it sound so perfunctory, hey!

"Let mommy hold you too..."

Chen Xuan took Fang You, and although she looked a little pale, a loving smile appeared on her face.

"He will definitely be as handsome as daddy in the future."

As she said this, she looked towards the baby in the other mother's arms, whose mouth was slightly upturned, and said to Xia Nuo's mother, Lin Yi:

"Our families seem to be quite fated. We should visit each other more often, right?"

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, "Of course, of course, where do you live?"

"Dragon City Gardens."

"Eh? We live in the same community!"

The two mothers became more and more engaged in their conversation.


Although Fang You had the self-awareness of a Reincarnator, his brain development was still incomplete.

He could only eat, sleep, cry, and defecate.

And so, Fang You lived in a daze for three months.

He gradually felt that his mind wasn't as itchy anymore.

He started to see things around him clearly.

He was a curious baby, listening carefully to the content of television programs every day.

From the TV shows, he learned that the world he was now living in was a bit different from his previous one.

The current era's technological development was roughly the same as when Fang You passed away in his previous life, but domestic entertainment industry had evolved differently.

This world had many songs Fang You had never heard or seen before, and some classic hits, well-known games, and legendary anime seemed to have disappeared.

It seems there's a lot to be done in the industry!

Watching Fang You intently staring at the TV in her arms, Chen Xuan found it very interesting:

"Husband, look, our You You is so engrossed in watching TV? He seems to understand what he's watching."

"Only three months old and already watching TV, he's as smart as his dad, surely a genius in the making!"

Fang You let out an impressed sound, then dove into his mother's arms.

Hungry, time to eat!

[Growth Energy +1, Growth Energy +1, Growth Energy +1...]

The so-called Growth Energy seemed to be obtainable by taking in food, but the process was slow.

Wondering if there were other ways to get energy...

Fang You kept eating non-stop, and soon he had accumulated enough Growth Energy.

At the moment his energy was full, he felt an electric tingling sensation in his brain.

Bili bili...

That feels good!

[Congratulations! Growth level has been upgraded to Level 2, unlocking the growth goal [Turning Over]—]

[Flip over 1000 times, unlock the Talent: Reverse Life]

It seems the goal set is quite suited for a little baby.

Just turning over, right?

Even if it's fate, I'll show you a reversal!

It might be difficult for a real baby.

But of course, a piece of cake for the Reincarnator!

Fang You clenched his little fist and kicked his legs fiercely.

However, even though he stretched out his limbs, he couldn't find the sensation of exerting sideways force.

Ah, this.

Don't I have shoulders?

The feeling is too strange!

Steamed bun, I just won't accept this!

Watching the baby on the crib turning red-faced, Fang Guanghui found it very amusing and called out to Chen Xuan, who was knitting:

"Look, wife, do you think You You needs to poo?"

Chen Xuan glanced at her husband unamusedly, "What are you looking at? Go change his diaper quickly!"

Fang Guanghui was about to pick up Fang You by supporting his back.

Fang You subconsciously gripped his daddy's arm, then twisted his body—

The Inverted Celestial Spin!

With his dad's support, Fang You completed his first flip as a newborn.

[You are turning over (1/1000)]

Even though his arm was reddened by his son's grip, Fang Guanghui wasn't angry but excitedly shouted, "Wow, wife, come and see!"

"Is the poop already out?"

Chen Xuan put down her knitting, "I told you to change it earlier—"

"No, You You can turn over now!"


"Come on, You You, do another one for mommy! Daddy will give you a hand!"

Fang Guanghui supported Fang You's body, and together, father and son achieved the second flip.