002 can crawl now

With his dad's help, Fang You gradually mastered the art of rolling over, finding the sensation of pushing with his shoulders.

Soon, Fang You could roll over on his own!

Rolling sideways, upright.


A series of rolls!

Fang Guanghui thought his son was incredibly awesome, often pushing the stroller to visit relatives and friends to show off his son's rolling talents.

And every time Fang You rolled over, it brought continuous applause from family and friends.

Fang Guanghui's colleague, "My goodness, your You You is so good at rolling!"

Fang You's uncle, "This rolling move is so practiced, you can tell he was a soldier in his last life!"

Fang You's grandma, "Hey hey! He's going to roll off the bed! Don't just stand there filming, hurry up and stop him!"

[You are rolling over (278/1000), you are rolling over (279/1000)]

Watching the rolling progress bar accumulating before his eyes, Fang You was filled with a sense of achievement.

I am the god of rolling over from ancient Greece!

That day, Fang You was carried by his mother to visit friends in the same apartment complex.

After ringing the doorbell, a sweet and gentle female voice came from inside the house.

"Coming, coming..."

Seeing the charming smile of the neighbor's mommy, Fang You instinctively widened his eyes.

His eyes twinkled, unable to move away.

"You You has grown so much! So cute, let Aunt Lin give you a hug, mua!"

Lin Yi couldn't wait to take Fang You from Chen Xuan's arms, holding him close and giving him kisses.

"It's been so short a time since I've seen him, and You You has grown so much! So adorable..."

Fang You felt warm in Lin Yi's arms, a familiar feeling.


Sensing the movement in her arms, Lin Yi suddenly smiled slightly:

"Oh my... is You You hungry? Didn't you feed him enough?"

"He just ate, he can't be hungry so soon."

Chen Xuan pinched her son's backside and then curiously glanced towards the living room side, "Where's Nuo Nuo? Is she asleep right now?"

"She is lying in the crib, I just fed her."

Lin Yi, holding Fang You, led Chen Xuan to the side of the crib.

The little baby was wearing a pink onesie, completely motionless.

Like a...

Sunbathing granular leathery starfish!

Xia Nuo, with her watery big eyes, craned her neck to stare at the mobile hovering over the crib, following the movement of the swaying mobile with her gaze, not blinking, as if pondering life.

The adorable Xia Nuo instantly melted Chen Xuan on the spot, who couldn't help but reach forward and poke her cheek.

"Oh, little beauty... what are you looking at? Look who's here!"

Lin Yi placed Fang You down on the crib.

Xia Nuo's attention was drawn to Fang You.

She tilted her little head, gazing curiously at Fang You.

"Look, look, Nuo Nuo is watching You You! Ah, she's smiling, she's smiling!"

The smiling Xia Nuo comfortably bounced her little legs as she gazed at Fang You.

"You You, you and Nuo Nuo need to get along nicely..."

The mothers teased the babies for a while then went to chat in the living room.

Although Xia Nuo was born on the same year, month, and day as Fang You, her growth speed was far behind his.

Now, she was just a little radish head who could only kick her legs, while Fang You had already mastered rolling over.

Xia Nuo's crib was spacious; even with two babies lying there, there was still room for him to roll over.

[You are rolling over (389/1000), you are rolling over (390/1000)...]

Xia Nuo watched the rolling Fang You beside her with curiosity, observing him rolling back and forth alone.

She stretched out her little hand, trying to touch Fang You, but he rolled over again.

She grasped at air.

Xia Nuo didn't catch Fang You, so she rolled onto her side, stretching her tiny claws, straining her legs—

She rolled over too!

When she rolled over, Fang You just happened to roll back.

And so, Xia Nuo landed on top of Fang You.

"Giggles, giggles!"

Xia Nuo seemed very happy.

Pressed down by Xia Nuo, Fang You couldn't roll over!

Xia Nuo's little face was chubby, and as she pressed down on Fang You, she kept on blowing bubbles from her mouth.

Gurgle gurgle, gurgle gurgle!

Fang You was a little out of breath.

I'm not going to be squashed to death!

Fang You started to make a fuss loudly.

Hearing Fang You's cries, Xia Nuo laughed even more joyfully, her drooling face smothering Fang You's face.

The mothers, rushing over at the noise, saw Xia Nuo lying on top of Fang You and all showed surprised expressions:

"We were just talking about how Nuo Nuo can't roll over herself, and now she can as soon as she sees You You!"

"That's why I say, kids should play more together, it helps them grow faster!"

He swallowed a lot of Xia Nuo's saliva.

The mothers were only focused on the babies' interaction.

Chen Xuan even took out her phone to record a video.

Fang You reflected on his pain.

I have had an epiphany!

To survive in this world, one can only rely on his own strength.

I must grow up fast!

He became even more keen on rolling over than before!

Two weeks later.

[Congratulations! You have successfully rolled over 1000 times, talent unlocked: Reverse Life]

[Reverse Life: Your potential for growth has been greatly enhanced!]

Growth potential refers to the inherent ability to grow, endowed by genetics, which includes intelligence, skills, emotions, social adaptability, and other multidimensional development possibilities.

Of course, the most concrete manifestation is in height.

Parents' genetics influence a big part of their child's future height limit.

With this talent, it means that Fang You's future can break through inherent limitations, possessing more possibilities!

Fang You himself has the consciousness of his past life, but his body's development can't keep up with the activity of his brain; his bones and muscles are still growing, so rolling over is not an easy task for him.