Chapter 57: The Aliens Wiped Out by the Nuke Are Too Weak!

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On a relatively unknown planet in the cosmos, Captain Marvel had just helped the local inhabitants quell a rebellion. Staring at the screen visible only to her, she pondered the latest revelation. Did this video suggest an alien invasion of Earth?

Captain Marvel was skeptical, as fabricating such a video was too easy, even on technologically backward Earth. Thus, she couldn't casually believe this seemingly random video. However, the mysterious screen had been appearing before her for a long time, and her investigations in advanced civilizations had yielded no answers. No one else seemed to see the screen, which made her unable to completely ignore it.

After some thought, she decided to analyze the video. If the video's contents were false, there was nothing more to discuss. But if it was true? Even then, it didn't seem too significant. The video showed that, despite the invasion, Earth had successfully repelled the aliens. Earth's technology had evidently progressed, with Iron Man's tech being a prime example.

Believing Earth might have other hidden defenses, and confident that Nick Fury would contact her in case of a real emergency, she decided not to worry about the invasion. Instead, she was more intrigued by hearing Fury's voice in the video. How many years had it been since she last heard from him? The few words from Fury indicated he was no longer a minor figure.

**DC Extended Universe.**

Boom! The sound barrier broke as Clark, mid-flight, plummeted into his Fortress of Solitude near the Arctic. He had been training under his biological father Jor-El's guidance due to General Zod's threat. Learning to fly had been a new, exhilarating experience for him.

But now, the strange screen had revealed something crucial: another alien invasion of Earth. This time, it wasn't Kryptonians. Why was Earth, an insignificant and backward planet, repeatedly attracting alien invasions?

Clark, with these questions, hurried to the scout ship. Inside, Jor-El's holographic form appeared.

"Father, do you know what alien species that is?" Clark asked urgently.

Jor-El frowned, contemplating. "Even Kryptonians haven't mastered wormhole technology. This is highly advanced and rare. Any species with such technology would be a top-tier civilization, potentially more advanced than Krypton. How could their fleet be wiped out by a single nuke?"

To Jor-El, this scenario was absurd. A nuclear bomb, though Earth's ultimate weapon, was trivial to him. How could it destroy an entire fleet of a superior civilization? It was akin to a well-armed special forces unit being defeated by a child with a water gun. What kind of alien race could be so incompetent yet possess such advanced technology?

Clark shared his father's confusion. What was the true nature of this alien species?