The Boar

Dionysus was a lieutenant now, he had fought his way through the rankings, he and Markos had become great friends through all the bloodshed, so when Dionysus told Markos about what he was hoping would happen on the battlefield he was pleased to hear what Markos had said in return. Dionysus was ready to face General Eros, The Boar of Corinth, his father, on the battlefield. He wanted to face him one on one, so after some time and arguing with his commander he finally convinced him to allow him to fight his father on the battlefield. Dionysus wanted to eliminate the one he hated most, he wanted to eliminate the father who disowned him, Markos was worried for Dionysus as he knew the caliber of fighting General Eros was capable of, he'd seen it first hand. But Dionysus didn't listen to Markos when he said he should have someone there to help him fight the General, he shrugged it off and stated in return with a brash and agitated voice that he was ready and positive that he could and would kill his father.

The battle began at the crack of dawn, Markos and Dionysus as well as the other soldiers and their general were fighting, crushing enemies, but the Corinthian forces were doing the same, eventually after a few hours the numbers had dwindled. Sadly for the Athenians and Dionysus the Corinthians were killing more than the Athenians, so Dionysus decided it was time, he looked in the fray to find his dastardly father, once he did he charged him, he attacked and parried, he stabbed and slashed, he blocked and bashed, but the battle between the two looked extremely even. They fought for minutes on end, it looked to start leaning in favor of Dionysus, Markos could not believe it, but that was all taken away by one foul swoop of The Boar's xiphos, he broke Dionysus' block and cut his spear in half, Dionysus was in complete shock, he stumbled back under heavy blows from his father, he dodged and parried, he weaved and attacked, he was backing towards a cliff, this was it. Dionysus ducked under one of his father's attacks, he slipped behind him is the process, in a quick but poor decision he charged, bashed his father with his shield, but his father was fast and grabbed the shield, Dionysus couldn't let go, they both ended up tumbling and falling down the cliff.

Markos and the general saw what happened and could not believe it, they expected the Corinthian soldiers to break after their general fell off the cliff, but they didn't. They fought harder, they bullied the Athenians and would not let up. The Athenians had lost the battle, they were crushed, few survived, but not many of the Corinthians did either.