Chapter-17: The Responsibilities Burdening Alpha Arik

"Uh, what do you mean by that Moon Goddess? Tell me clearly, he is not my soulmate, right? He can't be... please tell me no," Hael shouted.


"No, Moon Goddess. It's not that... but shouldn't I have the choice to choose my lover, my mate that I have to spend my whole life with? Why should I be bound to Arik... if he is my soulmate then I won't have any right to choose, I don't want that," Hael answered honestly and added, 

"I want the freedom to choose my mate, Moon Goddess. Am I asking too much?"


"If that's the case, tell me the truth, Moon Goddess. Is... Arik my soulmate? Am I bound to him?" Hael questioned, a little nervous to hear the answer.


"How can that be possible, Moon Goddess? What're you-"

*Knock* *knock*

"Excuse me, Sir, did you finish choosing the holy wine?" A Deacon knocked on the winery door as the Omega was taking a long time to come outside.


Hael sighed, "Yes, I did. Just a second," he answered the Deacon and walked outside with so many thoughts running races inside his head.

After coming out the Deacon took the note of the vial name and then handed over his second gender certificate to Hael, "Sir, you must consume the wine the third day following the parturition, keep in mind and don't forget."

Irwin listened to their talk, "Yes, I will make sure he takes it that time, thank you." 

"So, what did you choose, Hael? Um, Gardenia wine?" Irwin read the label on the vial gaining the attention of Arik who was looking troubled by seeing Hael pondering over something.

"Gardenia wine?" Maven glanced at his friend who had the same scent.

"That's not important right now. Hael, is something wrong?" Arik queried noticing him spacing out.

"Hael, what happened?" Irwin placed his hand on the Omega's shoulder and shook him a little.

Hael stared at Arik for a moment without blinking his eyes, "Nothing, let's go home."

Understanding that Hael didn't want to talk about it Irwin nodded taking the certificate and vial from his hands and keeping it in his bag.

They walked outside the cathedral in silence. The Bishop who was watching them from the glass window of his office holding the notepad that the Deacon gave him, smiled.

"Hm, fate is such a strange thing..."


"Brother Irwin, I am hungry," Hael leaned back on the couch rubbing his belly with pouty lips.

"Ah, just give me a minute, I made some extra sandwiches this morning, and I will reheat them. You eat it while I cook the dinner for us, okay?" Irwin then went inside his room took out his bag and put it in the cupboard safely and went to the kitchen.

"Okay," Hael answered taking the remote and turning on the T.V. totally ignoring the Alphas as if they were non-existent.

It wasn't the first time so both Alphas didn't mind. Maven strode towards the kitchen while Arik sat on the couch diagonally to Hael.

"Hael... did you think about it?" Arik asked slowly, his tone gentle.

Hael gave him a side glance switching the channels, "About?"

"Temporary marking," Arik replied.

The Omega nodded his head. He put the remote on the table in front of him and gazed at the Alpha intensely.

>>>He is the main protagonist for sure, look at his perfectly sculpted handsome face.

>>>The character I loved the most reading the manga was him, Arik Esmeray, the Alpha who was ruthless to his enemies but at the same time loving and caring towards his lover.

>>>He is such a green flag in the manga then why was he a dark red flag in my first life? Because I am the villain?

For the first time in his life, Arik felt small in front of the Omega's pricking stare. He gulped his saliva, "So...?"

"I agree." Hael's voice was stern as he added, "... but I have condition."

"Condition, what is it? I will agree to anything as long as you and our children will be safe and healthy," Arik became happy that finally, Hael agreed.

"You aren't going to go back on your word, right?" Hael narrowed his eyes giving a suspicious look.

"No, I swear on the Moon Goddess," Arik held his Adam's apple and lifted his hand in the air.

Hael nodded, "First, let me ask you a question, when are you returning to Frostburgh?"

"Probably in a month and a half, I will stay a few more days after the bidding to check everything and will have to go back," Arik replied, instantly.

"Then how are you going to give me the temporary mark afterward? Don't even think about taking me along with you, I am never coming back to the capital," Hael declared.

Arik paused for a moment, "If that's what you want as I said I won't force you to do anything you don't want to. I will go to Frostburgh for a few days as I have to ask my Grandfather's permission and settle some things there first then I will come back and stay here with you."

"Heh, stay here with me? You're saying you are going to leave the company you worked hard all this time and your family just for me, how can I believe such blatant lies, Alpha Arik? Even if you did that in the future if I refuse to be your mate won't you curse me to death for letting you lose everything you have now?" Hael retorted and added, 

"Don't build castles in the air, Arik."

