Demon ball

Annie carried yin gently back to ascendance ,with the help of Harley, they got there in no time.

" He looks so pale , "I must administer all I have left to him ", Annie stopped.

"We have no choice as it is , he may not likely survive this without it ". Harley stroked his chin.

" Okay here goes nothing, Annie dropped yin gently on the ground, who was not moving a muscle .

Annie inventory opened up ...

Curing balls of Mana

Gifted to Annie on a wonderful day by miss.chumpinks , gets a weak or dying player back on his or her feet in an instant.

Balls given : 33

This is for the best , Annie moved closer to yin and stuffed him with six.

" Not a little too much ? ". Harley glued at her back in a thought.

#Ooh she must really love yin, certain ! #

" Not at all " , Annie replied Harley , " and I heard that dirty thought of yours ". Annie shooked her head.

Light beamed the whole area around them, and once again yin was back to his feet.

" Thanks guys " , yin cried a bit , Harley held him and said," no worries bro, you know we group here don't just go fighting on their own , he help each other out there ...okay ? ". Harley beamed an awful smile.

" Yeah, yin sniffed and hugged Annie ". "Let's go inside, Harley puffed with laughter , controlling himself ".

" I will murder you Harley ", Annie chased him.

Later on ...

Luis tipped- toed to his room , and gently closes the door.

Door : *creaks*

" Aah fuck ! ", Luis fell on his knees, " I swear we were going to kill , we were almost at the, Luis stared at Damon.

Damon inventory opens ...

Demon curse ( II )

Obtained by Damon proving worthy to tatrus .

User speaks a demonic spell on enemy and controls his mind.

Can be casted a number of times,if you still have the tatrus


" Psematos incedia momenth, psem... Luis cuts in and cried " please i will prove myself to you , better than ever , I swear if you the high ranker , Quinn the middle ranker and I can go we will succeed in turning them or killing them", he stretches his hand towards damon , " fine little player let's head out ".

" I need to pee " ... Luis smiled awkwardly.

7 years ago ...

"Master , they are coming with over 5 mages, 3 fighters , and...and...". George froze and stammered.

" Oh what is the matter now tell me , George ! ". Sergent yelled at George.

" Sorry master but the one leading is lenoard the high ranker... The.. " Tatrus worshipper ", George and sergent looked at theirselves.

" I knew this school was gonna face this ... Every student needs to be inside, certainly they will not kill them but transform them into one of tatrus followers". Sergent stood up and rushed downstairs, George looked at the window in fear , " oi they are almost here ", he followed sergent.

" Hey all of you, get into your dormitory, danger is coming for us all ", sergent looked at the sky.

The students reluctantly walked to their various dormitory.

Sergent inventory opened up...


Awarded to sergent as a child

User gets to open up this veil as a holy shield over anything he or she wishes to protect.

Enemies who forcefully pass through it will disintegrate.

Free to use anytime no limit.

Sergent opened up the veil over ascendance, it quickly covered the whole school.

Just then...the enemies arrived.

" The shield will kill us if we try and pass through it , Lord lenoard ". Yelled Agatha , lenoard laughed and laughed till he stopped abruptly, we are killing every single one of them in that school today, whatever it takes, I don't care.

Lenoard conjured a famous tatrus worshipper skill.


A terrible demon who sings at it's will, it song will corrupt anyone who is not a tatrus worshipper..the corruption ends up devoring you.

"Today , nothing is stopping us!", Lenoard smiled as the demon began to sing.

Sergent held his ears in pain , George cried and rolled on the floor at the pain of corruption flowing into the school, the students were safe although due to miss chumpkins , she casted a cancel out spell,to counter shogun's corruption.

But she was not safe either she held her head in pain. Sergent turned on the ground and opened his inventory

" Inventory , how can stop this's unberable !! ". Sergent cried.

" Master am sorry but there is no possible way of stopping the corruption that is filling you up right now but we have a skill ".

" Yes , I remember Lord Lucius gave it to me ". Sergent staggered as he stood up. He looked at his colleagues yelling in pain," they are about to be fully devored", his inventory cried.

" Their corruption level is at 86% , you need to hurry master ".

Sergent conjured a spell

Battle of light

Grants all non tatrus worshipper,. 120% Mana, speed and recovery.

Usage amount : 5 remaining

Sergent smiled light beams were dropping on all of them and cancelling out the corruption that almost killed them.

