Konoha Group

The larger red goblins, crazed and with eyes stained the color of blood, quickly leap forward. "Kill! Kill!", A red goblin swings its massive mace, striking two green goblin heads, causing them to explode like watermelons. Green goblin blood splatters everywhere like a spray of paint, but the red goblin doesn't stop. It swings its mace again, killing two more green goblins.

The green goblin squints its eyes, looking worried. It quickly moves its staff to cast another spell.

Watching all this with wide eyes, Uglix isn't surprised to see fights between monster races, but Goblins fighting each other?, Moreover, Uglix has never seen a red goblin in all his years visiting this dungeon.

Now, observing this scene, it seems things have changed drastically during the week Uglix has been away from the dungeon.

Watching the fight from a distance, Uglix smirks slightly. Does he still want to gain something from this situation?

There are many goblins, in fact, there are hundreds of goblins fighting, and it seems those red goblins are not easy to kill. Uglix was about to turn around and leave when he noticed something unusual not far from the battle.

In a huge cage, tied up with old black ropes, several people are watching the battle.

The cage isn't far from the goblins and, in fact, seems to be the loot of one of the goblin groups.

Inside the cage are some teenagers with worried expressions.

Among them, Uglix can distinguish all of them.

"Robust appearance, almost fat, blonde hair and blue eyes; delicate appearance, black eyes and hair; beautiful even at a young age with classic pink hair", Uglix murmurs, observing the teenagers in the distance.

"Aren't these the Naruto Sasuke and Sakura trio from the Naruto world?", Uglix smiles ironically. It seems these kids aren't very strong in this world.

Uglix, who was about to escape, soon gets a reckless idea, a dangerous thought that could bring great benefits.

This is because, among that group of three, Sakura is the daughter of a rich merchant. If he saves her, Wouldn't he earn enough money to leave his smelly shack?, Buy a nice big clean house along with some maids?

Uglix licks his lips. Even though he is just a lowly soldier, his footwork is exceptional. Uglix believes that if he had to escape from this small army of goblins, he could do it thanks to his agility.

Weighing the pros and cons, Uglix, hiding behind a large dirt stalagmite, decides to take action.

He moves his body slowly, circling the battlefield, passing through several stalagmites, rocks, and small dirt mounds.

"Battle!! Mage!!", Various goblin shouts reach Uglix but are ignored by him.

"I'll take your head to the goblin princess!!", One particular shout catches Uglix's attention.

"Goblin princess?", Uglix pauses for a moment. The shout came from the green goblin mage, who seems furious while constantly casting fireballs, in his state, it's impossible he could be lying, Right?

The green goblins are being surrounded by the red goblins, and it seems it's only a matter of time before the red goblins win.

"Is the goblin princess beautiful?", Uglix wonders for a moment, somewhat perverted. After all, he's not known as Sir Quasimodo just because of his fat body and ugly face, but also because he spends all his money on prostitutes.

Uglix is a man who lives life to the fullest. His hip movement skills are almost admirable, and his ability to make a woman faint from pleasure has nearly a 50% success rate.

Now, Uglix shakes his head while releasing a perverted smile. A goblin arm that flew off hits his head, making Uglix almost vomit yesterday's lunch, but he holds back.

"Damn it, Hurry up!, Hurry up!", Uglix forces himself to calm down.

"Stupid green, Do you think your goblin princess is worth anything?, Hahaha, our goblin king, the real red goblin, must already be raping her right now", the red goblin leader speaks maliciously.

However, amidst all this battle, no one notices that the group of captured humans in a huge cage by the red goblins is about to be freed.

Uglix moves slowly but surely. Soon, he gets close to the cage, just fifty meters from the battle. The giant cage with the teenagers inside rests like the trophy for the battle's winner.

However, Uglix approaches eagerly.

"The Konoha Group", this is the name of the group formed by Naruto, a peasant boy; Sasuke, the son of a low-ranking official under the baron of this town; and Sakura, the daughter of a rich merchant.

In this small town, they are the only ones with the "Ninja" class, and this is the reason they became friends.

Sakura's father is a widower who expected his daughter to inherit his business as a merchant. However, upon learning that Sakura wanted to form an adventurer group with two unknown boys, he was so furious that he kicked Sakura out of his house.

The man never thought that Sakura wouldn't care and would go to live with Sasuke. A few days ago, excited by rumors about new mutated monsters appearing in the dungeon, The Konoha Group rushed to enter the dungeon to gain experience and maybe find some treasure.

However, after a few hours, they were ambushed by formidable red goblins, and although the three have ninja skills, none of them could escape, ending up captured and taken as prisoners in a cage.

Now, the three watch with terror and sadness at a grim fate.

No matter who wins the battle between the red goblins and the green goblins, they will be taken to be offered as sacrifices. Naruto and Sasuke will probably be devoured alive while Sakura will be used to give birth to many goblins.

Thinking about this, Sakura can't help but tense her legs. Her body trembles, her mind racing with unpleasant thoughts, and a deep sense of despair hitting her soul.

In this situation, the three teenagers see a familiar face approaching the cage.


"Isn't that Sir Quasimodo?", The three think simultaneously, having seen this person before.

In fact, it was one night when Uglix was drunk, talking and singing about his adventures with the prostitutes of the red light district.

At first, the Konoha group thought Uglix was just another drunk adventurer who would waste his life and die without glory in some dirty alley.

However, they once saw him fighting an ogre in close combat.

In the battle, the ogre could have crushed Uglix and broken several of his ribs, but the fat man easily dodged the beast's fists. The ogre could have simply grabbed Uglix with his big hands and crushed Uglix is bones with his strength, but every time he tried, Uglix moved his sword to prevent it.