Arik wasn't offended by the Omega's tone rather he was calm and explained, "I am not trying to give you any false hopes, Hael. I will be glad if you listen to me first and then decide of your own accord."

Hael nodded paying his full attention to the Alpha. Irwin carrying the plate of sandwiches was stopped by Maven as he wanted the couple to talk it out without any interference so they were standing beside the pillar listening to their conversation.

"I am the sole heir of the blue-blooded Esmerays family that's the title I have in the society. It may look grandiose on the outside but I had to bear many responsibilities and expectations of everyone and work hard every day not to disappoint anyone and smear the name of such a powerful family."

Arik paused as he deeply sighed, "I... tried my best every day learning the ins and outs of the business world when my friends were playing happily without any care in the world. They were all envious of me but I was envious of their carefree life. I didn't have a childhood worth mentioning. Growing up, the only dream I had was to become more stronger and powerful than the name my family held to get separated from them."

"What?" Hael was dumbfounded.

"You heard it right, Hael. I never wanted to be the heir of Esmerays family. I want to be Arik without the huge shadow of my family's name. The one who hated my family more than anyone was me." 

Arik gave him a helpless smile and continued, 

"Your brother Maven has the same idea as me. That's why we became friends when our families wanted us to be mates being fully aware that we both are Alphas, we wanted to break ties with them more than anything. So, we used the chance of being together fooling them to start our own company without their knowledge. Maybe, that's why to everyone we looked like lovers... but that's not the truth we were just trying to get out of the prisons holding and suffocating us."

Hael's eyes widened,

>>>Is it because of this Arik always went to Maven in my first life leaving me... for work?

>>>But I thought he... was going on dates to spend time with his lover.

Irwin was also aware of his cousin's difficulties and his strong desire to break free from his family's clutches. He and his parents supported him in that cause Aynur Esmeray, his mother too did the same by marrying his father, running away from her family.

Esmerays couldn't do anything against the Lowell family because of their mafia background so they agreed to the marriage, reluctantly in the end.

"Our company has been set up in Ashford, the global hub for business, finance, and education which is a few miles away from here. I and Maven planned to announce our retirement from Esmeray and Lucian's company by next year and reveal that we are the founders of 'Riken Finances' to the world," Arik stated.

Hael was shocked to the core yet again... 

>>>What the- 'THE RIKEN FINANCES'??? 

>>>The largest firm, established seven years ago in Coldbourne shook the world by providing private equity finances to several now successful companies when they were just start-ups, early stages, and emerging when no one believed or dared to invest in them.

>>>It's called the miracle company and rumors say that the company's C.E.O. must be a prophet to always invest in a company that makes a name and becomes eminent.

>>>No day goes by without hearing or seeing a news article about Riken finances.

>>>And this guy... is telling me so casually that the Riken company belongs to him and my step-brother... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

The Omega forgot to blink trying to process the information in his mind but it was showing 'Error' cause it was hard for him to suck up such mind-boggling information all at once.

>>>As expected... the protagonists of my favorite Manga. Is there anything these two can't do in this world?

Hael was lost in his thoughts but he came back to his senses when Arik spoke again.

"We can go to Ashford or buy a villa in the outskirts of Sigor as you like it here but I must say this city isn't the best of choices for growing children, Hael. It's dangerous, you can ask Brother Irwin about it if you think I am lying."

>>>Wow, now he already planned our future, huh? This guy... Hmm, but why is Sigor dangerous? The three months I lived here I didn't see anyone causing trouble or hear any crime news.

Hael started wondering.

>>>My hometown Sigor on Earth too wasn't dangerous... Um, so what's different here?

"Of course, it's dangerous but for others. Who will do anything to Hael when I am around, Arik?" Irwin came there and sat beside the Omega giving him the sandwiches he reheated.

"Right, who will be foolish to go against Lowell's on their own turf?" Maven shrugged sitting beside his friend.

Hael raised his right eyebrow, "What's the meaning of that? Brother Irwin, am I missing something about you? Aren't you just the owner of Wintermoon Bar and Restaurant?"

"Ohhh, Win, didn't you tell Hael about your other identity?" Maven questioned a little surprised by seeing the Omega perplexed.

Irwin scratched his nape, laughing nervously, "I... actually didn't get the chance... No, I forgot, honestly."

"Um? What did you forget to tell me about, brother Irwin?" Creases formed on the glabella of Hael.

"It's nothing really important, Hael. First, the sandwiches, you said you were hungry, right?" Irwin tried to divert the topic.

Hael took one of the sandwiches, "Now, I am eating. Stop getting me sidetracked and tell me what is your other identity?"

In the Manga, there was almost no information about Irwin and in his first life he never met him so he didn't know much about the other except what he had seen in these three months so he was curious.
