[68] : Blindspot

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Blindspot is a hero who recently joined The Seven. Unlike other superheroes, he has a disability. His eyes don't function properly, while he isn't completely blind, his vision is no better than that of a blind person. However, as a superhero, Blindspot naturally has his own superpower, enhanced hearing. 

His super hearing is extraordinarily powerful, allowing him to construct mental images of his surroundings through the reflection of sound waves, essentially using his ears in place of his eyes. This ability is something Blindspot takes great pride in.

Lately, though, Blindspot hasn't been happy. Stormfront, the new leader of The Seven, doesn't like him. He also just received bad news, he's been kicked out of The Seven.

"I... I don't understand, ma'am," Blindspot said as he sat in Madelyn's office. Although he couldn't see, he faced her, confident she was seated in front of him.

"I mean, The Seven are short on members. There's no reason to replace me... I… I haven't done anything wrong lately, have I?" Blindspot questioned, his confusion evident.

"Yes, yes, you haven't done anything wrong. In fact, you've been great. You are definitely a competent superhero, but…" Madelyn said softly, "I'm sorry. You can't stay with The Seven any longer."

"Why not!?" Blindspot demanded.

"Because Stormfront doesn't like you," Madelyn revealed. "You know what she's like. If she doesn't like you, there's nothing anyone can say."

Stormfront, a racist woman and the current leader of The Seven. As the superhero who replaced Homelander, her strength far surpassed that of the average hero. 

Blindspot could attest that even if all the current members of The Seven combined their forces, they still wouldn't stand a chance against her. On top of that, Stormfront possessed a skill that Homelander never had, the ability to control public opinion.

In just two months as leader of The Seven, Stormfront had turned Vought's disadvantages into strengths, completely dominating Homelander's independently-formed "Superhuman Alliance" in the court of public opinion. 

Stormfront was clearly Vought's next cash cow, and no one, including Madelyn, wanted to upset a money maker like her.

"This isn't fair..." Blindspot muttered. He had worked harder than anyone could imagine to earn his place in The Seven. God only knew how ecstatic he had been when he found out he was chosen. 

After that, he trained even harder to maintain his position within the group. Now, just because of a single word from Stormfront, he was being kicked out?

It wasn't fair!

"A-Train was kicked out too. You're not the only one," Madelyn tried to console him.

A-Train had been the first to leave The Seven, partly due to his heart condition and also because his dark skin didn't sit well with Stormfront. 

Just one month after Stormfront became leader, A-Train was gone, replaced by Shockwave, his former racing rival. 

Now, aside from Blindspot, all the remaining members of The Seven were white: Stormfront, The Deep, Shockwave, Soldier Boy, Black Noir, and Lamplighter.

Blindspot was the only non-white member, an Asian. So it wasn't surprising that he was the latest to be removed.

"And… and the new member…?" Blindspot asked, still unwilling to give up hope. He wanted to know who would be taking his place.

"That hasn't been decided yet. But that's not something you need to worry about," Madelyn responded coldly.

The Seven wasn't what it used to be. Replacing one high-profile member wouldn't impact the group as a whole. 

Moreover, Blindspot's performance hadn't been great, and his public approval ratings weren't particularly high, so losing him wouldn't harm Vought much. Nevertheless, Madelyn offered him a possible alternative:

"If you're not willing to give up, you can try going after someone from the Superhuman Alliance. We've just received word that Starlight from the Superhuman Alliance is currently chasing down a supervillain who's crossed the border illegally. You could try to snatch the villain away from her."

Some of the superhumans Vought had created had managed to escape, a fact that Roger hadn't foreseen. During Roger's absence, The Boys continued their battle against Vought, while the Superhuman Alliance, which Roger had formed, split off. 

Tek Knight, hoping to stand against Vought, had used his wealth to create a new entertainment company called Super Entertainment. 

Though new to the entertainment industry, Super Entertainment's fame wasn't insignificant, especially after attracting former Seven members like Homelander and Queen Maeve, as well as new faces like Starlight.

Due to Vought's fear of Homelander, they didn't push things too far, and in just three months, Super Entertainment had grown into a significant entertainment force. 

The Boys, particularly Billy Butcher, were unhappy with this development and decided to part ways with Super Entertainment.

Butcher had never trusted superhumans, and with Super Entertainment now leaning towards Vought's ways, Butcher couldn't tolerate it. 

The Boys decided to go their own way, gathering substantial evidence against Vought, especially regarding Compound V, which Roger had previously been unwilling to expose. 

The Boys released it to the public, forcing Vought to shift focus. To downplay the impact of Compound V, Vought secretly created supervillains to divert public attention. Combined with Stormfront's mastery of public relations, Vought and Super Entertainment now appeared united in their fight against superhuman criminals worldwide.

But beneath the surface, they were still competing with each other. Tek Knight hadn't forgotten Roger's ambition to overthrow Vought and siphon off its resources. 

Vought, in turn, didn't want another juggernaut rising to rival them. Thus, the two were engaged in constant, behind-the-scenes battles, not just commercially, but also in the realm of public perception.

Madelyn's suggestion to Blindspot was simple: while he might be out of The Seven, he still had some popularity. 

If he managed to defeat a superhuman villain before the Superhuman Alliance, it would boost Vought's ratings. Furthermore, it would cast doubt on the Superhuman Alliance's efficiency. 

The public wouldn't care if Blindspot had stolen the target from the Alliance, or if Vought had orchestrated the whole thing. They'd just assume the Alliance was incompetent.

If the public believed that, then Madelyn's goal would be achieved.


Blindspot stood there, deep in thought. He seemed to struggle with his decision, hesitating for a long time before finally saying, "I understand. I'll do as you suggested."

"Excellent. Get ready. The company will give you the best camera angles," Madelyn said with a smile. Blindspot smiled back at her, then turned and left her office.

But as soon as he stepped outside, the smile on his face vanished, replaced by a look of frustration and gloom. No matter what, being discarded by Vought was an undeniable fact. 

Having tasted the spotlight with The Seven, he had no desire to return to a life of obscurity.

What's more, Stormfront would also be part of this operation. God only knew what that crazy woman might do behind the scenes, especially when the cameras weren't rolling. She hated him, who's to say she wouldn't use the opportunity to kill him?

Blindspot clenched his fists. Instead of going to the marketing department to plan the next move as Madelyn had suggested, he left Vought Tower and headed straight for Super Entertainment's headquarters.

He'd made up his mind: rather than continue enduring the racism and hostility from Stormfront, he'd switch sides and join Super Entertainment.

After all, compared to Vought, the superheroes at Super Entertainment were much more peaceful and friendly to others.


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