Chapter-2: Going Home With The Handsome Beta

"Don't cause trouble here if you want to end up behind bars."

The man was a Beta. He was facing the Alphas without even a hint of fear.

He wasn't scared of them and their dominant pheromones at all as he couldn't sense them anyway.

The Alpha who was about to hit Hael looked at the Beta popeyed recognizing him at once and backed off immediately.

The other Alphas and Betas who were about to gang up on Hael to beat the shit out of him for hitting and cursing their boss looked at each other anxiously.

The boss Alpha signed his members to stand back and bowed to the man in front of him.

"We are sorry, sir. It was a mistake, we will leave now," The Alpha spoke and disappeared from there with his gang instantly.

Hael, who was having a hard time breathing till now because of all those dominant pheromones surrounding him staggered after they left as his mind became fuzzy.

The Beta who rescued him held his tiny waist in time preventing him from falling.

Hael clutched the Beta's shirt with one hand tightly and with the other touched his temple trying to ease his dizziness by rubbing the region a little.

He didn't eat proper food for a whole day and just made up with two triangle riceballs but after facing those tremendous pheromones his stomach felt sick and grumbled.

The Beta man helped Hael by supporting his waist taking him to the chair outside the convenience store and making him sit.

"You wait here, I will bring you some water."

The Beta man walked into the store brought back a bottle of water and handed it to Hael after removing the cap.

Hael gulped down half of the water in the bottle at once and quenched his thirst.

"Drink slowly, you will choke."

The Beta man gently caressed Hael's back looking worried like a mother bird.

Hael nodded a little. He put down the bottle on the table wiped the droplets on his mouth and finally looked at the person who came to his rescue at a perfect time.

His eyes widened seeing the glowing face which was looking out of the world.


Hael muttered unconsciously seeing the Beta man's ever so handsome face that knocked his senses back.

The person in front of him smiled hearing Hael's mumble but didn't say anything.

"T-Thank you..." 

Hael clasped his palms and bowed in the sitting position being grateful for saving him from those rogues.

If not for this person saving him in time who would have imagined what would have happened to him?

Just trying to imagine it made Hael tremble visibly. He was an Omega who was powerless against the strong Alphas and Betas of this world.

He was not a normal thirty-two-year-old bartender who could have punched six to eight men if confronted easily and get out of it but was an eighteen-year-old Omega male who would be rendered helpless against those dominant species of this world.

"You are welcome but being an Omega you sure have a sharp tongue and what are you doing out this late at night? Don't you know how dangerous it is for Omegas these days? Tell me your guardian's number, I will call them to pick you up from here."

The person spoke with a hint of concern in his voice taking out his mobile phone to call.

Hael bit his lips at the mention of the guardian. There was no guardian for him even in his past life or now...

The thirty-two years old Hael who was a skillful bartender and known for his flirting skills in Oakenvale street was an orphan who grew up in slums.

Till he reached adulthood he lived in slums eating whatever he found in the back alleys of the restaurants where they dump their leftover foods.

He had no ambitions or dreams or goals whatsoever. All he wanted was enough food for him to fill his stomach until he was found by his brother Raphael.

Raphael Dimitri, the manager of 'The Blue Moonlight' bar saw Hael and immediately took him under his wing.

He provided him with decent clothes, gave him a place to stay in his home, and taught him how to make drinks and cocktails.

At first, Hael had no thoughts when Raphael took him but later he became enthusiastic about learning whatever his brother taught him as it was his first time doing something other than trying to find leftover food.

After Hael's skills became adequate Raphael took him to his bar and made him his head bartender.

That was how Hael became a bartender in the 'The Blue Moonlight' bar and earned money and friends at the same time making his deplorable life mediocre.

If there was any guardian then it might be his brother Raphael... but he had his family and Hael never bothered him after earning the money.

He was just grateful and treated him as his big brother but as an orphan, he had no guardian.

The other closest person to him, while living as Hael Argyris was his bestfriend Emris Amorist, also a bartender in the 'Blue Moonlight' with whom he shared his room and almost everything.

Although Hael Argyris had earned many friends with his sociable nature, Emris was his soulmate.

They both were buddies in arms, orphans, otakus obsessed with mangas, animes, video games, and had many more countless similarities.

Among them, one was they were into men and were bottoms searching for true love which was why the first person he remembered after noticing that he spent a hot night upon waking up in this world was Emris.

So, of course Emris could be considered as his guardian but now he couldn't call him because he was not in his world.

Here, he Hael Lucian sure had a family but the villain's Father and stepmother never cared for him. His step-brother Maven?

>>>He is so busy with his lover that he never has time for the Villain Hael.

So, to sum it up there were no guardians to call for him now.

>>>Ah... God, did you write my fate after getting drunk or something for it to be this shitty?

"N-No... guardian. Orphan..." Hael mumbled feeling ashamed somehow to admit it in front of a total stranger.

The person's irises enlarged as he heard that, "Where do you live then?"

"I... have just arrived in Sigor this afternoon and looking for a job. If I can find one, I will manage to look for a place to stay."

Hael fidgeted with the hem of his already crinkled shirt telling all his plans. Maybe because of the dominant pheromones from before he became timid unlike his usual daring and sassy self.

