3. Acquaintance

The beginning of this part appears to have many routes ahead but this may make you take responsibility for this condition and you may learn from mistakes, you must know that the mistakes I talk about are by you made. (you must make mistakes to know when you make these mistakes again you know what you must do, this means that you knew that and know what to act for this.)

Let's get back to the story we stopped at the staring look on both men and people were shocked about the appearance of both of them, they looked exactly like each other but the shape of their bodies was different.

The good one, his body is weak but it isn't bad for sports but in severe conditions isn't enough, he must be careful in conditions that may lead him and his family to danger.

He must use his mind as well, he can be good at dealing with several conditions like talking about the benefits of certain points and how to act in threatening conditions, he may be good I don't know but you must know this"A healthy mind resides in a healthy body"

The first time he saw someone who had the same face but in a different form of body, he didn't know if this was true or not what he saw was real or not.

The good one's appearance is the most admirable in his character, the clothes on him fit him and his face isn't bad at all but it makes him bright in looking appearance as I said before he is weak but he isn't bad for sports he can be well-formed someday.

Let's talk about the character that appears in front of them I sadly tell you that he can be teased easily by people because in his look he can't be angry or be the most harmful human he will not do anything harmful to anyone so he is very very easy to deal with he will do anything for people without retake the benefits of doing what they want and his luck in asking as they do is unknown and weak but his replies may be shocked to someone or not.

Although he has all of that his heart is another thing that makes the man different from another person, he can change to another person be that good and he must have this change either good or bad, and do every single thing that makes him satisfied in his mind.

You know I like him because he may change everything if it is necessary like making the person check himself and helping him to solve his problems, his potential is unbelievable if you look well, I can't make sure if he was like this before or not but with time he passes he will be known with this character.

The first appears on his face when he sees the other man is surprisingly looking like you see yourself in the mirror and this one is different in clothes, characters, and his family.

He couldn't do anything to his condition and he may have fallen unconscious knowing the identical face is in front of him.

The bad man is the most character is personalized in him, his clothes and characters when you see him, the thing that will come to mind is this man has the strongest bite force on you he is very very strong you can't deal with him and you can't even see the good in him ever.

You may ask this question is this man cable to change?? The answer is yes and you will find this out later.

The conversation starts now:

The good one says when the bad one shouts at him "I I .. you have.... I am....." he hesitates.

The people are talking to each other and laughing from the good ones dealing with this condition.

The bad one says "DON'T COME NEAR TO ME FROM NOW." and he shouts to people to shut their mouths.

The people's fear of him and the face the bad one has is terrifying when you look at him.

The good one replies to him with this "Well I don't have no idea what you want I didn't come near to you but you must show respect when you talk to someone I assure you that I will remember your request when I come again and again" the mistake is made again by him.

Both of them start to turn this conversation to war they replay to each other and the people watch them in shock and nothing to do but watch the only thing that matters both of them had this like they were brothers for a long time ago but it isn't right then the teacher enters the class to start the first day teaching, both of them stop arguing and go back to their seats with nothing on them, everyone in the class is amused about this conversation between the two men and spread the news between classmates they become famous by this conversation they are known by "Conflicted Brothers".

The first time happened in their life to be known by this surname, for them both it is nothing because this life causes this scene but let me tell you something about surnames, the benefits of names are being known by their meaning and the certain problem that needs you, especially your name is called by them.

I think names are not a problem for you but names can harm your life forever if you don't like them or you even don't see that they suit you by your actions this is called bullying the most harmful method in educational life, you should be aware of this point, it can decide what your life will be then so be careful.

Days after days passed of the scenes that happened between between two men there are changes in fates.

There are activities they need to do to get full marks In subjects and also activities in school in the year to get to know your friends and help each other in your life and you can become hopeful and helpful to anyone, it is funny right??

The teacher enters the class and talks about activities in school and anyone who wants to have any of them must sign his name to commence activities bits of advice that everyone must sign to get to know everyone in your class well and maybe your entire school and wishes them a good luck in activities and gives them a warning message "DON'T CAUSE PROBLEM IN DEALING WITH YOUR CLASSMATES OR I WILL ACT BY MYSELF TO YOU"

The good one is very very excited about this beautiful chance in his first year in school and he considers this a change in his route, he must be careful when dealing with people to not cause problems that affect his life after that.

The only thing he wants to have is communication it doesn't matter how to does it but he must have this criteria in all his ways.

The bad one doesn't want any of the communication and the only thing he wants is to leave him alone, he doesn't need to choose because it is important in his year in school and he is forced to do activities in certain objects to get marks for success in his first year.

But the scenes start to come for both of them again and again.

The good one was on his way to meet people to join and do his first activity, there were bad people in school, unfortunately, they began to tease him for his stupid plan as he didn't know anyone yet.

One of them said, "What is your plan new one ?"

He replied that it was none of his business and they shouldn't ask anyone just like that.

This statement of his action makes the bad one admire what the bad guys will do to him because the good one did that with him before so he comes to them and gives the bad guys support to have a peaceful mind he says "What are you talking about? We all classmates or we can tell the teacher about this if you insist on doing what you want "

This conversation begins with bad guys and it ends with two men again it is very interesting don't you think?

So the good one doesn't know what to do with the bad one's words so he goes out with no words and a disappointed face because he doesn't know this conversation turns out to be just like that.

The bad one smiles with evil on him the bad guys appreciate his support and invite him to walk into their gang and get to know each other well so they can become brothers.

First, his mind doesn't agree because it could make him weak and he can't do anything to have a peaceful life but he agrees to their invitation to put his hand against the good one and shut him forever.

