[67] : We Plan to Help You

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It didn't take Roger long to return to the Avengers' base from Kamar-Taj.

Of course, he knew that teleporting with magic would be much faster than flying back, but he was currently enjoying the feeling of basking in the sun. So, he usually chose to fly, as it allowed him to soak up some rays along the way.

As soon as he arrived at the Avengers' base, young Spider-Man, Peter, hurried over to him and said, "Hey! Superman… uh, Mr. Roger, where have you been these past few days? 

Oh… forget that for now. Do you remember the nano suit you asked me to make? It's finished now! Would you like to come and see it?"

"Finished? That fast?" Roger asked, surprised, as he stared at Peter.

Unlike the Spider-Man from the main universe, this Peter had had it rough. Aunt May had died on the very day the zombie crisis erupted. 

There hadn't been much progress with his original girlfriend, MJ, either. While his best friend was still alive, he had lost a leg after becoming a zombie and was now resting in the hospital.

For the time being, Peter was staying at the Avengers' base, using the various permissions Tony had left him to update the Avengers' equipment.

The gear Peter was referring to now was the nano suit Roger had asked him to make.

After Iron Man's death, no one on Earth except Wakanda could create nano technology. Fortunately, though, the planet still had a few alien friends. 

Rocket, the tech-savvy raccoon from the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the various technologies brought by Captain Marvel had filled this gap. Peter, being a diligent learner, had managed to improve on previous nano-tech, though he still couldn't create entirely new nanotechnology. 

He was, however, able to modify it into different suit designs, and it seemed he had successfully completed Roger's request.

"Mr. Roger, would you like to try it out?" Peter asked.

"Of course," Roger replied without hesitation. "I've been looking forward to it."

Roger had asked Peter to craft a nano suit for him to make switching between his casual clothes and his superhero costume much easier.

Though superhero suits were strong and a symbol of a hero, wearing them all the time felt a bit embarrassing, like wearing a costume meant for a convention in everyday life. 

That's why Roger wanted a nano suit. It didn't need complex functions; it just had to cover his body instantly, allowing him to change outfits seamlessly. 

It also needed some self-repair abilities to prevent the awkward situation of a damaged suit.

Arriving at the Avengers' research base with Peter, Roger was handed a watch. Peter helped Roger put it on and explained, "The nano-tech is stored in the watch. If you want to suit up, just touch this part of the watch..."

Peter's own nano suit had an AI connected to Stark Industries' servers, capable of detecting the environment and deciding whether to activate battle mode or remain in casual mode. 

That's why, during combat, Peter would strike a pose, and the suit would cover his body instantly, very convenient. 

However, since Roger wouldn't be staying in this universe for long, the watch wouldn't have access to Stark's servers once he left. This meant he would have to activate the suit manually.

"Oh, and about the other issue you asked me about, how to cut through your skin..." Peter continued after Roger put on the watch. "Mr. T'Challa made a special vibranium scalpel for you. It should be able to cut through your skin and remove that chip."

"Thanks a lot," Roger said sincerely. The second request he had made of Peter was now on the right track as well.

The tracking chip Vought International had implanted in Roger had been a lingering concern. He was always worried that it might contain more than just a tracker, possibly even a small bomb. 

Perhaps this was just Roger being overly paranoid, but in these situations, it was better to be safe than sorry. After all, if there really was something dangerous inside, he would be the one to suffer.

Before going to Kamar-Taj, Roger had specifically asked Peter and Black Panther to help him figure out a way to remove the chip and give him a full-body checkup. 

Looking back, maybe he should have asked Captain Marvel and the Guardians of the Galaxy as well, then he could have taken a trip to outer space for a change of scenery.

"It wasn't any trouble. It's the least we could do," Peter said with a bashful smile.

He looked at Roger with admiration in his eyes. In Peter's view, Roger was a great hero, just like Tony Stark, because Roger had saved their world. Roger felt a bit embarrassed by Peter's admiring gaze. He cleared his throat and changed the subject.

"Well, since everything's ready, let's get started. Do I need anesthesia or anything?"

"Oh, yes, anesthesia is necessary," Peter confirmed. "Mr. T'Challa also made a vibranium needle…"

"Quite the thorough preparation."

Without further delay, Roger lay down on the 'operating table,' which was actually just a modified metal chair that looked like something you'd find in a dentist's office. 

As Peter performed the 'surgery' to remove the chip from Roger's neck, nothing unexpected happened. The vibranium blade had a hard time cutting Roger's skin, but by rotating the scalpel, it managed to get through.

In about half an hour, Peter extracted a small tracking chip, about the size of a pinky finger joint. It was bloody as he dropped it into a nearby metal tray.

"Mr. Roger, I never asked, who implanted this chip in you?" Peter asked curiously after the procedure.

Roger, pressing a bandage to his healing wound, casually replied, "...An evil organization. It's in the past now."

Peter nodded in understanding.

At that moment, a voice chimed in, "I'm rather curious about that evil organization myself."

Roger and Peter turned to see Steve Rogers standing at the door. Roger had been so focused on the surgery that he hadn't noticed Captain America's arrival.

Seeing the curiosity in Steve's eyes, Roger brushed it off. "Nothing to be curious about, it's just my business."

As Roger tossed the bandage into the trash, his freshly cut wound had already healed, showcasing his enhanced healing abilities.

"No, it's no longer just your business," Natasha Romanoff said as she approached. "You saved our world, so now we intend to help you."

"Help me?"

"Yes," Natasha affirmed. "Judging by the chip in your neck, it seems you have enemies even you can't handle alone. That's why we've decided to send some of our people with you to help finish what you couldn't."

Roger had saved their world, and though he never sought recognition, the Avengers remembered. For a hero who had saved their world without asking for anything in return, they were more than willing to offer their support.

Roger found their intentions amusing and said, "My situation isn't quite what you think. It's not that I can't deal with my enemies; it's just that..."

He paused for a moment, recalling Vought International's stronghold in public opinion and considering the high-tech advancements of the Marvel Universe. Roger suddenly changed his mind and asked, "Who, exactly, is coming with me?"

With the Avengers' help, dealing with Vought International would certainly become much easier.


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