4. Confrontation

This smile is the worst thing I have ever described in hurting someone to be away from the necessary situation to develop your life "learning from people".

The good one expects the worst thing from being told about the bad one and what he will do if he is doing the bad things as the leader said to him, he must be careful in certain points and certain dealings with the bad one in the next few days.

The first thing he wanted to do to stop the bad one from harming him is to tell the teacher about his plan but that thing is never with proof to put him away from the good one.

The only thing that matters to him is how to deal with him again and if he starts to attack what he will do to put a stop to his bad things?

Do you know what is his problem??

He is very very weak, he doesn't know anyone for real he is in the first line in dealing with people. If he rushes into trusting people, the weakness begins in him.

Rushing is the way to achieve the weakness.

The man is always thinking about it and he is scared that he uses it as the only way that is remaining.

Do you remember the coin I just talked about??

The beginning is starting with the smallest amount, very very very small to become later the largest thing that is made by you.

So fortunately he remembered this important wise and asked himself "Is he capable of achieving the biggest thing by his small amount?" Answers will come not today, later on, the answers will come.

He thought about telling his parents about this problem that he discovered early but it is also without proof to be had to take protection against bad people, they will ask and they will not have the answers they need.

The good one's team is starting to adapt the characters of the good one and he becomes beloved with his abilities in dealing with people.

He wasn't at all ashamed of what he had done in first time because with this unexpected situation he was in, he dealt with this very very well, and if it wasn't the perfect way it was suitable.

The thing you want mustn't be perfect, it must be suitable because we are different, we don't like certain points which you think are perfect for these.

You must think very very well to put things in place to become the completed formula that is solved.

The action good one made friends with him especially the leader and the leader first advised him about the problem of what it looks like with people.

Let's talk about the days that make both men start to get to each other again but this time is dangerous.

The days are in good one difficult because the danger is coming at any time, he is aware if this thing starts to turn against him.

He isn't scared or stressed because his faith in himself is very very high, you will ask me how he has that and not the friends beside him. It is a sample because he believes in himself.

Believing in something is what makes your place and with value.

The training will start with the first match with the good one's team.

The well-formed body that the good has can make unexpected results for the team, the leader wants to make sure that the good one is ready for the first time in training which will make it easy for him because it is the first day for him.

That day started with easy and good performance with good one, he now understands the problem with this team and why they are weak.

They aren't weak at all but their performance must be repaired to get their machine going well later.

The weakness doesn't appear with your work, it appears with your laziness to not perform this work.

The leader isn't hard on his members, he doesn't want to make his training unbeloved for his people and knows that the good one is the key to all their problems by his performance.

He asks the good one for a moment to talk about his team members and the good one agrees at the end of the day to not make the rest feel the leader eases the good one, not them.

The leader agrees with a beautiful smile what the good one thought for his people, the leader encourages the team very very very well and the good one encourages the rest of his team, he helps those who had difficulties to perform certain training.

The day was great with perfect results for the match, on his way back the leader was walking with him to talk about their team.

The leader: "What do you think about our team?"

The good one: "Do you believe that they are strong and they can become Champions"

The leader: "Wait just here why are you so sure about this?? This isn't coming with our team"

The good one: "This is because you didn't see the problem."

The leader: "What are you talking about? Their problem is weakness."

The good one: "No this isn't the problem because the performance isn't bad and it is acceptable for me but with repair, it will become enhanced"

The leader: "I want to ask something I saw you perform the training you are one of the players what is your secret?"

The good one: "The answer will be shock for you the love for this sport is in my first place but this love comes when you see in front of you I may not have the potential but I think with time It will turn to become the gold."

The leader: "Wow that's something you still see I am impressed I want to thank you for your advice but I may need help I think I can't do it alone I became the leader of the last team"

The good one: "Why do you say this you aren't a bad leader you chose well and I will help with all means to develop this team to the top."

The leader: "Thank you, man"

The good one: "Any time I am here to help you, leader"

Then the leader asks about anything that the good one noticed in the actions of the bad one, the good one denied but he says that it would happen in the meantime and he thought it would happen on an important day for him.

That thing hasn't been defined yet but later everything will be known.

That day passed on the good one well but the other one; the bad one wasn't patient with anything all he wants is harm and a peaceful life away from the people he hated.

Let me describe the day on the other one.

The message delivered to the bad one made him excited for the first time he would earn a peaceful mind, do you think he will get the peaceful thing he wants??

He will get it but not in this terrifying way.

He replied to this message by smiling he made not by texting.

The question you wanted to ask how do they get his number?? Don't rush you will understand later.

The day came at him with lighting on his face to go to the first meeting for his gang, he prepared well by training and severe exercises he hadn't done before.

The gang's decision before the other place is not the same as before, if their place is exposed to their activities, they will make the mistake of being away from their work maybe away from their own life.

The place he went wasn't bad at all but it was suitable for staying or living, they told him if you wanted to ask about the message, that thing was none of your business.

They expected if he refused and decided to put his word against them, they immediately kick him away but the bad one wasn't angry or had anything to say about the message anymore.

