Chapter-1: Why The Fuck Am I The Villain?

"Ugh! Why is this Villain so hateful? Even though he died dreadfully, I can't pity him. He deserves it. He killed his unborn baby and tried to separate my lovely Arik and Maven couple. Die and repent in hell you vicious fox, you have sullied my good name. Why did the author even choose the Villain's name as Hael, ugh! The only difference is our surnames, he is Hael Lucian while I am an Argyris."

Hael Argyris, a thirty-two-year-old man, well known in the streets of Oakenvale as the flirtatious bartender, popular for making flavorsome cocktails.

He has a peerless reputation in every single one of the nightclubs in Frostburgh but now he was cursing while walking on the road, reading the last chapter of his favorite Manga named, 'The Two Alphas And Their Forbidden Love.'

"Finally, gentle Alpha Maven is going to be with his savage Alpha Arik. Aww, the art of their wedding is so good they look so cute together. I wish I could see-"

He stopped in the middle of his sentence as he could sense from the side of his left eye, the brightness of the headlights of a gigantic truck that was rushing towards him.


Hael felt like the world was on pause as the demon-looking truck approached him in slow motion.

His eyes popped out, his mouth was wide agape, his eyelids were blinking continuously, and before he knew it...

*Crash* *Bang* *Whack*

The truck ran over him and he was dead just like that in the blink of an eye. They call it spot-dead.

.•° ✿ °•. -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-°•. ✿ .•°

"Ahhhhhhhhhh-... Hufff! Huff!"

Hael gasped hard as he sat up, his one hand was on his chest while the other hand was clutching onto the silky sheets tightly.

>>>Eh? Silky sheets?

He came back to his senses and looked around finding himself on a humongous bed that was so fluffy and soft.

Seeing his surroundings he was certain that it was a five-star hotel but...

>>>Why am I in a hotel when I was run over by a truck?

He was confused.

Instead of waking up on a hospital bed with so much pain, he woke up on the cushiony mattress of a luxurious hotel beside a man...

>>>EH????? BESIDE A MAN?

Hael's eyes popped out of their sockets seeing a man sleeping beside him and he was naked.

Then he checked himself and it turned out to be...


He was sure that he felt the moment when the truck thumped him, he was thrown into the air due to the impact.

Then fell onto the road with his head taking a direct hit which made his skull bones break one by one as the blood oozed out of his ears making a pool around his motionless body.

He was beyond doubt that he was dead.

But instead of feeling the immense pain in his head, he was feeling the pain somewhere down...


He couldn't process what was happening anymore.

He tried to get up from the bed but his legs were jelly. He fell to the floor.


He rubbed his bum as he took the support of the table beside him and got up while wincing in pain.

His body was shaking.

There was a long mirror a few feet away. He limped towards it with utmost difficulty and when he saw his face...


He couldn't believe his skin was so smooth and shiny.

His hands were too pretty without any calluses from the labor work he did when he was young.

He knew he was handsome cause all the people came to the bar just to see his face and flirt with him all night but this was beyond that... he was looking ethereal.

>>>I am not a narcissist but why the fuck is my face looking like an angel fallen from heaven?

Then he saw all the red bruises and hickeys on his body.

Something white was also dripping out of his asshole as he moved...


He turned to see his red butt filled with hand marks.

>>>Oooo~~ I think the night went pretty rough and kinky. It would have been good if I could remember it, aish!

>>>But look at the cum dripping out of my asshole, I bet if I was a woman I would've gotten pregnant for sure. Hehe, I did it with a man before Emris could!

>>>When I tell him how steamy my first night was... He is gonna cry rivers! Tehe~

Hael had a weird smile on his face for the absurd achievement he made.

But wait... what is the tiny fluffy tail-like looking thing...


He looked into the mirror once again. He had fluffy white wolfy ears popping out of his head.

He touched them to check if it was just some prop of their sexy night which he couldn't remember but they were real then they disappeared in an instant.


He then started laughing...

>>>I knew it, this was all just a dream. I might have gone into a coma after my accident and so I am having this ridiculously good dream due to my pent-up urges.

>>>Yes, that's right! I just have to slap myself and wake up... that's it!

He then slapped himself hard across his face and waited... and waited... and waited... AND WAITED!!!!!


He slapped himself again and again which bruised his cheeks and made them swollen.

