Chapter-6: No Forbidden Love Between Alphas

Hael slumped his shoulders becoming small on the couch feeling anxious by the sudden rise in voices of the Alpha, Beta, and their stares at him.

Noticing that the younger became jittery, Arik cleared his throat signing Irvin to calm down but...

"I never knew you had an affair with my boyfriend, Arik Esmeray! Let that bastard come here, I will see you both!"

Irvin's eyes flared red.

Facepalming himself Arik opened his mouth to clear the misunderstanding.

"Hael, I don't know why you thought so, but Maven and I aren't in that kind of relationship. We both are Alphas. It's true that we are close because we grew up together but we are just best friends that's as far as our relationship goes nothing less nothing more."

He then looked at Irvin.

"Brother Irvin, you know Maven loves you. We never had such a relationship to begin with. Even imagining it is gross!"

Arik denied his accusations making a disgusted expression at the end of his sentence showing he was dead opposed to the idea of him and Maven being together.

"Right! I feel the same too. Ew, you and me? Even if the whole world ends, you and I were the only ones living and had the duty to proliferate for the sake of stopping the human extinction I would jump into the sea than to mate with you, got it?"

Maven who just arrived there, responded getting pretty offended.

"...Maven," Irvin stood up with twinkly eyes forgetting that just a minute before he got angry at him.

It has been three months since they met each other as Maven was busy solving the crisis in the company and had no time to visit him though they talked on the phone every night.

"Irvin," Maven ran to him and embraced him in a tight hug.

Hael who saw everything gasped outwardly in shock.

>>>How is this possible?

>>>Brother Irvin and Mr. Maven?

Hael was closer to Irvin than Maven, his step-brother, who was a stranger to him.

That was why he always called him formally, he used to even call his father Mr. Lucian and his step-mother Mrs. Lucian.

Anyway, wasn't this totally absurd? This whole Manga ran around the main protagonists Maven Lucian and Arik Esmeray and their forbidden love as in the title 'The Two Alphas And Their Forbidden Love'.

Then what was Hael seeing?

>>>Is this world, not the Manga world I read but just a parallel universe and I happened to read a fanfiction of these two Alphas' written by some space traveler or sort?

Hael's head started spinning thinking about such ludicrous theories in his head which might be true to a certain extent who knew?

>>>What in the world is happening?

"See, I am not in any relationship with Maven and we don't have such feelings for each other. I know maybe because our families are trying to set us up from our childhood you thought that I and him... but it isn't like that Hael, trust me."

Arik took the chance and knelt in front of Hael to clarify everything and tried to hold his hands but...

Hael shrunk back on the couch seeing the Alpha kneeling in front of him getting frantic.

He saw that and immediately retracted his hands. Arik's heart felt the rejection, he pursed his lips and sighed inwardly.

"I am sorry..." He apologized.

Hael bit his lips seeing the dispirited face of the Alpha.

He knew it wasn't fair to judge this Arik kneeling in front of him to the Alpha Arik of the past life who never gave him any attention till the end.

But what to do, for Hael who just got back his memories of his previous life everything was very complicated.

He couldn't sink in all the data at once and behave normally as if everything was going just perfectly.

He was himself in a state of confusion, shock, and agitation. In such a situation where he was trying to gulp everything down, these guys in front of him said that the Manga he read was a total bullshit.

Arik and Maven who married in his last life after his death 'according to the Manga' were telling him that they had no such feelings for each other.

How could he believe it? Even if he did what should he do now? Accept Arik as his mate? Let him mark him for the sake of his pups?

No, he couldn't do that. How could he now that he clearly remembered how everyone ignored him and never cared about him.

His so-called parents had just adopted him to sell to an old man for some property exchange like he was a thing not a human with feelings.

The Alpha who was now trying to clarify everything didn't even listen to his one word in his last life and was never there for him when he needed him for the growth of his pups.

Yet when accidentally he lost a baby of theirs he was the first one to show how much he abhorred him when at that time a mother who lost a baby needed the comfort of his husband, his Alpha but all he got was a harsh slap watering away all his hopes to have a family.

Then he didn't even think about what situation Hael was in and divorced him as if he was waiting for it.

As if he was not human but just a container carrying his pups and that they were no more he threw it out.

Even if the Manga he read was wrong he couldn't forget the pain he went through in his last days in the prison where he was tortured brutally.

Wasn't it all because all these people never cared about him especially his Alpha, his husband Arik?

Then why should he be kind enough to accept the Alpha now? Why should he be the only one with a big heart and accept everything when no one ever tried to even understand him?

Think of him as a selfish and foolish person but Hael didn't want anyone in his life anymore.

All he wanted was to give birth to his pups his only family and live with them happily until the last breath of his life.

A light flashed through Hael's eyes as he thought about it.

Gathering all the courage left inside him for the first time he lied.

"So, what?"

"Huh?" Arik was perplexed.

Hael took a long breath.

"So what if you and him aren't in any relationship? What's that gotta do with me?"

"What?" Arik's eyelashes trembled.

The Omega who was shivering up until now in front of him was no more frightened and had a strange determined look in his eyes.

Irvin and Maven were stunned too.

Hael clutched the hem of his shirt tightly such that his knuckles paled and wrinkled the cloth.

"...these babies..." Hael touched his belly, "... aren't yours."

Done. He said it.






Arik and Hael were left alone in the hall.

Cause after Hael dropped the bomb Arik's face turned ugly though he controlled himself and seriously requested Irvin and Maven to give them some space so they could talk it out.

