Strange Battle

"Ah, Lady Tsunade, it's been a while", Milcar smiles as he sees the sleepy woman in one of the reception booths. This woman, Tsunade, is a receptionist who has been working here for several years, despite having no combat skills. It is said that she has a husband and two beautiful children.

Tsunade slowly opens her eyes, then looks at the man in front of her with an eyebrow raised before smiling sarcastically.

"Aren't you Sir Quasi?, Hehe, it certainly has been a while. Which group of adventurers will you bury today?", Tsunade jokes with a smile showing her white teeth. After all, Uglix is known for the fact that his dungeon companions always die.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Weren't Shikamaru and Choji your former teammates?, Hehe, after they were eaten by those goblins, their parents came in a fuss, saying they would find you and skin you alive", Tsunade observes Uglix with a face that shows a sly smile.

"So, Sir Quasi, Is it alright that you're still wandering around this guild?, If I were you, I'd hide in another town...", Tsunade laughs heartily before pulling out a token from her pocket and handing it to Uglix.

"Lady Tsunade, there's no need to make fun of me...", Uglix swallows hard. After teaming up with Shikamaru and Choji, those two young men were devoured by goblins at least two weeks ago, and now it seems their parents are furious.

How can he not be nervous?

Uglix swallows again before cursing under his breath, takes the token from Tsunade's delicate hands, and gets ready to enter the dungeon.

"By the way, Sir Quasimodo, Where is your team?", Tsunade asks with curiosity, but Uglix simply shakes his head with some resentment.

Seeing Uglix, Tsunade doesn't need to know the answer. Her eyes seem to acquire a strange gleam as she examines Uglix closely. She licks her lips slightly while a beautiful smile adorns her face.

"Are you going into the dungeon alone?, That's new...", Tsunade licks her lips slightly, imitating a certain predatory snake. "Sir Quasimodo, please don't die; it would break my fucking heart, Hahaha!!!", Tsunade bursts into laughter, but Uglix simply narrows his eyes. This woman has always been like this.

Uglix doesn't understand why Tsunade always mocks him whenever she can. However, he decides to ignore her and put the token into one of his pockets.

These tokens are important. Although it are not necessary to enter the dungeon, it are required to keep track of who enters and exits to declare possible deaths.

Also, if one want to sell anything obtained in the dungeon, one cannot do so without the token, and each token costs about ten copper coins per use.

At the end of the day or or when he leave the dungeon, Uglix will have to return the token. Uglix walks through a corridor to a basement.

The entrance to the basement is open. There are spiral stairs leading down to where a huge green spiral floats above a strange small platform. To its right and left are two dungeon guards.

Uglix greets them with a smile, shows his token, and enters the dungeon without delay.


The entrance to the dungeon is nothing out of the ordinary; he simply approach the portal and are transported to the dungeon.

The familiar sensation of his body being bathed by a kind of ants that crawl over him without stinging comes to Uglix as he closes his eyes. A momentary sensation of free fall welcomes him before he opens his eyes again.

Dungeon Grade C, a dungeon that contains some low-level monsters, including goblins, kobolds, some snakes, ogres, and many more.

This dungeon resembles a small underground city with all sorts of inedible and poisonous plants. Also, among some stalagmites formed solely of earth, there are crystals that always shine, providing light to the area.

Uglix wears a serious expression. He sees that in this dungeon he can go in any direction., but the further one stray from where one appear, the more dangerous it becomes.

Observing his surroundings and seeing that there are no monsters nearby, Uglix firmly grasps his sword and shield and begins to advance.


Some time later.

"Is this... a goblin?", Uglix wonders as he blocks the mace of the red-green creature in front of him. His body suffers a slight recoil as a small pain extends through his right forearm.

Then, Uglix cuts forward with his bastard sword. The red beast with an ugly face and only a rag covering its groin screams in pain as its neck is cut.

There's not much to gain from killing the goblin, just some slow experience reflected on his adventurer card as the red goblin falls to the ground.

Uglix squints. He has never seen a red goblin before, but licking his lips, he was about to continue deeper into the dungeon when he notices something strange.

The goblin has a red chain-like necklace.

"Hmph...", Uglix doesn't know what to say. He simply observes the goblin for a moment before smiling slightly.

Goblins rarely drop anything good other than experience. Keeping this in mind, Uglix ignores the peculiarities of this red goblin and continues forward.

After passing some stalagmites, Uglix hears the sound of a battle in the distance, with several beastly screams and a rather peculiar noise.

Uglix squints and walks slowly.

His eyes dilate slightly, his body tenses, and his senses become razor-sharp.

Ahead, several figures that were once small become larger and more visible as he advances.

Gradually, he can discern what is happening.

"A lot of goblins wage a war", Uglix murmurs quietly. It appears a group of green goblins is fighting against a group of red goblins. The red goblins wield large wooden maces while the green goblins use their bodies, claws, and teeth to attack.

Each group of goblins seems to have a leader: a two-meter-tall red goblin and a one-meter-tall green goblin.

As the red goblin shouts fiercely, the green goblin swings a wooden staff from side to side.

"For Ashlak!! Fireball!!", The green goblin yells in a known language as a fireball the size of a soccer ball forms in front of him, speeding toward a group of red goblins and exploding, causing great damage.

"Hmph,... hehe, Do you think it's easy?", the red goblin mocks as he pulls out a kind of potion from one of his pockets.

The red goblin, with an ugly face and a body full of muscles, drinks the potion before making some strange hand movements.

"Beat the enemies until they die!!, Kill!!, In my heart exists only my homeland!!, In my eyes the enemy is reflected!!, Kill!!", The red goblin shouts, and a strange red energy spreads from his body and affects the nearby red goblins.