Chapter-16: The Secrets Of Holy Wine And The Soulmates

Roderic was the first to bow his head right away after hearing that Hael was a pregnant Omega, "I am sorry. I thought you were a Beta as I couldn't sense your scent."

"Oh," Hael was slightly surprised by the rude Alpha apologizing after realizing his mistake, "... it's fine, I understand you are just being protective of your sister."

"Thank you," Roderic smiled.

Levena was pleased by his second son's behavior. She knew her son might appear crude and ruffian at first glance but he has no arrogance and will never use his strength or pride as an Alpha on others or those weaker than him.

"You don't look too young for your age, young man. I thought you must be of my daughter's age," Viltarin commented.

"Ah, yes. I don't look my age. Everyone says that, haha," Hael chuckled remembering the good old days of his second life when he was surrounded by men and women and he flirted with them while making his signature cocktails.

"Oy, what the hell are you saying? Your nineteenth birthday is still a week away and Mr. Ender's daughter must have turned eighteen recently which means you both don't have that much of an age difference." 

Irwin lightly hit Hael's head. He always found it strange that Hael's way of talking was similar to his friends in their early thirties and not of an adolescent.

But he was used to it so he didn't mind it that much. 

"What, pregnant at eighteen? Isn't it illegal?" Levena furrowed his eyebrows.

When he heard that from her mother, Ashvin started sweating becoming anxious for some reason.

>>>Illegal... so that time... I... and Eugene...

Ashvin tightened his fist staring at Arik,

>>>I must talk with Arik Esmeray about Eugene before I go back to Valoldour.

"Hm, it is a sin worthy of getting a hundred strokes of celestial bolts of lightning as punishment. But there was a long story behind it," Maven sighed.

"Then who is the Father of your child, Hael?" Ayla questioned getting curious.

Hael glanced at Arik and the Enders family understanding the sign looked at the Alpha as if they were looking at an unforgivable criminal and sinner.

Arik noticed their offensive eyes directed at him but he couldn't care less about what the others were thinking when Hael accepted that he was the father of their children even just by a mere look at him. He was content with it for now.

"I thought the only heir of the powerful blue-blooded family, Esmerays was a respectable Alpha but never thought you-"

Roderic couldn't finish his sentence when Hael "As my step-brother said it's a long story so you shouldn't make assumptions before knowing the truth."

"Step-brother? Maven Lucian is your step-brother?" Ashvin queried with popped-eyes.

"Unfortunately, yes," Hael's lips straightened.

Maven felt the ache in his heart yet again but didn't show it, "Yes, he is my brother, Hael Lucian."

"No, I have nothing to do with Lucians. I am just Hael, you get it Mr. Maven?" Hael corrected him immediately glowering at him for not leaving a chance to call him his family.

"Hael..." Maven deeply exhaled and Irwin, "Give him a break, Mav. If he said he didn't want to be a Lucian anymore then respect his decision."

"Then, I won't have any relationship with him anymore, Win," Maven had a dejected look on his face.

"That's what I want. To not have any relationship with you and your family," Hael retorted.

The Enders were amazed at seeing such a fearless Omega speaking his mind. The world changed and now Omegas had a strong standing in society unlike in ancient times were they considered of the lowest rank.

Still, because of their docile nature, Omegas were constantly under the control of powerful Alphas of Betas and their voices were becoming unheard in the society.

So, seeing Hael was refreshing for them. But they also knew it was because of him being pregnant as Omegas would naturally be grumpy and rebellious opposite to their submissive nature but they didn't knew the old bartender in the Omega's body had just that sassy personality.

"Ahem! We don't want to interfere in your family matter, so we will take our leave first," Viltarin stated, signing his family to move as it would be inappropriate to listen to their private matters any more than this.

"Right, we should leave. It's getting late for Ayla's baptizing. We might have to come back tomorrow again if we go any later," Levena voiced out taking her daughter's hand.

"It was nice to meet you all here. You can come to Ender's mansion when you have time, you are all welcome," Viltarin offered.

"Especially Hael. You should come, I want to talk with you about a lot of things," Ayla chirped.

Hael nodded giving her a small smile getting a little sister vibe from her.

Arik came forward extending his hand, "Then, can we visit this weekend? I might have to trouble you about Verenas and the project."

"Yes, Mr. Ender. We have a proposal that you might want to hear if you want to defeat the Verenas this time," Maven spoke supporting his friend.

Viltarin had a good impression of Arik at first as he heard so much about his endeavors in the business world but after knowing that he made an eighteen-year-old Omega pregnant his judgment shook a little still he was a person to separate private and business matters so he agreed with a hint of hesitation.

