Chapter 48: Tony Struck Hard: My Armor is Trash

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#### Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)

"A robot that can freely change its form? How is that even possible?" Tony Stark frowned, something he rarely did. He was witnessing the Sentinel robots' impressive display of power on the screen, unable to comprehend the technology behind it, despite being a genius in the field.

Tony was in the midst of developing his Iron Man armor, and everything was progressing smoothly. Although the final product wasn't ready yet, Tony had already solved all the technical issues. It was just a matter of assembling the suit, with only minor adjustments left. Given how advanced the Mark armor was, Tony was feeling quite smug. It truly was a revolutionary piece of technology, far ahead of its time. Tony's claim of being twenty years ahead wasn't an exaggeration.

But now, watching the Sentinel robots, a cold realization struck him. The Mark armor, which he had been so proud of, seemed insignificant in comparison. The Sentinels could transform into various forms, adapting to different environments to deliver maximum damage. Even if Tony was reluctant to admit it, the Sentinels were far more advanced than his Mark armor.

These robots could transform into beings of fire, ice, or metal, and Tony couldn't even begin to understand the principles behind it. The Sentinel in its fire form wasn't just spouting flames; its entire body was at a high temperature, and yet its internal components remained intact. Similarly, in its ice form, the robot should have malfunctioned, but it didn't.

This was beyond his understanding. His Mark armor would be rendered useless under such conditions. The Sentinels' capabilities were simply incredible. Tony's mind was filled with questions, and for a moment, he was deeply shaken. However, Tony Stark's pride and determination quickly reignited. Despite the current setbacks, he was confident that he would one day create an armor that surpassed the Sentinels.

#### Asgard

"Interesting," Thor mused, watching the same footage. Unlike Tony, he was unperturbed. To him, the Sentinel robots were impressive but ultimately trivial. Thor believed that with a single strike of his hammer, he could destroy any Sentinel, regardless of its form.

Moreover, in Asgard's treasury, there was the Destroyer, a weapon similar to the Sentinels but far superior. Made from Asgardian uru metal, the Destroyer was impervious to damage. Its attacks, powered by Odin's divine energy, were among the most powerful in the universe. Thor was confident that the Destroyer could easily annihilate the Sentinels. Thus, while the Sentinels were notable, they didn't concern Thor much.

#### X-Men Universe

The atmosphere was tense and stifling. Everyone, including Charles, Hank, and Quicksilver, who had never seen the Sentinels, and Wolverine, who had experienced the Sentinel wars firsthand, were silent. They stared at the screen, deeply unsettled.

"Logan, are those really Sentinels? They are terrifying!" Hank finally broke the silence, his voice trembling. The future mutants had to fight against such formidable adversaries? The video alone was suffocating; the Sentinels were incredibly powerful, able to adapt their forms to counter any mutant.

Hank now understood why the future mutants were nearly wiped out, why Charles and Erik had to join forces, and why they had to send Logan to the past to change the future. They were facing an enemy so powerful, it seemed invincible.

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