I felt pain but happy, because i got fucked with the one i love most, he real made me enjoy and i was lost my virginity just like that, fucked with a porter who i even don't know his life details, i forgot everything what mu my mom told me, and just keep enjoying to have fun with him.

He made me feel as a real lady, i experienced it by myself, i was being tired for just keep hearing stories from my friends about. The blood spread on the bedsheet, and i got smile looking at him..."Thank you, i'm lady now", he keep smiling at me because of my words but his face looks shuy.

"Why you did that?", he asked me shocked question..."Did what?"....."Allowed me to fuck you", i looked at him romantically as he could understand my feelings, i was speechless but he seemed not like my actions, his facial expression was totally showed that, he carried me to the bathroom so i could get shower and left me there.

He made me feel shuy and stressed, after find out he was not attracted with me, he just fucked me because i wanted to be fucked, i was keeping thinking while water keep dropped onto my body, i heard door opened and closed after sometime, i got out from the shower quickly and return to the room..."Huuh!!", i breath heavily, he brought my clothes there.

"So he is caring about me?!", i spoke to myself shocked, then i worn the clothes quickly and left the room directly to lock into my bedroom after a great shame i got.

I entered in my room and went at the balcony, at least i could get fresh air, my heart start racing after saw him again, he was making stories with the security guard outside, suddenly our eyes got contacted, we looked at each other for a time and i decide to return into my bedroom quickly.

I angry holded a pillow on my bed while keep thinking of what i have done.."So he is not interested!, what i was thinking Maureen, love is not about being beautiful, i fooled myself", Maureen was disapointed and angry because of her wrong decision, she let the feelings to control her.

Tomorrow morning she wake up early in the morning, found two missed calls, one from her mother, second from her client..."Aah!", she gritted her teeth angrily and get out of the bed quickly to get prepared.

She went downstairs and found breakfast is ready..."Good morning dear sister", it was Mauki, Maureen get shocked, thinking about called sister with the one she love most, he was know how to cook, brave, hard worker and caring man, everything that she want from a man, and now he is calling her sister!!

"Welcome breakfast", Mauki welcomed her with great smile, made she to decide calm down and lowering her temper for what she was keep thinking..."Thank you, and i'm sorry about yesterday", she said sorry because the man got no interest on her, yesterday was just a forcing game.

"It is nothing, worry out, but i beg you to live according to what we agreed, i will be your houseboy, and i will treat you as my own sister, forget about everything happened yesterday", i breath heavily to realise out my disapointment and made myself strong..."Thank you, brother", i replied and we shake our hands smiling.

"Thanks for preparing breakfast, but i'm real sorry, i can't take it, i have to go, i'm late"

"Okay, let me pack it , you can eat even in the office"..."No, thank you", Maureen left immediately after replied to him, she failed to control herself from what she is feeling, Mauki was just felt bad and sorry for her.

"I am not beautiful enough to capture his feelings?!", i was keep thinking while i was looking myself at the car in front mirror..."I real love him", suddenly i hitted someone at the traffic, i stopped the car immediately..

The crowd of people start to arrive there, a girl was laid on the road with blood spreads beside her body, i started to panic, and get out from the car and ran after her...

"She fainted, someone call an ambulance quickly", i gave the order with high temper, the ambulance arrived after few minutes with police..

"Who own this car", one of the police asked and i got no reason to hide..."Me", i answered him..."You are under-arrest" without disturbance i raised my hands and the took me directly to the police station..

"Maureen what real happened?", Mauki wad asking while get into the station, i fail to answer him immediately, i was crying....

"I hitted someone at the road with my car"..."What?!", he hugged me to lower me down...."I'm so scared, i think i killed her"

"Don't say that", Mauki stopped me and continue hugging me.

He was there to take me home, and the police unlocked me with one condition that i have to take care of the patient untill she full recovery, and once she won't make it, i will go to prison..i felt very bad, for the first time i fell in love and these misfortunes happened in my life..."Please God be with me", i keep thinking myself.

