The truth revealed


'It's a bit funny, right? I had been so adamant about hating that witch, and I had to admit that I did have fun spending time with her just now.' Dark said, making me laugh. 

'I did have fun as well. Why do we hate witches so much again?' I asked the reason wasn't on my mind right now as I was thinking about Amelia too much. 

'You know why, it's because of what they did to the king.' Dark replied, which was the truth. Ever since the spell had been cast on the king, I disliked witches for that. But now, I hate to admit that I was starting to change my mind. 

While I was lost in thoughts, Amelia bumped into me, and I noticed that she had a scowl on her face. Something was troubling her. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, and she shook her head and sighed. She's so beautiful, I wondered if I was too blinded by my hatred to see that before. Her red hair was long, a little past her shoulders, and her green eyes sparkled as she looked at me. 

"I just came from speaking to King Alastair. I have been telling him that only my mother can break the spell, but he does not believe me. I tried to cast a spell of my own, but it backfired, and I was left to deal with a lot of mess, which took up most of my time." She explained. I guess I had missed a lot. After our time together, I decided to part ways with her and put in some training. That's where I was coming from now. 

"What happened?" She covered her face in her hands, as if too embarrassed to look at me. 

"I turned him into a donkey." I couldn't help but laugh after she said that. Her hands fell from her face, and she glared at me. 

"It's not that funny! Do you know how hard it was for me to turn him back into his human form? And because of that, he got mad at me and told me to go to my room." She huffed and folded her arms, as if being sent to her room was the worst thing that could happen. 

"I'm twenty. Last time I checked, I was old enough to do as I please, not being sent to my room as if in some stubborn child throwing a tantrum." She stomped her foot on the ground after saying that, which was not helping in her case. I grinned at the way she was acting, then scowled myself for being weak towards her. 

If it were any other time, I would have told her to shut the fuck up and deal with it, but here I am, acting like an idiot in front of her.

 My mood suddenly became sour as I remembered that I did not like witches, that I did not want anything to do with them. 

But I am mated to one, and I'm unable to reject her just yet because of what the king ordered me to do; yes, I'm blaming it on the king. 

"Just continue working on something that will help, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm heading to my room." I hurriedly walked away from her, not liking how she was distracting me right now. 

The first thing I did when I was in my room was change my clothes and take a shower. This shit is messed up, so fucking messed up.


(Amelia's POV)

It seems as if something was wrong with Damien because of how quickly he left. Did I do anything to contribute to his sudden change of mood?

 I was now trying to figure out what I did while I was on my way to my room to retire for the rest of the day. 

When I got there and opened the door, I sat on the bed while trying to figure out what went wrong. He was laughing one minute and the next, he stormed away as if he couldn't stand to be next to me anymore. 

"You do like to overthink sometimes." I heard my mother's voice and I started to look around for her, but then she suddenly appeared next to me on the bed.

"You're hella creepy," I replied, wording it the way Giselle did just now. 

"I'm hella what? Where's my daughter and what have you done to her?" Mom asked dramatically which had me rolling my eyes. 

"My daughter would never talk that way, she's all prim and proper." Mom laughed, and I shook my head, feeling irritated by her teasing. 

"What are you doing here? Rubbing your freedom in my face?" I asked, making her pout. 

"Don't be silly, child; you went outside today, didn't you?" So what if I did?

"That still doesn't mean I got my freedom. The place is swarming with guards, just because I went outside does not mean that I was not being watched." I knew that they were there because I saw them. King Alastair even said that the place was swarming with guards if I tried to escape. 

I could have used a spell that I saw in the book, but each time I tried, I bounced right back inside my room, proving my mother's theory right.

 I was unable to leave here because of the bond that I shared with Damien. It shouldn't have been that strong to keep me rooted here what was so special about us?

"You're right, but at least they haven't locked you in your room or mistreated you and that's what I don't have to worry about. I came here to tell you the reason I have been running from them all these years." I turned to her, now fully invested in what she had to say. 

"This doesn't have to do with my sister or the fact that I cast a spell on the king. I was afraid because of who your father is. I fear that he might want to take you from me, so I ran all those years." My father? She had never spoken to me about my father before. Each time I asked her, she would evade my questions or snap at me. 

I was curious as to who my father was. If he was even still alive. So now that she was telling me the truth, my heart was beating so fast that I feared I might pass out. What she said next made me laugh. 

"It's the King Amelia, your father is King Alastair." She couldn't be serious! Ugh, why would she even make a joke like that?

"Quit laughing, child; I'm serious. The king is my mate. Or was my mate, on top of me casting a spell on him, I rejected him after we had sex one night. It was during a heated argument, and I wasn't thinking clearly. I was so foolish for doing that to my sister, no matter if she was cheating as well. When he caught her, he burnt her and her lover together. He's a hypocrite because he had cheated with me, so he should have just left them alone." Mom stood up from the bed and started pacing. 

"This isn't funny, mom, the King is not my father." She scoffed instead. 

"He very much is, and he knows as well. That is why I can't get rid of the spell just yet. He murdered my sister, and that will also be the first reason on my mind as to why I cast the spell, but I also want him weak so that he won't come after me." My eyes became wide as I finally came to terms that she might be telling the truth. I felt the palms of my hands start to sweat, and I nervously rubbed them together. 

"I know that this is a lot, dear. I apologize for dumping this on you, but you have the right to know the truth, the entire truth. Gael is still trying to work on a way to get you out of here. Just hang tight for me, darling, and everything will be alright soon." She vanished shortly after, leaving me there. 

What was the point in telling me this now? 

I was still confused as to what was going on. I wasn't sure if it was the truth or not, but I'd have to talk to King Alastair to see if it was true. Lying down on the bed, I closed my eyes as a headac

he came out of nowhere, making me groan. This is too much, too fucking much.