Chapter 56: He Carried a Nuke and Saved the World!

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Tony Stark, without the omniscient perspective of the audience, didn't immediately recognize the Chitauri. He instinctively thought of them as "competitors" and wondered who else in the world could have built such advanced armor.

Given his familiarity with the world's top scientists and current technological capabilities, Tony was confident his Iron Man suits were ahead of their time and couldn't be replicated. But he had no time to ponder these questions further as the screen displayed another significant spoiler.

"A wormhole?" Tony was stunned. The future seemed to hold unimaginable technological advancements. Who could achieve this?

Tony's question was answered when he saw Iron Man enter the wormhole, confronting an alien fleet. Aliens truly existed! This revelation shook Tony to his core, yet he quickly regained his composure. If Thor existed, why not aliens?

This understanding clarified why a nuke was aimed at Manhattan—to combat the alien invaders. Future Manhattan was invaded by aliens! What a scenario to process.

**S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Director's Office.**

Nick Fury's first thought was of the success of the Avengers Initiative. Since Captain Marvel's departure, Fury had planned to form a team of superpowered individuals, though it had yet to materialize. The video confirmed Barton, Natasha, and Bruce Banner as candidates. Captain America and Iron Man were also ideal members, and now, knowing about Thor, Fury wouldn't miss recruiting him.

Fury's satisfaction was short-lived as he realized Earth faced another alien invasion. Unlike the Kree-Skrull conflict that previously reached Earth, the nature of this future invasion remained unknown. Fury felt an urgent need to assemble the Avengers.

Barton and Natasha were already on board. Banner's condition was improving. Tony had successfully developed the Iron Man suit. Although Captain America was still lost, it was only a matter of time before they found him.

Fury had reservations about Tony. Known for his reckless and self-centered behavior, Tony wasn't the typical hero Fury envisioned. However, the video dispelled these doubts.

Tony Stark risked his life to carry a nuke through a wormhole to save New York, an act of true heroism that mirrored Captain America's past sacrifice. Fury decided to expedite the Avengers' formation, now fully convinced of Tony's suitability.

Thor's appearance remained a mystery, something S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't predict. The only hope was for the mysterious screen to reveal more insights.