The good one is on his way away from them and the bad one smiles because the bad one uses his way against him, he thinks he can use the way that the bad one uses but it can come without planning on going out.

The best way to gain your best reward is to let the bad things go so he decided to not speak and get out of class to end their conversation as they thought that they won the conversation and do whatever they wanted but when the right time came he can be against and he will win.

He went to the place to get to do his activity, he wants sports, music, and social activities, he must get to know someone to have the same activities and help each other, he is good at dealing with people and he can make people love him easily, he is very kind with people in some people not all of them.

With his hope and good tasting of good behavior, he easily meets one of the football leaders, he greets the leader in his good and beautiful way and asks him gently to join with any team to gain friends and be the most loved one in school.

But there is a problem.......

He said that the team is only available in football and that they are not well-performing but this team has hope in themselves but the chance of winning the challenges hasn't come yet.

This makes the good one feel disappointed and this dream begins to fade away, this is good because the beginning of the amazing begins with the weak point.

He starts to get along with the team members and asks to join them and he will do his best work to put their trust in the right place.

This way is perfect for this man but this will open in many routes; the good and the bad, the signs advertising the names of people in teams will be advertised later in the school panel.

The bad one doesn't have to go with guys he hangs with, he doesn't want to be with people or make friends because he thinks that it will make him weak and away from his boring life.

Guys were talking about what they achieve if they continued their work as a "victim breakthrough" They tease the weakest people with their words and if people continue to put their force against them, they will welcome and they will fight and put them down under their foot.

That work is very very dirty and unacceptable but it is necessary for the bad man because this way can make him feel unstoppable especially the looking like him "good one" he wants to get rid of him and live his meanless life away from people, all he wants to be alone.

He asks about their first day as a team to do the first work but they say "Not this easy we let you work with us we need to know about you who are you what is and all your details if you tell us we may make you one of us"

This becomes a difficult choice for the bad one because they will know everything about him, he needs to make a perfect story to make him join him as the leader.

He says "I am far away from his town, I came here as a student who wants the perfect story perfect way.

I am very remarkable in certain ways I can't tell you now you need to see these ways yourselves.

The only thing I want is to be with people to fill my empty time in this country".

They agree to make him one of their members in front of him but in their mind no.

Do you know why??

Because part of the members saw him dealing with the good one and it isn't enough they decide to test him to know him well as his words are right or trick for them.

They first take a picture as the new member joins the group and then they put a schedule which is for meeting in a certain place at a certain time, they organize their work very well.

You must know that in any work you want to do, the first for achieving goals of this work is organization which is critical for performance.

This meeting made the bad ones think about what they are really and they will do anything to achieve their goal.

The guys were crossing the way he crossed so they talked to each other.

He asked about the first target to aim to do their work.

They think he wants the first target by himself, so they say "Which one do you want to deal with?" He answers in his terrible way "I think we should deal with people who are near us we see them every day in our life." They expected the first target who is the good one.

They said ''you don't mean the man we ...."

He replied "The one who stood against you and we had a problem before; the first day of education"

"So you want information about him to make him away from us," they said

"We must know the good and weak points about him and I think the better his history before he met me," he said

"You get yourself a deal we have to wait a few days to get it for the first work," they said

So the beginning of problems takes its place by their decision to first put their force against one man.

The bad one looks forward to getting the information in early time to get rid of him, he goes home to train for the first work which is one day remarkable for him.

The good one with nothing this time no people beside him until he gets the first football team, they are about 4 people and with him, they become 5, he wants to make friends, they welcomed the first member with warm and they were kind to him but they know of course about the bad one, so they were careful in dealing with him.

First, it happened so fast but the good one was intelligent, he understood ways of dealing with people, and he understood people's thinking and what they are.

So he talks peacefully with truth meaning "I want to discuss something with you my dear team I have someone who has the same look as me but I don't know him and I have nothing to deal with him

We aren't brothers as people used to say"

"So why do you join us this team especially?" Someone on the team asks

"If you want to kick me out you have all the right to do whatever you want but I will never try to do anything to harm you, you didn't do anything harmful so why do you think I will harm you DON'T TELL ME BECAUSE I AM THE BAD GUY I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM," he said

The leader of the team steps forward and looks at him smiling with his words but the words are heavy and make them admire the new member the leader says "Well first you must know we accept you because the decision was made by me not them I must thank you for your words you gave this a prove for your loyalty but the only thing you must I am leader you must respect us I don't blame you you hold something that will make special I respect your actions, you are different."

The good one is ashamed of what he said earlier but this action made him an admirable person by his brave words.

The first thing in admitting certain points you should begin with understanding the situation you are in; the good or not suitable you should relieve what you will achieve in this conversation.

They ended the conversation well and they put a schedule for training by the leader so they went with hoping for a good and better future.

The leader decided to walk with good ones, which means they will become later friends the advice is to be well when dealing with people to get friends.

The leader said, "What do you know about the bad-looking like you?"

He answered "I wished when I met him on the first day of education I never met him again because he gets me on my nerves, he is very very impolite but I am not sure that he is dangerous I don't know"

"You must be ready for anything he may do anything harmful to you.

You saw him with friends?" The leader asks

"Unfortunately yes the first friends" he answered

"Then you better be careful in next time, here is my phone number if you need anything." the leader said and gave him his phone number.

The good one thanked him with gratefulness chance with him.

The good one returns home to get enough sleep for tomorrow but the day was amazing and made him imagine the future very very very much.

This is the beginning of something dangerous for both men's first interference.


The bad one was on his bed ready to sleep then suddenly there was a message unknown number telling him "We have the information you need we are ready to interfere we are waiting for you" he smiled.