The raid

One !

They huffed and looked around the whole chamber.

Ned said , " there's no one here ? ",

" How dare you enter my chamber , and disturb my royal sleep , you will be punished ".

Yurdika flew and dashed towards them ,

Meanwhile ....

" I think the sequence is over sergent ", Arno huffed and sighed.

Sergent only thought to himself ,

" Yin ! Yin ! , How dare he disobey the mark of order ,

Did he somehow neutralize the mark ?

Or didn't he have the mark in the first place ?

All this is telling me one thing ,

I don't know how many are here in the raid with me ....

But amongst us here are tatrus worshippers , hiding and conspiring against us !

I made sure the students who came here for the raid were given the mark and they were people I can trust ".

Sergent turned to Arno and asked , " Arno who brought yin into the raid ? ".

Arno replied immediately , " Ned recommended yin to take part in the raid ,

And Ned works for the Inquisitor Mathias ".

Sergent eyes in shock stammered , " ma..mat.. Mathias ".

Mathias was at the back thinking , " they ruined the whole plan , did they run away because of fear , they screwed everything up ...

This was my chance to have a higher stand in the tatrus worshippers rank and also impress sergent ,

Those two ruined everything , the whole plan is messed up ! ".

He said to the students , " change of plan brothers , get ready !

But they wisphered to him , " get ready for what ".

Mathias answered slowly , " get ready to kill or be killed ".



Sergent came towards them with his preists and he looked at Mathias eyes saying

" Mathias , do you have anything to say to me ? ".

" To you "

" Nothing really , what's there to say ", Mathias held his sword

Back at yurdika chamber ...

'Curse Mana flow ' , yin dogded a few and bolted yurdika , yurdika opened up mirror ,

Yin fell to the ground , Ned wanted to strike with his lightning but yurdika opened up mine field , Ned leaped out greatly and slashed her chest with his blade ,

Yurdika turned coldly and blasted Ned with skill 6

Reap ( III )

Cuts and rips all Mana in your opponent body , making him half dead.

Usage amount : no limit

Ned shouted as the pain he began to feel was unbearable , yin brought out the moonlight sword and threw some balls at Ned and veiled him

Curing balls of Mana

Gets a weak or dying player back on his feet.

Balls amount : 50

" That should help him recover ". Yin dashed towards yurdika and slashed her severally ,

Yin stopped abruptly , no hits was given , yurdika smiled and punched him , " ugh ,. I forgot about distortion ". Yin coughed out blood but he still stood up , then he remembered...

" To kill the negative form of yurdika , you must stake the moonlight sword through her heart , she will fade instantly into her good self ".

Yurdika opened up mine field over yin , yin yelled in pain and jumped out of the field . Yin dashed towards yurdika and staked the sword through her heart.


she burnt up , yin opened up the veil , Ned was alright again , they moved back from her and the sword , after a few moments , the sword stopped shining and remained in the ground , her dark Mana flew over the ground , yin huffed and said to Ned , " let's find the weapon eternity ", as they moved further Ned thought , " I'm certainly not a push over but I wouldn't have been strong enough to defeat that witch , he's definitely right and strong as if he already knows what to do ?

Is he or can he see the past ?

Like he knows everything that wants to occur ".

Yurdika's eye ball sobbed as it moved further in the dark Mana , it said sadly , " oh Hugo grant me your boosting power , we are once again defeated ".

F W O O S S H H H H ..... .... ...

yin held his hair , and Ned covered his eyes as the whole place began to glow , once again yurdika transformed and her eyes this time beamed red , she smiled at first.

Then she turned towards the moonlight sword and it shattered , then she flew very fast towards Ned , Ned held his sword in fear and thought , " she's too fast ". Yin opened up his inventory and caught her with a web.

Skill 5

Queen's spider web

So strong and sticky

He drew her back saying , " get over here " , yurdika struggled and tried to free herself only to receive a slash from Ned blade ,

Ned stood and smiled , " nice the attack wor...", He felt the same slash on his chest ,


Reflects up to 230% of damage given to you back to striker.

Ned staggered and fell down , yurdika opened up dark curse Mana over him , Ned screamed in great pain ,

Yin got angry and blasted yurdika several times with blue lightning , he threw several balls again at Ned and veiled him up , " at least he will feel better ".

Yurdika smacked yin on his face , as yin fell to the ground, a lot of thorns held his hands still like chains , " what.. no ! It must still be eurydice sorcery " , Yin grunts.

Yurdika opened up mine field severally over yin , yin remained on the floor all his body were torned and ripped due to the mine field , yurdika stared at him from a distance. He sighed and began to draw a symbol on the ground with his blood and ,.....


yin got summoned by the angel , " what do you think you're doing yin , how do you know about that blasphemous symbol ? ". The angel folded her arms.

" Pay up " yin smiled

" If you want to know pay me "

The angel got angry and held yin neck with her power , " don't you remember that I gave you the power to see the past , certainly you're ungrateful ".

" Oh then just kill me ", yin smiled

" Those pathetic gods up there , think I'm going to go and just die there , it's better if you kill me right now , right here ".

The angel sighed and asked yin , " then what do you want ".

" I want a better skill or weapon , this veil you gave to me is not going to do anything , this curse removal ring is not going to do anything , the moonlight sword was just useless ". Yin yelled.

" You hear that gods , if I die , you gain or lose something , but I bet you , you won't find another human as entertaining as me , are going to keep twiddling your thumbs ,

I giving you a chance now ...

All the gods sat and watched

god of the sky

god of death

god of debt

god of medicine

goddess of luck

goddess of light

The goddess of light smiled and said "interesting ", a great light strucked yin back to the chamber ,

Dust filled the whole place , yurdika stood up from her throne in shock ,

Yin came out of the shadows slowly , " hey , sorry to keep you waiting ".

Yurdika smirked and dashed after him , with all her dark hands

She strucked yin , but her hands were caught off , she screamed in great pain .

Yin smiled and said " awnnn forgot to wear gloves ".

Divine sword of light

A sword formed from Ray of primeval light.

People unworthy of holding the sword will burn to ashes upon holding it .

The goddess of light smiled and said " haha what an amazing human , I'm sorry for underestimating you and not equipping you better , you get to keep the sword and it's power is all yours ".

Yurdika tried to disort but yin cut half of her head and said , " you may be a great sorceress but you can't defeat such a divine item especially a sword".

He finally stabbed it through her heart and yurdika fell and shattered into her good self.

" Who are you ? , Who do I have to thank ? , For driving away the evil in me ".

" I'm yin , the one that will succeed your legacy , I need your help with the weapon of eternity ".