Irvin was reluctant to leave Hael alone with Arik but Maven assured him that his best friend wasn't someone who would harm the person he wanted to pursue.

If that was the case Arik wouldn't be searching for Hael for the past three months like a madman just to take the responsibility for what he did that night under the influence of drugs.

Also Maven assured Irwin that they would be just staying in another room and if perhaps Arik did something to Hael, they could easily come to the rescue.

Still, before leaving Irvin warned Arik not to cross any line and followed Maven to the upstairs letting the young couple to solve their misunderstanding.

Once they sorted out everything they would get back together as sometimes it just needed two people to talk face-to-face heartily for it to be solved.

Half an hour passed the both of them didn't speak a word. Arik was looking at the Omega without saying anything.

Hael wasn't looking at the Alpha at all. He was staring at the ceiling sometimes and at the flowers on the table the other times.

He knew the Alpha's gaze was on him but he didn't want to talk with him anymore also he was afraid of him.

Arik sighed shaking his head. He stayed silent till now cause he was trying to calm himself down.

He didn't want to lash out at the Omega who was already fearful of him or say any hurtful words in anger that would make him regret later.

Arik was a person who hated liars to the core but now he chose to be patient cause he was dealing with Hael for whom he went crazy these months.

>>>I need to be calm... calm...

He took a deep inhale and then exhaled. Eyes on Hael.

"Hael..." He called softly but got no response, "...Hael," his voice became serious.

Hael pursed his lips clutching his shirt tightly he dared to lock his eyes with the Alpha.

"Tell me you lied. I know the pups you are carrying are mine... are ours. So, why are you lying, Hael?"

"I didn't. You aren't the father of my babies... so please leave."

Hael got up, his legs shaky from lying straight to the Alpha's face. He didn't want to face Arik a second more so he tried to go upstairs.

But his hand was grabbed by Arik who had a calm face but there was a storm in his dark brown eyes.

Arik pulled the Omega into his arms resting one hand on the Younger's tiny waist and the other cradling Hael's face.

Due to the impact of the pull Hael was startled, his hands were placed on the elder's chest, the younger looked up directly into his eyes.

Arik has a well-built body with defining muscles which were protruding through his formal suit.

Hael's body was a little on the thin side because of his Omega pheromones his growth stopped at the age of fifteen and became curvier after he presented.

They were fitted in each other's arms as puzzle pieces would, perfectly.

Hael's muscles tensed at the touch of the Alpha. He tried to break free from his hold but Arik's grip was firm.

"L-Let go of me."

Hael glared at the Alpha not wanting to be seen as weak yet his stutter exposed him.

"Relax, Hael. I won't do anything to you,"

Arik reassured in a soft voice.

His eyelashes trembled as he could sense the Alpha's warm breath fanning on his face.

Arik leaned forward towards the Younger's neck.

His nose was hit with an alluring honeysuckle scent which was a blend of honey and vanilla with the hints of jasmine and lemon.

In one word it was seductive.

Enough to drive any Alpha crazy and without any exception our blue-blooded Alpha Arik too who had his pheromones under control more than any other Alpha.

That was also the reason why Arik was enthralled by Hael that night.

Even if he was drugged if that was any other Omega other than Hael there was almost ninety-seven percent chance of Arik not falling into that honeytrap.

It was because of Hael's enticing scent that Arik had lost control over his pheromones for the first time in his life and ended up mating him.

Hael shut his eyes gripping the elder's shirt tightly and tilting his neck back exposing his bare neck submissively as the Alpha's Gardenia scent hit his nostrils which was intoxicating, velvety, and musky at the same time.

In one word it was sensual.

Enough to drive any Omega into their heats but as he was carrying the Alpha's pups his body became relaxed.

The discomfort in his belly till now disappeared and he felt salubrious and nourishing.

Arik saw Hael being relieved by the scent that he released and had a knowing smile on his face.

Of course, only the pregnant Omegas who carry the pups of their Alphas would feel at ease and other Omegas would have trouble and may also go into heat after scenting the Alpha's pheromones.

Arik knew Hael was lying from the start and by this he just wanted to unveil Hael's lies.

"See, even if your beautiful lips are lying to my face. Your tender body and our pups can't lie to me, can they?"

Arik whispered in the Younger's ear.

Hael blinked his eyes and gulped his saliva knowing that his lie was exposed just like that.

"Why did you run away from me that day, Hael? Did you think I will blame you for it? And what's the meaning of that letter? Do you know how hard I tried to find you?"

Arik asked as he traveled his hand from Hael's face to down caressing his curvy side and to his stomach.

Hael froze at that touch on his belly.

"Our pups-"

Before Arik could complete his sentence Hael pushed him away with his full strength and due to the impact he fell to the floor on his butt.

He looked at Arik with fear-stricken eyes that were welled up in tears.

"N-No... don't kill my babies... don't... *hic* please... no... *hic*... my family..."

Hael started crying hysterically hugging his stomach.

When Arik touched his belly he remembered his past life where in prison it was touched by several Alphas.

Then after knowing he was still pregnant how they stepped on his belly more even after he begged them, left a deep scar in his heart.

That was why he thought Arik was also checking his stomach to kill his pups.


Arik immediately crouched down and tried to hug the younger but Hael was panic-stricken.

He tried to push away the elder screaming for him to let go of him and his pups.

Arik's heart throbbed in pain as he sensed the Younger's scent becoming sour and sour due to fear.
