War against the goblins (3)

As the Angel of Death was ready to strike again, most kings were fearful and even tried to flee. Though they had been part of wars before, never had they met such a fearsome enemy who could slaughter their generals with strength equaling their own.

„I will take him on!" The one who spoke was the largest goblin king, generally also acknowledged as the strongest. Gronzk.

As the two sides clashed, the Angel of Death was surprised. The man before him had actually managed to block his attack. Even though he didn't use his full power and the goblins arms were shaking, he did block it.

„So you have understood intent as well!"

The goblin before him wielded earth intent on an even higher level than Karok. If he had met him a few weeks ago, then this fight would have been very challenging. But with his current strength it could hardly be called a fight.

Since the King had lived for way longer, he understood slightly more intent than him, but the element of Death was so much stronger compared to Earth, that it didn't matter.

Activating his Death Domain to its full capabilities, the Angel of Death could already see that the goblin king was struggling to resist the corrosive and life-destroying effect. He had to concentrate on resisting which meant that his reaction speed was slowed down.

The Saint used an ability which coated his body with Death Intent, making him practically invisible inside of his domain. He rushed forwards and slashed down with his sword, using every ounce of strength as well as the full extent of his Death Intent.

Gronzk had coated his entire body in an Earth armor reinforced with Intent as soon as he saw his opponent vanish. But as he felt his head be hit by an attack, he lost his courage and hope.

Just this single strike had shattered his entire armor and he felt the lingering intent corrode the little pieces that still covered his body. But he wouldn't give up yet.

Knowing that a battle of attrition would be useless with the attack power of his opponent, he conjured a heavy sword made of Earth which he could only wield due to his abnormally strong physique.

He rushed towards his enemy, but his speed was just to slow. The earth element wasn't really known for its agility and additionally the Angel of Death could read all movements inside his domain and easily dodge them due to the difference in speed.

Gronzk used his entire power to lift the sword that weighed several tons above his head and swung it downwards in one smooth motion. But to the Death Angel he might as well move with the speed of a snail. He dodged towards the left and used his own sword to slash at the face of the goblin king.

Just as the sword was about to connect with his face, the goblin king conjured another earth barrier, but it could not completely stop the sword. It slashed right across his eyes and left a slight cut. But since the wound was infected with Death Intent they were badly damaged in the short time that Gronzk needed to combat it with his own intent.

The pain that he filled as the Death Intent destroyed the life energy in each of his cells was indescribable. It was like all of the cells were exposed to freezing temperatures and rotting at the same time, as if thousands of needles pierced each of his cells. Only his immense willpower stopped him from screaming.

The injury left his eyes disabled and would have turned him blind if it wasn't for spirit sense. Spirit sense is an ability that cultivators can unlock in the Sea Expansion Realm which allows them to communicate with the surrounding spiritual energy. Through this communication they can gain information about their surroundings and even see through walls.

The only problem is that it is an ability that's hard to train before the Core Formation Realm which means that the goblin king wasn't effective in using it. Though he could still ‚see' his surroundings, it wasn't as fast as before. There would be some time difference between the event happening and him seeing it, so he would have to anticipate his opponents movement now.

As he noticed this, the king started retreating to regain his composure. The intense fight and pain had left his mind in a wreck and he needed a short amount of time to pull himself together again. But the Angel of Death obviously wouldn't give him this opportunity.

He instantly chased after him, due to his faster speed he caught up in just a moment and started barraging the goblin king with sword strikes.

Gronzk struggled to defend himself, to a large part also because of the delay in his vision. The only thing he could do was reconjure his armor and hope it would hold out. But obviously it didn't. Slash after slash hit his body and the Death Intent that entered seemed to steal his life energy. The affected spots turned black and he started aging rapidly.

„HELP ME! We can only win against him together!" Gronzk screamed out in pain, asking for help but it was meaningless. Through his vision he could see that most other kings were trying to escape instead, a hopeless endeavor.

Only the two kings who governed the second strongest continent came to his help, but it didn't make much of a difference. They couldn't really resist a single attack since they lacked intent. They died after just two strikes.

Looking around with his spirit sense, Gronzk noticed that most of the goblins next to him and below him had already been wiped out. They were losing on all battlefields.

‚Is this really the day our world falls into the hands of otherworlders? Those foolish kings. Do they really think they will be spared after I die?" The strongest living goblin had lost all hope, he was on his last leg and the only thing that kept him conscious was his willpower. He had aged to a point where he looked like he would soon take his last breath even without his injuries.

„You have fought well for such a weak species. May your sins be washed away in hell until you realize your wrongdoings and acknowledge the Almighty Lord Creator as the only true purpose in life."

With those words the Angel of Death finally took the life of the brave goblin king by taking off his head with one swing.

As he was done with the battle, he looked around and started going after the rest of the Sea Expansion Realm goblins. Especially the cowardly kings who had run away earlier.

He killed all of them, except for the one who he judged had the weakest willpower. Suprisingly this was the goblin who earlier announced that they didn't even need so many troops to take care of the invaders. He chopped off all his limbs and let him fall to the ground. With his strong vitality and cultivation he wouldn't die instantly with just those injuries.

Eventually only the Energy Refinement goblins and below were left. Though they were the weakest they were also the most numerous so all Angels cooperated to kill those that were still alive. They had lost all will to fight after seeing their leaders die and just waited for their death.

Finally, one hour after the battle started, it was over. The ground was flooded in blood and littered with green corpses. Every single goblin above the Body Refinement on this planet had died.