We go directly to the hospital where she was been sent, and the doctor came to us...

"How is she doing?, i asked while i was panicked, Mauki was there trying to calm me down...

"She needs blood transfusion, and if we couldn't manage to fulfil that, she will die", i got shocked, i start to see the prison is after me...

We went at reception to get contact to her relatives but we failed, we couldn't be able to reach anyone of them, so the doctor starts to test our blood, and it was lucky, Mauki's blood group got to match her donor...

"She will be fine worry out", the doctor gave me hope when Mauki was getting out from the room and left the doctors to do there job, only praying was needed, i was so scared...

Mauki was just there for me and never leave me alone, finally the doctor came..

"She is out of danger now, just go home and take some rest", i took a heavy breath and thanks my Lord..."Thank you so much doctor"....

"Your welcome..[then he turned to Mauki and continue talking]....You take care of her", then he smiled and left us feeling shuy for ourself...

The way she was treating me at the hospital, it was like we were couple, everyone keep thinking that, and i wished to,, we finally got home and he brought for me drinking water, so as i can clear my throat after a tough and day i had.

"So, you real called me sister, at the morning?!", the question real made him uncomfortable and he even don't be able to answer it...

"Anyway, thank you for being with me this day, you made me feel good, i real appreciate it, have a goodnight", i left him standing there looking at me while i was going upstairs, maybe he starts to have feelings with me too...

I had sleepless night that day i was just keep thinking of him, on how he treated me during the day...."That is the man i want, is he real meant to call me a sister?, or i just made him uncomfortable because he was in love with me also,", i keep holding my pillow while thinking and smiling untill i got a sleep..

Tomorrow morning, as usual i found he already prepared a breakfast,"Good morning brother", i called him brother and pretending to be happy, he answered me and welcomed me a seat...

"There are some things i want to fix at the office, so, please go to the hospital to check how she is doing then i will come later"...

"Okay madam, nothing to worry", i ate faster and left immediately since i was late to meet my client, i increase the walking speed after saw he was already there....

"Good morning, Mr Paulsen", his face elaborate how he was mad about me, he was like wanting to slap me because of my stupid actions...

"Maureen you are late what is wrong with you?, you know exactly how i usually to have a busy schedules, and you are coming late, you real changed a lot, your not the Maureen i used to know, is there someone paid you more money than me?!, i will resign our contract if you will continue with this stupidity" he spoke frequently and not gave me the chance to defend myself..

"Mr. Paulsen please let's go to my office, i will explain to you everything, i'm not changed as the way you think, please let's go", Maureen managed to calm him down and took him to her office so as the can talk...


At the hospital Mauki was allowed to enter in the patient room....."Why I am here?!" the girl was asking while trying to force herself from getting up from the bed, quickly Mauki ran into her to stop what she was doing....

"You are still in pain, try to get some rest", Mauki calm her down, she was still felt painful from her head because of the wound she got from the accident...

"Who are you?, why are you taking care of me?...."My sister is the one who did that to you, it was accidentally, i'm so sorry"...

"You and your sister are very kind, you keep taking care of me, thank you", the way she was talking, she seems to have a lot of problems in her life, and Mauki realise that..

"Okay, my name is Mauki and you what is your name?!".....

"My name is Dayana, Dayana Wilson", Mauki shakes his hand with her and get to look her well and she was very beautiful, her attractive eyes and brown skin color real conquer his feelings...

"Where is your relative and your home?" Mauki keep asking while still holding her hand and keep looking at her beautiful face...

"At village, i came here town to find great life, my parents are very poor, and i'm tired with that life. I was just arrived before i got an accident, so i either don't have home", Mauki blinks his eyes to feel the pain of hers, suddenly the door opened and Maureen got inside...

I shocked looked at Dayana's face...."I think i know you!!"...