They were surprised when he said that you are welcome at any time, the only thing he knows the deeper they get to someone, the harder they will get because their plan will sooner or later be exposed.

They don't have any trust in anybody how they will do their work.

They have the lead to not let anyone be away from them.

The thing and only the bad one fall into the trap and he won't get away from them because they have him on his hands.

One of the gang: "First my team we have the first target we must first take him down we happily consider him the majority because he put his words against our team."

The bad one: "the other of me."

One of the gang: "Exactly and we have the thing you asked for but this information if you are exposed to anyone but us we will handle you very very badly."

The bad one wasn't scared at all.

The bad one: "The only thing I want is his weak points to put them to use"

One of the gang: "Do you think we will tell you this easily?? You do what we order."

The bad one peacefully: "Ask and I will do anything you want."

One of the gang: "The beginning of the work depends on you If you fail, the bad things will happen to you.

You must put your eye on the other of you. The better we have his activities, the better we will interfere to put him down."

The bad one: "I can't say no but this plan is exposed because the other of me has the eagle eye and I am his enemy he doesn't know about you of course and believes the one who will attack him is me so why do you ask me the eye on him this the failed plan in my opinion."

One of the gang: "How do you know that he has the eagle eye, he is so so weak."

They have no idea about the abilities of the good one.

If you want to take someone down you must learn his abilities not the information about the the man.

That thing will make the winning easier than it usually is.

The bad one: "You have the information what is the way to learn about him??"

One of the gang: "The information isn't about his weak points you presumed."

The bad one: "WHAT"

One of the gang: "We have the way that you won't know until you do what we wish you to do."

The bad one: "Well this thing will take some time if you want to keep an eye on him."

One of the gang: "Tomorrow the opening of the activities, do your work.

Remember we will make weekly meetings in certain places, you will tell us the information we need and if we have an urgent meeting we will inform you immediately."

The meeting was very very surprised and ended with an impossible mission.

How the bad one will watch the good one and if the good one notices this action the immediate action will be performed against each other.

This time the match is very very difficult for the beginning.

I always say the starting of anything is difficult.

I think the way to interfere with the beginning of something is by making it turn to you no need to force it against you.

So the first thing is waiting for the announcement of the activities to know what he will find the good one.

The name of the team the good one in his place will make watching over him harder than usual.

The day has come and the activities are ready to deliver for the improvement of education; The caring, the assistance, the improvement, the repairing of the problems, and the leadership.

The activities are sports, arts, signing, social activities, and reportage training.

The difficulties of the plan start to be in front of him, he doesn't find where the good one is and what activities the good one shares to be on the frame in front of him.

He didn't think about that the good one didn't join any activities because he knew his way worked just like this.

The only way to know where the good one is is to ask someone about him but there is a hindrance on his way that if he asks someone or anyone, he may just ask directly the good one where he is.

The bad one thinks that the plan will become a failure for him to continue his way to shut down the good one once and for all.

He tells himself "The only way to get what you want is to disguise yourself just like him."

The missing points are what and how he will disguise himself.

The best way to show yourself is by your work not by your shaped looking.

He must find a way to earn his place in his gang and that place is not easy but very very very hard to achieve.

He wants to talk to his gang about how to get the information while looking and he must tell the difficulties he had to make the plan an excuse to win his first fight against the good one.

He just needs the two of the gang he was with to discuss this problem he had, they never want him away from the gang because the bad one has the potential ability to put his words against anyone.

The closer the man is, the greater power they will have.

This thing is starting to solve his problem so he talks to them and asks the best way to achieve the fight and deal with a good one with all his means and win the work by the gang.

Fortunately, the guy they have is the closest friend to the leader of the activities and of course, he has the names of each activity and with that, he earns the place of the good one.

After a few days, they have the information about the good one what activities he is in and where he is, and all about his team.

The best thing that comes to the bad one is to make the good one pay for what he did to him and two gang members.

He remembered his role in his work is keeping an eye on the good one but this plan will nearly be completed.

The place is the football team and the team is weak no achievement nothing.

The way it gains the beat is to put himself against him in a certain way he doesn't know.

So the weak meeting of the good one for training is on a certain day and the meeting for the bad one is on the next day of the good one's meeting.

Then the day passed with the success of these two men; the good one in his training and the bad one in his work to keep an eye on the good one.

The meeting starts with the good one about the first which is today, the leader discusses his team and the power they have to win the first match and wishes his team good luck for the first and makes them believe in themselves like the good one.

The meeting of bad ones start to meet on the playground of the first match.

The bad one doesn't need to fear because of his gang's plan, not his plan.

They think the best way to put anyone down is to scare the enemy by their way and the way is showing the face of a bad one on the playground to make the good one see him and think about them.

They told to the bad one to sit on fans' seats and make his face appear for the good one to taste their own scared life.

The match started with a good performance by the good one's team and they scored the first two goals; one by the good one and the other by one of his team members.

The good one saw the bad one in the fans' seats, and he turned into a crazy person what the bad one is doing here, and why he is smiling at the good one, is he trying to do his terrible way on the good one??