He even pinched himself hard only for the skin to turn purple around it but he didn't wake up cause...

>>>IT ISN'T A DREAM???????!!!!!!

He fell back onto the floor in shock and his hands touched the shirt and the trousers scattered on the floor.

He took them in his trembling hands and checked them thoroughly and in one of the pockets of the trousers, he found a card.

He took it out and saw the ID card with widened eyes.

The ID card has his photo and the details were...


Name: Hael Lucian.

DOB: 28-12-2995

Age: 18 years.

Sex: Male Omega.

Address: ××××××××××


Hael's fuse flipped as soon as he read it.

>>> HAEL LUCIAN?... LUCIAN? 2995? 18 years? And... A MALE... WHAT?! OMEGA???!!!

He threw it away and stood up.

He was getting an idea of what was happening but he wanted to be sure so he quickly limped to the table which had a landphone on it.

He dialed the hotel's number which was written beside it.

"Good morning dear guest, thanks for calling the helpline of 'Hotel Fortune'. What would you like to-"

Before the woman could speak anymore Hael cut the call as his lips quivered.

>>>Hotel Fortune? Hael Lucian... male omega... all this is...

He turned towards the man who was still sleeping on the bed.

He gulped his saliva as he inchmeal, advanced to the bed. He slowly pulled the sheets from the man's face and was horrified.

He lost his balance and fell to the floor again closing his mouth with his palms.

>>>I am sure the scar on his right eye... he is... he is...


Hael's teeth started chattering due to the anxiety he was feeling.

>>>But he is a character in my favorite Manga 'The Two Alphas And Their Forbidden Love'... So why is he...


He clutched his head tightly feeling terrified.

He stood up and then took the ID in his hands that he threw away.

"If he is Alpha Arik Esmeray... and this is Hotel Fortune..."

He mumbled to himself as realization hit him just like the truck did.


>>>So... I have been transmigrated into my favorite Manga after I was dead in the real world, right?

>>>I am sure I was dead cause the truck broke all my bones...

Hael suddenly felt a rush of happiness as he looked into the mirror but then suddenly his face dropped as he noticed something,

"This ID card... my face... the name... Hael Lucian, male omega..."

He muttered trying to grasp the situation.


He pulled his hair in frustration as he looked at the mirror again.

>>>Ah, fuck, I am screwed! Hotel Fortune, Alpha Arik Esmeray, and Omega Hael Lucian in one room... all naked... that only means one thing!

>>>This is the scene when the Villain Hael drugged Alpha Arik, slept with him to get pregnant, and then blackmailed him to marry him.

He looked back at the sleeping Alpha in terror.

>>>When he wakes up, I am done for. He is going to kill me for sure!!!

Hael's face paled as he remembered the scene when Arik woke up and realized that he was taken advantage of by the Villain.

He would be choked hard until he saw stars by the angry Alpha.

He enjoyed the scene and cursed the Villain to die when he was reading it but now, he gulped as he traced his neck in fear.

>>>I will die cause I am not that strong-willed Villain!

"I have to run away from here before he wakes up."

Hael's instincts to live kicked in as he took a paper and a pen from the drawer.

He wrote down,

"I am sorry for everything I did until now. I deeply regret my actions. I am leaving here and will never bother you all. So please forgive me and don't look for me,

With utmost sincerity,


Then he dressed himself up with clothes that were scattered on the floor. And...

He ran away from Frostburgh the capital city of Coldbourne by getting into some random bus he first saw without any plans cause all he wanted was to somehow survive the wrath of Alpha Arik Esmeray.

He heaved as he looked through the window of the bus at the trees that seemed to be going backward.

Tiredness hit him as he became relaxed, his heavy eyelids closed. He went into a deep slumber forgetting everything.

He dreamt of the Manga 'The Two Alphas And Their Forbidden Love,' which went like this...

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It was an Omegaverse story where Alpha Arik Esmeray of the powerful Esmeray family was friends with Alpha Maven Lucian from childhood as they grew up together.

Esmeray's family was filthy rich for generations and was friends with the Lucian family. They have been running business together for a long time.

Everyone thought if one of them presented as Alpha and the other as Beta or an Omega, Esmerays and Lucians would become in-laws and strengthen their friendship even more becoming formidable in Coldbourne.

But to their dismay both the children were presented as Alphas.

Even though Arik and Maven loved each other without their elders knowing.

