Attack (1)

As it turns out, one of his followers was actively praying to him, asking for his blessing. It was the Angel with a darkness affinity who asked for his guidance in the upcoming task.

Answering the prayer, Ezequiel again descended into his territory, where he found that everything was just like how he left it the day before. The only difference was that the special Angel was kneeling on the floor with her eyes close and hands clasped together, mumbling some uncomprehensible words.

One of the most important advantage that beings who worshipped a god had over the natives of the lower dimension were blessings.

Just before a large war or mission, the beings could ask their god for a blessing. He would then spend a certain amount of faith points, the more the stronger the blessing.

The kind of buff you would get was usually closely related to your divinity. A god of nature for example could either grant increased growth speed of plants in the territory or increased vitality. A God with the divinity of war could increase the bloodlust or fighting power of his subordinates.

The problem Ezequiel had though, was that he didn't have a divinity yet. This meant that his blessing would be random.

But he still wanted to try it out. Even though the Angel didn't really ask for his blessing but more for his guidance, which is more of a rhetorical request, only serving to increase the moral of the Angel.

Wanting to reward his followers for their hard work, Ezequiel chose to spend a total of 5.000 faith points on the Angel of darkness. Since she could produce about 50.000 a day this didn't actually seem like a lot.

As the blessing was condensed, Ezequiel hoped for something good.

[Blessing of Information]

[Effect: Increases the perception of the effected beings by 50%]

‚Woah, looks like my luck is better than I thought. This will be extremely useful for the mission.'

The Angel who received the blessing was surprised. She knew that such a strong blessing probably cost a lot of faith points. For that reason she knelt down and started to pray even more fervently.

Ezequiel simply signaled for her to set off and return exactly one day later.

After being done with that, he looked at the cultivation of his two oldest Angels. Both of them had reached the third level of the Energy Refinement realm. The reason for their slow break-through speed was not their lacking talent but the low density of spiritual energy of a low level planet.

But it's not like they would break through much faster somewhere else, since a high cultivation speed could lead to flaws in the foundation. Ezequiel was content with their progress. They would probably be able to fight a Peak Foundation Establishment expert already. Maybe even higher.

Next, he summoned the 2 Angels he could summon daily, who once again turned out normal. They were two men.

‚It seems like the ratio between men and women is 1:1. But that makes sense. Though it wouldn't be as big of a problem for Angels, in other species there might exist some complications down the line if there were only men.'

Angels were actually a species that couldn't reproduce through intercourse. In their opinion, only the sacred lord should be in their heart, no other Angels. They also didn't spend their time with pleasure but only ever did things to serve the lord.

After signaling for the rest of his Angels to continue cultivating, Ezequiel returned to the upper realm.

He was already excited for tomorrow, when he would finally begin expanding his territory.

Some people might say that Ezequiel was too hasty, he should wait until his Angels entered the foundation establishment and had the ability to win against the strongest goblin in the world. But he had another reason why he wanted to attack the goblins.

Gods actually had the ability to upgrade the summoning platform. This meant that Ezequiel would be able to summon more Angels each day. But there were two requirements for the upgrade.

The first one was to spend 200.000 faith points to generate the energy for the upgrade. The second requirement though was more of a test by the lower dimension if you were worthy.

You needed to conquer at least one village of an enemy force and increase your territory to a certain size. Ezequiel would have 200.000 faith points by tomorrow. This meant that he only lacked the territory but that he would also take care of.

Anxious for the next day, the time passed slow. Ezequiel chose to check on his territory a total of 4 times today before going to sleep. He really couldn't wait for tomorrow.

The next day, he woke up about 2 hours earlier than he did the past two days. He went into his territory but didn't summon any Angels yet. He hoped that they could conquer the village today which meant that he could upgrade the summoning platform.

Ezequiel simply waited for the return of the special Angel, who returned right at the moment she took off yesterday.

„Make your report!" Ezequiel's voice sounded in her mind.

„Reporting to the Almighty Lord Creator!" The Angel told Ezequiel all the information she found out within the day she was inside the village.

According to her investigation, the strongest goblin inside the village was only in the third stage of the Energy Refinement Realm. This Ezequiel had already expected. He knew that the village would be pretty weak. With only 6 Angels they could easily take care of all villagers without any of them running away.

The only problem was that the village was backed by a big kingdom. The king was already in the Sea Expansion realm and supposedly there were many Foundation Establishment goblins as well.

Though the Angels wouldn't die in a one on one, they would be overwhelmed by numbers if the kingdom attacked.

They had to stop the goblins from contacting the kingdom on any cost. There was also another problem. Every 7 days there would be merchants coming to the village. If they went missing as well the kingdom would investigate the reason and probably discover them.

This meant that they had at most two weeks for further development before they would have to face the entire kingdom and probably the entire world.

Even if most of the kingdoms were actually enemies, they would band together to banish the invaders from their world. Usually natives of the lower dimension were hostile to the worshippers of god.

But Ezequiel was confident. If they had two weeks time that would be more than enough for a few Angels to enter the foundation establishment realm. At that point they could probably fight off even the strongest of goblins in this world. He was confident.

After the report, Ezequiel gave the command for his Angels to attack the village. He wouldn't be able to watch so he had to wait until they were successful in their conquering.

Ezequiel had full confidence in the strength of his believers which is why he didn't choose to grant them a blessing or give any additional advice. That would be like giving a knife to someone who's beating up a small kid.

They already knew that they had to stop communication for any cost so there wasn't much he could say anyway.

Finally, the Angels set off in the direction of the village.