And many many other questions he wants to ask.

The match ends and the good one is very very angry and walks fastly to the leader and he shouts: "I SAW HIM"

the leader: "Who do you mean? Don't tell me."


the leader: "Calm down calm down if you continue this way you won't do anything to solve it calm down okay??"

The good one: "I think he will come to us and I don't want to be alone against him this time"

The leader: "Don't worry I am beside let me do the talking and DON'T TRY TO MAKE IT FIGHTING HERE NOT THIS TIME you hear me??"

The good one: "Okay"

The expectation is true the gang came to the good one and the leader with him.

One of the gang that the good one knew: "Congratulations your first I am impressed with your performance."

The leader: "Thank you we appreciate your congrats."

One of the gang: "Can I speak to you alone??" Means the good one.

The leader: "We were exhausted from the first day. Will you make it at another time??"

One of the gang: "I am sorry I can't we want him now for something very important."

The good one with a smiling face: "Okay no problem"

The leader looks at him for mistakes he made and the good one notices and tells him: "I will be right back" with a focused face to tell him that he has got this.

The conversation starts to get harder because the bad one isn't near the gang and the good one doesn't see and expects to see him if they ask him to come for a second.

They walk to a place where the bad one is and they want what expressions the good one will give when he sees the bad one.

When the good one saw the bad one he immediately said:" I know him" with a smiling face.

One of the gang: "he is one of us now he works for me and he told us about you and what you did to him and our member"

The good one: "Your point??"

This conversation starts to be a confrontation for him against the whole gang especially the bad one.

One of the gang: "Well if you insist you will have to apologize to us and we will make you suffer for what you did with our ways"

The good one laughs: "Not a chance you think I will leave my rights you will be wrong I am sorry I can't"

One of the gang: "You must prepare yourself to earn your rights this time."

The good one: "I already had them" the shocking answer he gave to them.

One of the gang: "Not this time we approach for earning them what you will have to do against us"

They shouted to the bad one to give him talk to the good one.

The bad one: "Well here we meet again me"

The good one smiles: "The only thing I see is you are being like a son to this gang"

The bad one: "to put you down by our way"

The good one: "Okay try"

The bad one: "Your team is a good perfect target to us by the way the fear that you will have is by your decision CHOOSE WHAT CHALLENGE YOU WANT TO ENTER AGAINST ME"

the good one: "The force on someone is the proof of your weakness"

The bad one: "You know I can make you wish you never said that"

The good one: "Well I have to go because I am tired and I want to go home."

The bad one: "Maybe the time isn't suitable for us now"

Then he smiled at the good one and the gang let the good one go and he got back safely to the leader.

The leader's heart was relieved when he saw the good one.

The leader: "Did you make them angry??"

The good one: "I think but they want to make me suffer"

The leader: "Why didn't you apologize for their sake"

The good one: "They want me to do that and hit me with their fist."

The leader:''why do they want to make the worst thing like that? They are criminals."

The good one: "The way to improve that they are risky is to show their potential."

The leader: "What do you think is there any way to stop them??"

The good one: "The goal I want is learning how to protect myself."

The leader: "You must learn the fighting skills like karate or Kung Fu."

The good one: "I suppose the best is Kung Fu because it is like fighting in the streets and with weapons which are suitable for protection."

The leader: "Do you have the time to learn this sport??"

The good one: "They will give me the time to make me suffer."

The leader: "Then let me get a better place to make you learn the fighting skills very well."

The good one: "I am not feeling good about this."

The leader: "This is the best thing we have to protect yourself and prove them wrong the way they use."

The good one: "Okay wish me luck, my friend."

The leader: "Good luck my friend."

They walk together to make sure that the good one is safe without being exposed in the streets.

The waiting of the good one's parents was very high because their son was in the first match on the first day showing the abilities he has to make him lead the way to his goal.

He returned with a very very smiling face because he had won the first and scored the first goal of the tournament.

The happiness was on the parents and asked if he had a problem with being alone in the matches he had.

He denied that and all he wants is their Satisfaction with him every time and every day.

He wants to go shopping for the costumes for the Kung Fu fighting skills.

The way he has is perfectly the good he will learn about the protecting measurements to put them in use when danger comes near to him.

He discusses with his parents the chance he learned fighting skills, they ask why, he didn't want to tell them about the bad ones because he put them in great responsibility, he wants to ease work on them.

The answer is trying the activities of being with his friends and if he learned the skills, he wouldn't have difficulties achieving a place with them and they agree.

He purchases the costumes and returns home to sleep and get the taste of having what he needs and promotes his way until he books himself a place on the first fighting skills to achieve promotion in protection.

He dreamt about something not expected he dreamt about being with the bad one beside each other they like being real brothers with no meaning or reason why they are together.

He woke up and didn't understand the meaning of this dream.

He goes to the place to learn and he earns the place so he changes his clothes and waits for the master when he enters he sees someone that was unexpected for the good one.

He saw the bad one smiling on the good one with no words he said to the good one.