But it was blasphemy for two Alphas to be in a relationship.

That was why the title had the words, 'Forbidden Love'.

Despite all the adversities, Arik and Maven's love was strong enough to defeat everyone and be together by going against the world.

That was when the Villain entered.

His name was Hael Lucian, the bastard son of Mr. Lucian and half-brother of Maven who was brought home from the streets when he was eleven years old.

He was a quiet side character until he was presented as an Omega.

He saw Alpha Arik and fell in love with him even after knowing he was his step-brother's lover.

In greed to make Arik his, he drugged the Alpha at the party held by Esmerays at Hotel Fortune and slept with him successfully.

The next day enraged Alpha Arik tried to kill villain Hael for taking advantage of him.

But Maven interfered and stopped him.

Both the Alphas decided not to let anyone know about it.

But after three months, villain Hael went to the Esmeray's mansion with pregnancy and DNA reports in his hand shocking everyone.

To save the Esmeray family's reputation Mr. Esmeray ordered Arik to marry Hael and thus the lovers were separated by the cunning plan of the Villain.

Even after the marriage Alpha Arik was mentally tortured by Villain Hael who used to blackmail him that he would kill their baby if he met Maven.

One day while blackmailing like that villain Hael accidentally fell to the floor from stairs and lost the baby.

Alpha Arik was devasted knowing the news that his baby was dead.

He slapped the Villain, threw the divorce papers on his face, and kicked him out of his house.

Then his family disowned him.

He was charged with the murder of the baby and was sent to jail.

Where he was tortured by the prisoners and died miserably.

After that, Arik and Maven would get back with each other and no one complained about their relationship this time.

Then in the last chapter, they got married, adopted a child, and lived happily ever after.

The End.

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"That's right...the villain deserves death for killing the poor unborn baby..."

Hael was mumbling as he drooled in his sleep on the bus.

"Get down, we are here. Sigor is the last stop!" The driver shouted.

Hael jerked up as he opened his eyes while rubbing them he got off the bus. He read the board.

"Sigor... ah, my hometown in the real world. The author put the same names of Coldbourne cities...will the streets be the same too?"

Hael mumbled to nothing as he started walking.

He stood at the side of the road contemplating where to go.

He fished out his wallet and looked at the money.

>>>30 Varas... is what I am left with after I paid the bus fair.

>>>I should have taken some money before running away, ugh! What should I do now?

>>>Maybe I should go look for a part-time job...

Hael started wandering in the streets looking for the signboards of the jobs but he had no luck.

It was getting pretty late and the atmosphere became chilly as it was winter.

He shivered as he was only wearing thin clothes. His stomach was grumbling as he didn't eat anything from the morning.

He saw a convenience store and went inside to at least buy a cup of noodles but he was a fool to think he could buy it with just 30 Varas.

The basic cup noodle pack would start from 40 Varas. He sighed as he took two triangle rice balls from the shelf and paid the money he had.

>>>Now I am totally broke...

He ate them slowly not wanting them to be finished soon. While he was walking out he bumped into a muscled Alpha who looked pissed.

"Oyy! How dare you hit me?" The Alpha yelled and grabbed Hael by his collar.

Hael was already having a bad day with all the unbelievable transmigration stuff, him running away, and his hunger.

He got irritated and punched the Alpha on his face.

"You should be the one to say sorry, why are you barking like a mad dog?"

The Alpha got up furiously and just then his lackeys, a group of six to seven Alphas came over and were shocked to see a bruise on their boss's face.

"Beat the shit out of him!"

The boss ordered his lackeys. All the Alphas' eyes became crimson red and Betas became scarlett red indicating their anger.

[*While Omegas turn Vermilion red in anger].

The dominant pheromones spread through and Hael started trembling without him knowing.

If he was not an Omega whose body would be terrorized by the pheromones of Alphas he could have easily handled that group but now the odds were against him.

It sank in his head that Omegas were powerless against Alphas and that he was now in the Manga world where he was the Omega.

>>>I should have controlled my temper... Shit, what will happen to me now?

He saw an Alpha's fist flying towards his face. He shut his eyes in terror to take the hit.

His sour and scared pheromones were spreading through as the Alphas noticed him being an Omega.

He was waiting for the punch but it never came.

He opened his eyes and saw a man with broad shoulders holding the hand of that Alpha...
