"Madam Maureen!"..[She shocked], we met at our village, you came there to see the chairperson...

" Oh!, you are the one who showed me the way to his house"....."Exactly", they started to laugh at each other, then Maureen got to hug her while Mauki still standing there wondering

Maureen was so happy to see her, soon after she get well, she took her into her home to work as housekeeper, just like Mauki..

"I think you know each other better, so i don't think if this will be hard work for you", Maureen speaks to her workers while she was taking breakfast, Mauki and Dayana looked to each other and got smiled, the smile that shaken Maureen

"Yes Madam, we will live well and perform your work well"

"Okay", Maureen responds in low voice then she said goodbye and leave the house, she left Mauki and Dayana looked at each other.

"Your so beautiful ",...Mauki keep thinking while looking at her beautiful face. .

"Okay, i will be in the kitchen", Dayana said it with great smile, and left Mauki confused, he was real attracted to her, not only because of her beauty but also, the way she is brave.

Mauki failed to control himself, and find he went to the kitchen where Dayana is, he stayed at door for a while keep looking at her, the way she was doing works while singing love songs, "Oh!", Dayana shocked after saw Mauki there..

"You real have nice voice, i like your vocal" Mauki said while smiling at her

"Thank you, i real wish someday i would be an artist, i like it"....

"We will try to talk to madam, she is so familiar with many artist.."

"Real?!!, let's talk to her once she came back", She looks excited, and continue confusing Mauki with her great smile, slow Mauki stepped near her..

"What is it?!", she asked him after saw he is keep looking at her for a long time..

"Your so beautiful", Mauki decided to say it without worry, he was very interested since the day he saw her face...

"Thank you", she replied with low voice, she seems shocked and keep looking his face, slowly he started to try kissing her, and she was already started to be into him..

"Dayana..", they stopped quickly after heard the voice, it was Maureen forget something in the kitchen, Maureen was stucked for sometime, and then tried to be strong like she didn't see anything..

"I forgot my lunch" she said and took the container inside the microwave ..."Bye", she left quickly and ran into her car and keep crying...

"So, he real don't love me, he was not joking to call me sister!!, he is in love with her!, that can't be, how can i handle this, should i throw her away, oh no!", she keep talking to herself after the scene just happened ..


"She saw us, she could fire us", Dayana was worried....

"She can't do that, don't worry, i don't think if she took wrong", Mauki tried to calm her

"Get out, go back to your position", she commanded him and he just do it without resisting, he left her sobbing with worrying, it was just a first day at work and mess started to happen, "what kind of shit!!!", she keep talked to herself..


Maureen went direct to her parents, her daddy was calling her there for emergence

"My sweetheart you came here driving yourself, you never did that before, is something bothering you?" her mom said to her while touching Maureen's shoulder

"No, mom i just missed you, where is daddy?", She keep trying to harden her voice so her mom couldn't find out that she was crying and still crying in her heart, but it didn't work, her mom notice something

"Are you crying?", her mom get asked while trying to raise her head..

"No, mom i'm okay, daddy called me he said there is an emergence thus why i came here by my own, what is it", She was curious to know..

"We have great news my daughter, wow! your daddy is here, he will tell you by himself", she said while smiling looking at his husband who come downstairs..

"Good morning my princess", her daddy smiled at her, she replied back but she was so curious to know what is going on, her parents looked very happy..

"Good morning Daddy, why you guys are so excited, please share with me, i want to be excited as you", she said while forcing herself from smiling...

Her father got to sit down near his daughter and wife,,"We got someone to marry you", it was like i didn't hear carefully, it was unexpected..

"Pardon please", with great shock

"Your an adult now sweetheart, we raised you well, you came rich, now is the time for you to have someone, who you can share your own problems" ..

"He is quit good, a business man, rich as you and real handsome", my mom continue to support my father, so they can persuading me...

"I'm not ready to be married", she shouted and stay quiet for a while and continue talking...."I'm not ready to be married with the man who i don't love" she finished the sentence..

"I know that your dissapointed with our decision, but this is for your future my daughter, we want the better future for you"..Her daddy trying to calm her...