"Alright, you may visit but..." Viltarin paused making both Arik and Maven a little nervous, " Ayla wants to spend some quality time with Hael, I will allow it if you all come along."

Arik and Maven stared at each other with a defeated look. Hael and agreeing to go along with them when he didn't even want to talk with them properly, Haha, Mr. Viltarin Ender must be kidding was what they thought.

"Then, we will take our leave," Viltarin said and the family followed him, Ayla waved at Hael happily and the Omega smiled at her waving back.

Ashvin remained there until his family left for the other corridor and he made sure that they weren't coming back, "Mr. Esmeray, can we meet tonight?" 

Arik was taken aback when he heard that. He thought the Alpha waited to talk with his junior Maven but didn't expect it was for him he stayed back.

"May I know what this is about?" Arik asked, politely.

"Eugene Esmeray," Ashvin's reply was short, he had a serious expression on his face.

Arik, Maven, and Irwin frowned at the same time hearing the familiar name.

"You don't have to get anxious. I will tell you everything if you like to meet me tonight, it is important and I am leaving tomorrow for Valoldour so I don't have much time," Ashvin voiced out.

Arik took out his phone and gave it to Ashvin unlocking it, "Give me your number, I will message you the place and time."

Ashvin immediately took his phone and saved his number, "Thank you, then," he nodded and left.

"Strange, how does he know Eugene? And what does he want to talk to you about him?" Maven wondered.

"I heard he works as a biotechnology professor in Valoldour," Arik spoke.

"So what? Valoldour is a big country. How can Eugene meet with Ashvin Ender?" Irwin questioned.

"I have no idea. But it's been ages since I heard about little Orange after he left with his uncle to Valoldour following his mother's death. So, whatever it is I want to hear it," Arik responded.

"Who is Eugene?" Hael queried looking confused and left out as the three of them spoke with each other.

"Arik's younger brother."

"Arik's step-brother."

Maven and Irwin replied at the same time differently and Hael understood.

"Huh, another step-brother like me. Brother Irwin didn't I tell you the older generation Alphas need to-" Hael's mouth was covered by Irwin.

"Alright, I get it stop speaking such things inside the cathedral, Hael."

The four of them walked towards the winery and the Deacons guarding it got the order from the Bishop to let silver-blue-haired Omega inside, so they bowed to him as soon as they saw Hael and allowed him inside giving him an instruction that once he took out a vial of holy wine from the shelves he couldn't keep it back and should come outside right after.

As expected the winery was cooler than the temperature in the cathedral. Hael was stunned to see numerous vials and barrels inside.

He was hit with different scents mixed in the air all of a sudden.

"Woah, the holy wines are stronger than I expected them to be," Hael exclaimed.


Hael heard the proud voice of the Moon Goddess.

"You're speaking as if you made them personally," He chuckled pronouncing outwardly as there was no one beside him in the room to think he had gone crazy talking to the air.


"Oh my, Moon Goddess. You know how to make wine too?" 


Hael was searching through the shelves listening to the Moon Goddess and scenting the vials without taking them out.

Finally, he stopped when his nostrils hit with a particular scent that caught his attention.

"This is good, it's comforting," Hael took out the vial unconsciously scenting it again and again feeling mesmerized.

As soon as he took out the vial, his body sparkled, "Hm, what's happening?"


"Hm, why is it a surprisingly expected, Moon Goddess?" Hael had a baffled expression.


"What do I remember by scenting the wine?" Hael had a question mark all over his face, "I just found it good... uh, wait I think I scented this somewhere recently..."


The Moon Goddesses teased.

"What, no! I don't want his scent at all, I will keep it back now and take another-"


Just as the Moon Goddess said Hael couldn't keep the vial back and he sighed defeatedly, "Ahhhhhhhhh, why?"


Hael's drooped face became bright again, "So, it's not me who selected this according to what you said. It's my babies who felt the scent of their Father from the vial, so I took it out unconsciously, right Moon Goddess?"


"Yes, you did say so what is it, the other use?"


"Isn't finding a soulmate a good thing, Moon Goddess?"


"So, why did the Bishop permit me, then? Don't tell me..." Hael paused his irises widened realizing-


"What if I didn't pick the wine of Arik's scent?"


"But, the babies picked up his father's scent. It wasn't my intention so Arik isn't my soulmate, right Moon Goddess?"

Hael inquired getting nervous.

<<>> Moon Goddess paused and before Hael could release a sigh of relief, <<<...or maybe not.>>> She giggled.
