Chapter-5: Regret, Thrashing, And A Shock?

Irvin came running out hearing the car sound. He was excited to meet his cousin after a very long time who came there for local project bidding and also needed his help with something.

"Brother Irvin."

His cousin waved at him with a gummy smile on his face as soon as he saw him.


Irvin ran to him and hugged him tight.

"I missed you so much."

"Me too, Brother."

Arik smiled not minding the hug.

If it was anyone else trying to have skinship with him he would have thrown him to the floor and showed him hell releasing his dominant pheromones but it was his big brother Irvin, so he didn't mind at all.

They both walked inside talking cheerfully with each other.

Arik sat on the couch as Irvin brought him some coffee to drink. They were about to talk business when Hael who got all freshened up came downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Brother Irvin, what did you make today? I am so hungry."

"Ah, I made some pancakes, go and eat, Hael. I have a guest over here, I will eat later," Irvin replied.

Alpha Arik was wide-eyed when he heard the familiar voice and his brother calling a familiar name.

"Guest, who-"

Hael stopped in his tracks seeing the Alpha who was looking at him with the same shocked expression as his.

His hand immediately touched his belly in a protective way. Without waiting for a second more he ran upstairs at a light speed.

"Oy, don't run-"

Irvin's voice vanished as he locked the door instantly sliding the wall behind and fell to the floor.

His eyes were brimmed with tears.

"Babies... I... why... is he here... I have to protect my babies... I have to ..."

Hael was panicking seeing Alpha Arik.

After the nightmare he had and knowing the truth that he was the Villain Hael himself many emotions of his past life merged into his consciousness which made him weak unwantedly.

He was trembling all over thinking that the Alpha would once again take away his babies.

Hael didn't want to have anything to do with Alpha Arik in this life anymore.

Even if it would be hard to give birth to his children without the mating mark and the Alpha scenting him daily he didn't want to ask for Arik's help.

Cause Alpha Arik didn't belong to him but to his step-brother Maven and if he tried to forcefully enter the Alpha's life just like in his last life he knew how exactly he would end up.

Only the protagonists could be together no matter what hurdles they face. A villain like him wouldn't have a place in their lives.

On the other hand, Arik ran upstairs following Hael, and knocked on the door several times.

But Hael couldn't hear them. He was scared... too scared to face the Alpha from whom he ran away for his dear life.

Three months ago, when he came running to Sigor to protect himself from the wrath of the Alpha whom he forced to sleep with him was here in front of him again.

After Irvin took him home that night Hael had a high fever and his entire body ached for a whole week just like it did in his past life after he slept with Arik.

That was when he knew even under the influence of drugs Arik didn't show any mercy though it was Hael's first time.

It was just pure painful and he didn't have a nice memory about that night.

It was one night that the past Hael wanted to forget so badly cause just recalling it would make him quiver in terror.

Now that he regained his memories of past life that fear only increased.

"Hael! Hael! Please, open the door... Hael let's just talk once... please, Hael!"

Arik was banging on the door with a pleading voice.

After he woke up that day with no one by his side and only a piece of paper which was an apology letter mentioning his leaving and to never look for him.

Arik went insane reading the letter continuously.

He went to Lucian's mansion in search of Hael but the room had no trace of his living, it was empty just as it was all along even when he lived there.

He sent all his men to search for Hael and caused chaos all over Frostburgh. Even Maven, his best friend couldn't be able to comfort him.

There was so much remorse in his heart. Though it was under drug influence he behaved like a beast with Hael and didn't even mark him.

>>>Only if I had marked him...

Arik deeply regretted that he didn't mark him. If he had done it, it would have been so easy to find Hael.

He knew how hard it would be to live all alone for an unmarked Omega.

At that, Hael lost his innocence to him and no Alpha or Beta would take him as their mate and he would be looked down upon by everyone.

In the worst case, a mated and unmarked Omega like Hael would be taken advantage of by everyone to satisfy their carnal desires.

Just that thought made Arik shudder. He never wanted Hael to be hurt by him in any way.

He blamed himself all this time and started looking for him without any wink of sleep but couldn't find him.

Now, luck was on his side. Unexpectedly, Hael, for whom he was looking for all these three months like a dog was found in his cousin's home.

How could he let go of this chance? He wanted to apologize for his behaviour and if Hael let him he wanted to mark him, form the mate bond, and then marry him taking responsibility for what he did.

But seeing how the younger got scared and ran away Arik's heart sank thinking that he frightened Hael so much by his animalistic behaviour.

Irvin who followed them seeing Arik pleading on the door gritted his teeth.

He grabbed Arik by his collar and in a very threatening tone asked,

"Don't tell me, you are the one who mated him without marking him... Arik. You are not the one who didn't form the mate bond with him, right?"

"I am... I did that... I didn't mark him..."

Arik mumbled looking down, feeling guilty again.

"You bastard! How can you do that to Hael?"

Irvin punched him in anger.

He remembered how distressed and disheartened Hael looked when the doctor said he needed to be scented for his babies to grow healthily.

Arik didn't retaliate and took all the punches directed at him quietly cause he thought he deserved that and more.

"I didn't know you were such an asshole! Why did you mate him if you are not going to take responsibility?"

Irvin growled punching him again.

Arik fell to the floor with bleeding lips and red swollen cheeks that were turning blue.