"I know, but not like this!, this is too much", She shouted and yelled at them, then she left while running..."Maureen..Maureen come back here please!", her mom shouted but she didn't listen, she get into the car and left immediately...


"My husband what we gonna do, she real doesn't want", Maureen's mother seemed worried, talking to her husband..

"If we are her parents, she will", Her father insist, and looks dissapointed about what her daughter have done...

"So what we should tell him?"

"She said yes", her father replied immediately, he real wants her daughter to be married with that man by any means...


Maureen get back home at mid of the night, the day was not so friendly, she real don't want any trouble, she starts drinking and drinking till she fell asleep on the chair...

"Madam"...Someone called trying to awake her..

"oh!, Mauki...", she speaks with low voice, still had a hang over...

"Wake up madam, let's go to the bedroom, it is already morning now ", Mauki calming her

"They want me to be married, i don't want to, i want you only Mauki, please help me!", she speaks slowly, she was stressful and still have hang over, she even don't know every single word she is been talking, Mauki ignored every word she was been talking, then she carrying her directly to her bedroom..

"I love you Mauki, is true that you don't feel the same way as i feel?!", she speaks with drunken voice, while touching Mauki 's hand..

"I think you should get some rest madam", Mauki ignored her words and made her rest, he keep looking at her face...."You deserve better Maureen, i'm not your type, you deserve someone very rich and who could love you with all of his heart", Mauki was talking to himself while touching her hairs..


After certain hours

"My name is Nancy, Maureen's guest", she speaks with great smile after be welcomed by Dayana..

"Welcome, but she is sleeping, can you wait or come in another day?"

"Worry out, i'm her cousin, so i will wait into her room", she said and starts walking towards there..

"Ma'am, don't go there please", she trying to stop her, but she resist but she continue keep running into her..

"Leave her", Dayana shocked after heard her boss voice...."Do you even know her?, you disturbed my cousin, who do you think you are?!", Maureen shouted at her, she became to hate her, she see like she is the one who distract what was between her and Mauki..

"I'm sorry madam", with calm voice...

"We have so many things to talk, i'm not done with you...get out from our side", She keep yelling made her cousin shocked, she never see her acting like that before...

"Are you okay cousin?"..As she scared to be yelled by her too..

"My parents want me to be married, i don't know the guy, i don't know where they took him, and they are forcing me to, how can i be okay?!!"..She shouted and looks panicked..

"You don't want him or you just don't want to get married, or both are answers?"..

"I want to be married with someone i love"

"Huu!!", her cousin stand up looks excited about the answer..

"Is he rich?, the one you love.."

"Yes, what you want to say"....she lied, to see what her cousin want to to, and she only target Mauki, she doesn't care if him doesn't love her back, she still believe they can be lovers one day...

"Do you had sex with him?,Maureen said yes by using her head...."Deal done, i will teach you what to do, don't be stressed, these are just small issues", the words made Maureen smile, but still curious to know what her cousin aimed to...


"Good morning madam", it was Dayana brings tea at her boss bedroom

" Call Mauki, i want to see him", she didn't reply the greetings, Dayana was just calm and ignore it, then she called Mauki for her...

"Ma'am you called me?", She smiled at him, his voice real confusing her time to time..

"Yes, come sit here near me", She said it with romantic voice, everytime Mauki passed near her, she failed to control her feelings, he was her weekness, she keep looking at him untill he got a sit...

"I know this is crazy, but i have beg you this..(She took a little breath),, my parents wants me to be married with a man that they choosed by themselves, i real don't want that to happen, and i don't have boyfriend to replace, so i need you to be the one",

"What do you mean ma'am, you want me to marry you?

"Yes, and i will make you rich, cut the shits of calling me sister, you know exactly what i want from you", as she touching his romantic chest....

"Maureen, i'm very poor, i still depends on you, your not deserving me, you deserve better, and someone who could love you back, not me, i'm not loving you, your like my sister to me"...He speaks with low voice...

"I know you love Dayana, and as you keep rejecting my proposal is more you keep her in danger, you know your lives are on my hands, so this is not just a proposal, IT IS MUST .....

She said with great confidence made Mauki so scared.