"What?!!, so you will marry her", Dayana shocked after receiving the news from her boyfriend..

"Yes, i don't want to put you in danger, she real mean't by saying that, but we have to make a deal", Mauki looked at his lover's face looking very serious for what he want to say...

"What a deal?..Mauki came near her and whispered into her ears, Dayana looked shocked and starring at him..."Are you sure that, it will work?...

"I'm sure, i can't let you down, i love you so much Dayana", they keep smiling at each other after made a deal...


Early in the morning Maureen went to Mauki's bedroom, Mauki was shocked and cover himself well..

"Why so shocked!, soon we will be husband and wife, don't be shuy", she take off the bedsheet whiche he was covered by made him struggling with his clothes to cover himself....

"Don't be like that i'm your future wife, anyway today we are going somewhere, get prepared...", She said while touching his feet romantically...

"Where are we going?"

"You will see just get prepared", she said and leave the room, and met with Dayana unfortunately, Maureen pretend to put her clothes well as if she did something with, all is to make Dayana jealous,..

"Good morning madam", she ignored and greats her, but Maureen didn't reply back and leave, but she win to make her jealous, she starts crying while standing there at the corridor untill Mauki found her there...

"What are you doing here?", Mauki asked while raise her head, and found out she is been crying..."What's wrong baby?", as he try to stand up her...

"Leave me!", she shouted..."So you fucked her?!, you lied to me Mauki.."...

"No, i did nothing, she just came shortly this morning, please trust me my love..."...He trying to calm her...

"Promise me, you will keep a deal we planned"...She look panicked..

"I promise baby", slowly they start kissing..

"Maukiii"... A loud voice heard made them stop, they forget that it is in Maureen's house..."You forget what i told you huh!!"...She was angry made Mauki quickly get downstair, into her

"I'm truly sorry, let us go", he calming her, but she was still looking at her maid with angry face,,


"You lied to me aren't you?!", she shouted at him inside the car....

"She made me did that, and i'm sorry, i can't dissapoint you again, you know how much you mean't to me", he speaks with low voice and starts kissing her, she forget everything after the kiss and starts to believe she real deceived him with her threaten words...

Maureen made a grear shopping with him, Mauki was real changed, and for the great body he has, he was real shine, and look like rich man...

"As it is your birthday, i want to give you a gift better than all i done to you"...She said while they were sitting at one of the hotel taking dinner...

"You already done so many things to me, what that big more than everything?!", Mauki was shocked...she turn her face to her bodyguard.."Take us where the gift is", then they stand up and follow the guard...

"Maureen what is this?!"..He shocked after saw something was covered, and it look so big ....

"Uncover it", As she keep smiling to him, Mauki uncover the thing, it was like dream...he starts to look like crazy

"Maureen!, is this car mine?!"...As he keep rounding the car..

"Yes dear"....Mauki was so happy, he run into her and hug her tightly, she was keep smiling, she felt real happy after saw he was acting on that way, that thing made her believe that, she already win his heart and start new life with him...
