
Many routes lead to the same place or if you want to achieve things you

will get to seek the route to earn them but how??

I don't even have a solution or idea to be on this route but it comes from

your actions.

I can tell you how to find a solution by telling you a strong story.

I can make you admire to be really on this route to success.

You will have a better feeling after having the best admirable idea for

overcoming any threads to be on your route. Still, you will have to think

well and not act before you ask and think that every problem has a

solution and may lead to another problem to make you stronger.

Don't panic these are the best things that make you the most powerful

human in life you will have it by focusing on the story and writing the

benefits you have in every chapter of this story.

Be productive to make your ideas real and achieve things you haven't

achieved before.