"I wanted to..."

Arik mumbled tears welling up in his eyes.

"Shut up! Do you know how much he would have suffered if not for me? He would have been targeted by rogue Alphas and would have become their sex slave... is that what you wanted? How can you be so cruel to that innocent boy?"

Irvin shouted getting even more furious just thinking if he didn't go to buy some beer that night at the convenience store.

If Hael was all alone that night those Alphas and Betas who were ready to beat the shit outta him... Irvin didn't want to imagine what would have they done to him.

Irvin has a powerful family background and no one dared to mess with him in Sigor that was why those Alphas and Betas left quietly that night without causing any ruckus but if he hadn't been there... what would have happened to Hael?

Arik just stayed silent, his heart was squeezing in pain.

Irvin lifted him by his collar.

"Tell me, why did you do that? Why did you not mark him after you mated with him? Don't you know how hard it is to give birth to pups without the mates's mark and scenting, you fucker?!"

Arik's dull eyes instantly popeyed as he heard that.

"What do you mean by pups, Brother Irvin?... is Hael... pregnant?"

His heart started beating rapidly to hear the answer.

Irvin pushed him away clenching his teeth.

"You... if it is up to me, I would have thrown you out and never let you see Hael again. But he needs your scent and mark for him to give birth safely. This is the only reason I am not kicking you out now."

"Hael is pregnant... he is carrying our pups... wait-...pups, Brother?"

Arik looked at him.

Irvin sighed and nodded.

"He is carrying twins."

Arik stumbled back and held the railing for support. He covered his mouth with one hand in shock as a tear slipped through his wet eyes.

"Our... pups..."

Irvin looked at those happy tears.

Arik was emitting his pleasant scent of Gardenias but as a Beta, he couldn't sense them yet he knew a person who didn't want to take responsibility would never have such a content expression.

Hael who was just a door away from them heard them talking and sensing the scent he knew the Alpha was ecstatic about the news of their pups.

Finally, Irvin calmed down as his senses came back. He knew Arik from when he was a child.

That blue-blooded Alpha was powerful and dominant but was never an arrogant person.

Arik grew up to be a gentleman. He handled every situation calmly and was a practical person and a responsible adult.

Irvin couldn't believe such an Alpha would be brutish towards Hael.

>>>Something must have happened if not Arik will never do such a thing.

>>>Why didn't I think of this earlier? I was clouded by fury and was angry for Hael that I forgot Arik wasn't such a scum of an Alpha.

>>>In fact, if I searched the whole world for an Alpha who would treat everyone equally despite their second gender Arik would be ranked at least in the top five.

Sighing, Irvin knocked on the door.

"Hael, come out. Don't be scared. I am here with you, if Arik tries anything funny I will not let him go out of our home with his limbs intact."

Arik didn't mind the warning Irvin gave he was just expectant to see the younger again.

He never saw him clearly and that night his memory was still fuzzy.

Hael took a long breath. He understood he couldn't run away from this anymore.

He needed to come face to face with his fears.

If that would help his pups grow healthily then he would do anything for it even facing the person who despised him the most in his last life and took away his last hope to have a family.

He opened the door slowly walked out looked at the floor and stood behind Irvin clutching onto the hem of the elder's shirt tightly.


Arik tried to step forward with sparkly eyes but Irvin signed him to stay back.

"Before you both clear out your misunderstandings I need to know what happened first to let you talk with him. If I get to know that it is your fault then Arik be ready to get another round of thrashing," Irvin warned.

Arik nodded trying to take a glance at Hael but the younger wasn't looking at him at all.

The three of them sat on the couches in the hall with Arik facing Irvin and Hael sitting beside the Beta holding his hand for emotional support.

"So, tell me what happened? Why did you mate with him? Did you force him and leave him?"

Irvin asked already grinding his teeth and imagining all the negative scenarios in his head.

Arik shook his head and started explaining that somehow he got drugged and Hael was in his room as if someone set it up knowingly.

Then the deed they had done and when he opened his eyes at noon Hael was nowhere to be found except for the letter and how Arik had been searching for him all these months.

"Is it true, Hael?"

Irvin squeezed the Younger's hand.

Hael nodded timidly.

"Then why did you run away? Don't you know how dangerous it is outside?"

Irvin scolded lightly.

For the first time, Hael looked up and locked his eyes with Arik yet his hands were so shaky that he tightly clasped them not wanting anyone to see.

"Because he already has a lover and I came between their love I have no place in his life," Hael answered.

"Oyy!!! Lover? Who the hell is that?"

Irvin shouted glaring at the Alpha.

Arik raised his both arms in the air in a surrendering position and shook his head frantically.

"I swear on my ancestors I have no lover whatsoever."

Irvin still glowered at him but Arik looked at him seriously.

"I will never lie about this, Brother Irvin. I don't know how you concluded that I have a lover but Hael I have been single for twenty-seven years I have lived till now and never dated anyone."

"Hael, I know about Arik too from his childhood and I am sure about it he never dated anyone. Why did you think like that? Who is that person that you saw as his lover? Do you know them?" Irvin queried.

"M-My... step-brother, Maven Lucian."

Hael replied, clutching onto his shirt tightly, feeling a throb inside his chest.

Irvin was having a glass of water but threw it up coughing badly as he heard him.


Irvin and Arik screamed at the same time.
