"Solitude" -Mina

"No one saves us but ourselves." A quote by Gautama Buddha. In the life, the only person that you can rely on to be there for you day in and day out is you. No matter how close they may be friends are purely superficial. No matter how deep you think the connection is, instead of the deep ocean that most people imagine their friendship is, it's more like likely shallower than a kiddo pool. They only person you can trust in life is you, and the only thing that you can trust other people for is betrayal and heartbreak. That was the greatest lesson tha-

"Hey there!" My inner monologue was interrupted by a high pitched and extremely cheery voice. I opened my eyes angrily and scanned around for a quick second before I finally noticed the smiling blonde girl standing next to my desk. Although it was the first day of school at one of the most prestigious schools you could possibly attend, this girl seemed much to excited.

"What do you want." I said sharply, trying to give this girl a subtle hint that I wasn't in the mood for a cheery conversation right now. Unfortunately the hint seemed to fly completely over her head. She responded back with the same cheery tone and smile plastered unto her face.

"My name is Hikura Mei, seeing as where in the same homeroom class I believe that we should become acquainted with one another." She held out a hand, and her smile seemed to grow even wider. I pretended not to see her hand and once again tried to end this pointless conversation.

"If my names all that you care about then you would just as easily be able to figure it out during roll call. I see no need to continue to indulge this pointless conversations." I said, leaving no room for ambiguity. But instead of scaring her away, my sharp and curt response only seemed to entice her even more. I was seriously starting to doubt if this girl even understood basic social ques.

"Aww don't say that. It's only a pointless conversation if you think about it that way. All conversations hold meaning as long as the two people having the conversation truly care about the point they're trying to get a cross." She said as she withdrew her hand, not even seeming the least bit hurt. "Since you obviously don't want to share your name how about we change the topic of this conversation to something that you would be more interested in. Hobbies of any sort?"

I was starting to lose my patience. This girl was more persistent than a child, and more annoying than a nagging fly. I looked over her one more time and then I realized something. This girl isn't too dense to understand my social hints. She's just deciding to completely ignore them. "Listen, I'm sure you noticed my confrontation in the hallway with the white haired boy, right." I asked, trying to keep myself in check.

She replied in tempo, not even stuttering. "Of course I did." She let out a giggle and blushed. "I'm pretty sure the whole school saw that."

I continued on, "Well then, if you have a lick of common sense then you'd have gleaned from that interaction that I didn't come here to make friends, I didn't come here get a boyfriend, or any other superficial relationship." I expected that to end the conversation, but I had seriously underestimated this girl.

"Superficial." She said the word like even the idea of it seemed to distant to understand.

"You know, surface level, shallow, things like that."

"Oh I know what superficial means, just the idea that you could ever call someone else superficial seems completely disingenuous. In fact if you don't take the time to get to know people and how deep they are than calling them shallow is downright hypocritical."

I had finally reached the end of my patience. Just as I was about to explode, through, the door to my homeroom class opened and in stepped…. The same weirdo who had caught the attention of the entire school just a few minutes ago. Well great, like life wasn't bad enough already. Like the universe had somehow heard me another person walked into the room. It was the same white haired boy had bumped into me in the hallway. We both instantly noticed each other and the exact same look of shock and disappointment passed over our faces.

That's just amazing, isn't it.