The Recruitment

It's been a few months since Dionysus arrived in Athens. He found his grandfather, he's living with him and helping him out as his grandfather is getting older and is needing more help to do tasks around his home. Dionysus periodically meets and talks to Markos to get updates on the situation outside the walls. Markos kept asking Dionysus the same thing over and over, but Dionysus remained silent. Dionysus' grandfather asked him after one of the meetings "why won't you Dionysus? You have the abilities and skills to do it. Do you feel like you would be too much like the man you resent?". Dionysus was not happy after that, without a word he up and went, he left the villa and stormed towards the port.

After several hours he returned to the villa, he looked his grandfather in the eye and said "no, i don't think I would be too much like the man I resent, but instead I know I would be better, I just truly do not want to possibly meet that face once again". He knew he had nothing to do in Athens besides take care of his grandfather, he was very content, yet his grandfather was persistent and pleaded with him to go become a citizen and do what Markos was asking. Dionysus still would not do it, he could not bring himself to leave his beloved grandfather. Dionysus' grandfather had taken the situation into his own hands and had hired a nice woman to take care of him so his grandson would go and do what his closest friend wanted. Annoyed with what his grandfather did, he finally agreed. He left one morning and started the citizenship process in the city of Athens. By the end of the week he had become a citizen. Markos returned to the villa, not expecting Dionysus to accept after practically begging him, and said "Dionysus, I ask for you to please join the Athenian army, I ask you to take the first step in doing that, please, we could use someone like you".

Dionysus, speaking from the balcony, remarked "I'm a citizen, I'm ready to move forward, recruit me, make me a soldier of Athens, make me a threat to Sparta and Corinth". Morkos was stunned, he honestly never believed Dionysus would do it, he never expected him to want to join the military for Athens, but nonetheless he was happy and excited. So after waiting on Dionysus to get ready and come out of the villa he escorted Dionysus to the place where he could become a soldier for Athens, Markos talked to Dionysus the whole way there about how he was making the right decision and that he would make the Spartans scared. Dionysus was not really worried about how he made the Spartans feel, he was after one man and city-state, Eros and Corinth.

After some time Dionysus was given his spear, shield, and xiphos sword, as well as his armor and who he would fight for. Dionysus was glad to see a friendly looking face in his commander, Markos. Dionysus was put on the same assignment Markos was on when they met, he knew that area pretty decently after what happened there. Dionysus and Markos had been in a few skirmishes with thieves and enemy soldiers, Markos had passed the information on how well Dionysus was fighting to the higher ups in command, Dionysus earned plenty of new ranks in the Army due to this, before he knew it him and Markos were moved to a new assignment, fighting in major battles under generals. Dionysus was racking up enemy casualties and reporting so many slain Spartans and her allies.