2. surprised

The first thing appears when the decision is made and becomes a goal

for both men, the good one moved to the city with high hopes for a

better future but he didn't know if it was the right decision or not.

He doesn't care about the future anymore because it is unknown but he

must be optimistic.

He says "The future is by your actions" he is very excited to see his

future shining or not.

He wants to be with good friends and the first role for him in this is good

manners and a handsome man, so he decides to go shopping with his

family and wear some beautiful clothes.

He talks to his family he asks "Is the first day in a place that is unknown

and the environment also hard?? " he sounds scared and hesitates, the

parents smile and assure him that it isn't hard because the best place is

easy to make your dreams and the route becomes clear ahead.

He doesn't know if this is true or not, so he goes to buy some clothes and

returns home, he wants to walk a little bit to think about life and what

would be like if he stuck to this city, his parents permitted him to go to

place they know is safe for him to go and they want him to get to

know the city well.

He thinks and thinks but the imaginations begin to appear in his mind

what his life will become in this way; his way to school, his friends, and

his teachers.

He thinks that his friends will honor him for his knowledge, intelligence,

and well-formed body in sports but he isn't well in certain sports, he has

potential powers, but they don't come easily.

He is well at good and positive thinking, he is optimistic about everything

except thinking about his people and new friends. He doesn't seem to worry about his first day in high school he smiles and

wants to return home with good hope.

Things appear on his way back, many things make the worries go away,

they come without planning so on his way back he meets people who give

their smiles and they talk to him about life and what is like when you

first experience the world from another place, a place where you have

never been before.

Things that make you feel the real experience of your life by their vision

for life.

That makes him feel better about the next route for him but it is unknown

for the good one.

He heard a very inspiring story that made him feel abnormal feeling

made him admire how this world is perfect by yourself how the world

wants you to do better and make it real, a very inspiring future for

everyone in life.

There are four men every one of them has very inspiring hopes for their

life in the future but their work isn't enough for their hopes they never

gave up.

They introduce their life as a piny wherever you put the piny will grow

if you look many times and become more than piny.

The first one admires the idea of collection for business to become a

wealthy man, the beginning is hard but it will be successful.

The second one knows that the beginning of yourself is the key to a

successful life so he begins his career in a job that makes him learn

from the mistakes he made, he learns and continues and learns and

continues until he becomes a successful worker and people want to learn from him to be just like him.

The third has a difficult time and hope to be achieved that doesn't mean

he is done for, he asks and asks many people about anything he wants to

achieve, and then appears to be small and needs the patience to be collected

and have the way you want.

The last one this way and hope it is like a child's dream but it doesn't

mean that he never so he hears the negative opinion and the positive,

he follows the positive and fixes the negative to be the most famous

person in the world who is known for his achievement in a certain

points, he deserves the best.

So It is just like hope first it is small and sometimes it is mean for you

but if you look at it very well and several times it will grow with honor

and quality.

Just like their hopes, they wanted a happy life to overcome any problem

but they wanted to learn new things by facing new problems and

working on how to fix this problem.

This inspiring story makes him admire what his life will be like if he

looks very well at his hopes.

He wants to have the best hopes by knowing the best way to achieve, the

further you are away from home, the better way you achieve to have the

most powerful quality.

His life isn't completely clear, he is still young and he doesn't understand

the meaning of his life yet.

He faces the force of understanding by meeting and discussing the

wrong things he had done and working up to fix them. While walking back home his life becomes at risk for him and his

family, bad people appear to tease this lonely man by his looks and the

the way they make him easy to do whatever you want so they come close to

him and tell him "Hey what are you looking at ?"

He answered " Nothing" and didn't look at them

"You think you are good if we hit you, we will break your bones"

He made a mistake he told them he was sorry and apologized to them

and they left him and he made it and got back to his home with a

terrifying look in his eye, his family noticed that but they didn't want to

calm him down because this is the first time to go to the first route which

is for the next future which is school, their son is becoming a man a real

man to take on the road.

He prepares his things to wake up well and the future appears to begin.

On the other side, we talk about the bad one his life is a little interesting

in a certain way.

He is very well about his hoppy which is boxing and of course, his

silence in front of people that makes him the terrifying-looking man,

every time he shows himself people get away from him.

The experience he had while he had no power and no idea about home,

what are his plans for a happy life ever after ??

What is the goal he wants to achieve??

You will find no answer.

He first learned about his life with bad ideas, and he knew that the better way

to achieve is by yourself and the people are useless and they can become

hopeful for him to do anything he wants by threatening them and their

family by force.

He gave them the message and maybe a lesson for them and if you

imagine the power he had is very very harmful and may be helpful for

the weakness but he doesn't want partners or anyone beside him, he is a very hard man to deal with.

So the beginning starts by arriving in a very simple way, he prepares the

beginning of the first day by training hard and fixing the shape of his

well-formed-looking body.

You have to know that he made up his mind to do whatever he wants

with no discussion no second thought, if you look for his mind, his mind

is closed and it will cost your life if you want to open up and learn about

his life.

His life will be hard for him on the next route later.

He had a bad imagination about his past he remembered what he had

done at certain points if he saw something he immediately remembered

the worst condition he faced on that day before so he became angry and

started to turn this anger into energy and hit the target, he trained on and

do training hard and hard, his hard work is perfect for him but not

enough for him.

He never thinks about the benefits of training, he continues his way and

doesn't know the price he will have by hard-working so ashamed right ??

His family decided to move to the country where the good ones are, they

came to him and talked about the system of a new country and how to

deal with certain things like the people, money, and house when they are

outside in their jobs.

He knows every single thing they talk about he had grown up

understanding the family's doings so he tells them "Don't worry I will be

Right you don't need to say these things anymore I have grown up" The

way he says this is not good for their heart but they love their only son.

They said to him good luck with his first day but the bad man had

unknown feelings for anyone they became worried. He went to continue his training again to fall asleep and go to bed for the

first day, he remembered how they came all this route to this country for

him, he remembered how parents do the best for their sons but it

must be by the son's wishes but the first wrong thing appears in raising

the children are forcing their doings to be just like him it can be true and

the best for the family but you must know the good becomes precious if

you have a child who wants it and wants to make it grown in quality and its

characters are maintained.

That is the thing he wants to have and claims it but the time isn't

supported for certain people.

He became angry and continued to hit and hit until he felt tired and went

to bed for the morning.

The only thing that makes you interested in what is you like when you

visit the future can be boring so both of them slept with hopefully good

in tomorrow but the amount difference in both of them.

The good one wakes early with terrifying looks on the first his family

encourages him to school and better results he will get.

He ate breakfast and went to school, the neighbors wished him luck on

his first day he smiled and arrived at school.

He met the good and bad people he went to have the good system and

admire the best method of studying in school and he went to see every

corner of the school like the restaurant, library, classes, teachers' room,

and the head teacher's room.

The bell started to ring to go to class but he didn't know which class he

went to the head teacher's room and asked about his class place, the head

the teacher told him where it was.

He went to his class and entered with a surprising look on his face, this scene was remarkable in his life he hadn't seen that before.

He saw the bad one he was setting on his disk with a surprised-looking

also on his face.

The good one grants his classmates they all have stares on their faces.

They told each other "he looked exactly like him" whispering to each


The bad one stood up and told the good one this terrifying question

"WHO ARE YOU??" Loudly.