" Don't give up now teachers, we fight even to the end ". Sergent turned around and they were all beside him, " we take the fight to them " , collosus clenched his fist.

The students just watched at the drama they believe was going on, they had no idea what was going on.

"The veil has dropped", master , " I know they will give up eventually", lenoard smiled as he and his men walked further into the school they saw the sergent.

" Good men and Lord's , to what offense do we owe this visit ?". Sergent was polite.

" Oh please enough with the act, good men! Ha ha ha , you know we are here to kill every single one of you if you don't join our team ". Lenoard smirked.

They seemed to have a plan in mind , one of lenoard's hand was at his back, it was agreed that when he snap his fingers the attack will begin.

" Am so disappointed lenoard , you were once a teacher's so sad that it has come to this " sergent stepped back , his colleagues were behind him ready for anything.

" Enough of this nonsense, lenoard snapped his fingers...

Sergent striked them immediately with a spell.

"All units attack lenoard "

Sergent yelled.

Mark of order

The mark of a student in ascendance, so a student was forced to follow any order given by any teacher who uses this skill.

"And because all your team were once our student, they have that mark " sergent turned

Lenoard looked at his team, " we are sorry master, we are not doing this on our own will ".they started attacking.

" You useless fools " , lenoard got angry.

Sergent still backing lenoard spoked " you going to fall into the trap you made ".



" Lord lenoard is certainly no push over, he killed all his team in minutes", colosuss watched.

Lenoard in his chains thought

" Is it finally the end for me ?, the high ranker, the feared among the lower people "

" I Know the gods were never in favour of me attacking sergent the holy one "

" But how can my strength and powers not work against him , I guess that's why you don't just go on attacking a holy priest ,

But if this my fate...

Then I refuse to accept it ".

" I am so disappointed lenoard, so tell me why did you ditched us for this power that got you nowhere" , sergent stared at lenoard. But lenoard only...



" Go ask your fucking goddess ". Lenoard brought out something from his mouth.

This a powerful weapon of the tatrus worshippers ...

It's a demon ball

We called it stone of revelation...

Only use it when you know there is no more hope

But when you use it , you can never be human again...

You become a demon.

" If this is indeed my fate ,I must die knowing I killed you sergent ", demon lenoard smiled.

" Attack !, He just transformed , he must certainly not really know how to fight in this form ".

Some priests fired holy beams at demon lenoard which caused dust ...he could not see quickly sergent flew towards him and struck him with his staff.

" This is judgement " sergent huffed.

Dust covered again , so the priests and teachers thought sergent has killed him.

But when the dust cleared ,demon lenoard was holding his staff , " oh sergent , this time you die ".

Colossus watched them fight and thought to himself

" This fight is not looking good for sergent, with this new demon , we can't guarantee our victory

But I think there was a weapon greater than his staff , just where has it been hiden ".

The other evil priest in the midst of colosuss and the others thought to himself.

" So this is power granted to tatrus worshippers, indeed it is great , look that lenoard so big and mighty now,

He told me to linger with this fools but I think if I kill one or three of sergent beloved teachers or his priest, I will be also granted a demon ball...

Okay here goes nothing".

Brings out a knife

But before he could strike, a marked appeared on him and he felled to his death.., " what they were tatrus worshippers amongst us the whole time ? ", Colosuss and miss chumpkins watched the fight.

" Thank you brother , your useless soul power is now mine ". Demon lenoard laughed.

Tatrus recall

Use the souls of other worshippers nearby to boost your powers.

Free to use anytime as a demon.

Power boosting up

" He's about to strike all of us ", colosuss cried, " not while am here " , sergent turned and veiled he and his teachers and priests.


Boom !

The body of his brother burnt , " so that was what going to happen to us ", Fredrick was stunned.

Sergent dropped the veil in anger and yelled at demon lenoard

" Stop this "

" Stop this evil "

Demon lenoard zoomed at sergent and hit him hard , sergent fell to the ground.

" You say evil ? "

" We grew up together , you of the goirnette family, became a holy one out of the bules.

You were only thirteen

You never enrolled for the post of the holy one but some how you became one,

What about me?

The age to enroll for holy one was fifteen,

Wasn't I good enough ?

I was training and even enrolled for the post but never got it ,

Your family bribed the priests to help get you what you desire

I never had a family ,

Your corrupt parents has killed and destory a lot of kid's dream to be the holy one then...

You alone just got all the powers of the holy one , but it ends today" .