The person sighed.

"If you have no place to stay for tonight, would you like to come with me then?" The Beta man asked, politely.

Hael looked up at him finding the suggestion attractive to him as he didn't even know where he could stay tonight with his empty wallet.

If he was in his world, sleeping on the streets wouldn't be a big matter but now that he was an Omega who would be targeted by unmated Alphas and Betas he needed to be careful not to become their prey.

So he probably couldn't sleep on the streets and going with the person who saved him sounded so tempting to his ears.

Still, they were strangers and the person was a Beta. Even though he saved him from those scums what would he do if he has any dark intentions for rescuing him?

What if the person would take advantage of him when they were alone?

He couldn't save himself as his body physique was so weak that standing for a mere five minutes would drain out all his energy.

Not to mention his still sour ass and the body pains from the vigorous exercise he did with the Alpha Arik last night that not even he remembered.

Until now he was just pushing himself and his weak body in the hope of finding a job so that he could rest but this late at night it seemed impossible.

Realizing that he couldn't rest his enervated body in this situation made his body aches increase further.

Seeing the restlessness in Hael's eyes the person understood that he was hesitant to come with him.

"Don't worry. I mean no harm. My bar is on the next street. I am a very well-known person here. You can stay at my place for tonight and I will introduce you to other shop owners who need workers tomorrow, with my recommendation you can easily get a job, what say, still worried?"

Hael's eyes sparkled as he heard that the person was the owner of a bar. He immediately grasped the Beta man's hands in his.

"You have a bar? I am a very good bartender. I have so much experience in that field. If you are perhaps short on bartenders can I work in your bar, please?"

Hael pleaded showing his puppy eyes.

The person was flabbergasted by the sudden request from Hael.

He smiled. "Let's talk about that early in the morning tomorrow. I presume you have no obligation to come with me now, right?"

Hael shook his head like a puppy.

"Then let's go to my place. Uh, and I forgot to introduce myself, I am Irvin. Irvin Lowell, thirty-one years old, running the 'WinterMoon bar and restaurant' for ten years now, and you?"

"I am Hael Ar- ahem just Hael, brother Irvin. Ah, I can call you... brother, right?"

Irvin chuckled at the silly question, "Haha, of course." He ruffled Hael's hair and they walked together to Irvin's place.


Three Months Later...

"Ugh, brother Irvin! What the hell are you doing, we need to open the restaurant in an hour and here you are playing video games, did you even sleep a wink last night?"

Hael grumbled as he started placing the food in the microwave to heat it up and then started tidying the room.


Irvin screamed in frustration as he threw the controller in his hand and started cursing at the other players for not playing well and letting their team die.

"Why, why? What happened?" Hael rushed to him leaving all the work thinking that something happened to him.

But after hearing him cursing other players he glared at him placing his hands on his waist.

"Brother Irvin!!!"

Sensing the burnt honeysuckle scent Irvin quietly turned off the system quickly and went to hug Hael to soothe his anger.

"Brother is sorry, Hael. I won't play those shitty games again, don't be angry."

Irvin tried to backhug him but Hael walked away with an upset expression.

"You always do this. You don't even take care of yourself if not for me reminding you to eat you will just skip your meals. All the time playing games and games. What will happen to your health at this rate?"

Hael's mood became sour suddenly. Without him knowing tears slid down his cheeks.

It was because he became so sensitive recently. His moods would change drastically.

He would be laughing heartily one second and then he would become so angry or sad that he would start crying the next second just about little things.

Irvin just thought it might be because of Hael's Omega pheromones acting up or maybe because he didn't have his heat from the time they met so maybe it was a side effect of pheromone imbalance or something.

He suggested to Hael that they should see a doctor but again the Younger became sensitive and started crying that he wasn't ill so Irvin just got used to his mood swings.

Irvin understood that Hael became sensitive again so he just embraced him and caressed his back trying to comfort him.

"Alright, this big brother will stop playing games and will do as you say. So, please stop crying, Hael."

Hael nodded a little and Irvin broke the hug wiping his tears.

"Let's go eat and leave for work," Irvin held Hael's hand and dragged him to the dining table.

Irvin started placing the rice in the bowl and Hael calmed down by then and remembered that he put the fried chicken in the microwave.

He stood up to go there but his head throbbed in pain and he became queasy. His face paled.

Hael took the support of the table to stand properly but his vision started becoming blurry.

"B-Brother... I-Ir... vin..."

Hael's voice became barely hearable but Irvin heard him and turned to look at him.

He noticed that Hael was about to fall and quickly caught him in his arms. He saw the younger was having cold sweats all over.

Getting anxious he carried Hael in his arms placed him in the passenger seat of his car and drove off to the nearby hospital in a hurry.

After an hour, the doctor who checked upon Hael and Irvin were sitting in a cabin.

The doctor was going through the reports. He raised his glasses and looked seriously at Irvin.

"How are you taking care of your mate? This is the time when Omega's earn for their mate's warmth and scent. For the pups inside him to grow healthily you need to be with him all the time. I know young people like you-"

The doctor was cut off from his lecture when Irvin with widened eyes asked,

"What do you mean pups inside him, doctor? Hael is pregnant?"
