The arrival of the elves


I sighed as I shifted for what seemed to be the millionth time. I hated having to wait on people who didn't deserve my attention, and that's exactly what I was doing. 

"Smile, Damien," King Alastair said, making my frown deepen even more. 

"King Alastair, the elves are arriving shortly." A guard said before leaving to tend to other duties. 

I sighed, wondering when this was going to end. I looked at Amelia, who was dressed so elegantly. Her beautiful dress stood out more, making it difficult to take my eyes off her. 

As I was watching her, she walked away with Sig while laughing. 

A couple of minutes later, after waiting outside, we heard the loud clatter of hooves and the rustle of leaves as the elven entourage arrived. Thousands of them approached us with grace and elegance. 

They were well composed as they rode their steeds with grace. Their silver armor gleamed in the morning sun.