1. Formation

Many different types of people want to make the world the best only for

the most beloved people but some difficulties prevent them from doing

what they want they don't know the key to all their problems.

The best way to do what you want to do appears by meeting and

learning from different people like encouraging you to do something and

making your dreams come true but you have to be careful when you

meet people, they may change you into a bad character and affect your

dream and your life.

Two people appear in yourself; the good one and the bad one.

These two characters make your route and determine your dreams you

have to maintain and be careful.

Once upon a time, a good man was Living in a country but this country

was poor in education and the future of this man was unknown so his

the family decided to move to another country that could make his life

perfect and find a better education and continue his route to have a

home, wife, and kids and make his life good.

This man has his way perfect because he always smiles and has the

perfect plan in his mind and can overcome his difficulties except

knowing the meaning of his goals in life.

He doesn't know that the meaning of goals can make him know

everything he wants and makes the perfect man in life by determining the

limits and not crossing the wrong path because it can make him change

into a bad person and he can decide that.

There is also a bad man whose family tried everything to change his

terrible life he can't see that because he enjoys bad behavior and does

unknown things that make people afraid of him, he rarely talks and he

even can't smile and be with good friends and he becomes the biggest

the enemy in people's hearts so they get away from him and talk badly about

but this man knows what people think and he is fine with that if they get near him and tease this man, they get a bad and hard lesson

from him "Don't you ever think about it" he trained in boxing and became

well-formed body he hit people with words and fists. He can't live like


What is his goal and his future??

The answer is unknown to him, he doesn't know and doesn't care about

that, all he wants is a peaceful life with himself.

His family decided hard to make him study and have a better future in

the country makes him feel good and away from bad people and they

want him to make good friends and be with them any time he wants. He

doesn't agree to have a friend because this will make him weaker in his

beliefs and there is no reason for this.

He always turns his anger to training boxes, his advantages are strong

will and determination in dealing with people, and he can make them

shut their mouths in his terrible way.

He is affected if anyone tries to help him with his life and becomes very

angry and wants to kill whoever tries to help.

He can do better but with what???

He will have to be another person to fix his bad character and achieve

what he wants which is perfect for him.

These two men have their problems and they don't know if they are good

or not but they can do better not by themselves but with the stars' people.