chapter 1

Daisy's pov:

"I woke up so early today,not sure it's insomnia because I beat my alarm clock form it's usually time it wakes me up,pretty weird for a girl like me but I'm very sure it's coz if this fucked up school I'm going ,like who in the hell invented school, can't I just have my life to live, I'll miss my room ,my bed ,my favorite portrait of myself gosh ,I really can't believe this

People do say if you close you eyes and open it you'll see yourself out of school and also the person you dream of being but I've close my eyes like a gazillion time now and here I am still on my bed "

while I was lost in thoughts on the bed really didn't know when my mum came inside my room

"aren't you gonna prepare for school before I leave you going to school alone"

she asked while opening the curtain letting the morning dawn flood my room , There was a long silence in the room, she settled onto my bed ,her eyes fixed on mine ,as if they were pulling me back form my distance thoughts till her finger snaps brought me back

"Mother!"I said

"what's up with you what are you thinking about "

she asked

"nothing"I replied

"You really sure because I'm so sure you barely knew I entered your room"

"Like I said mother, Nothing is wrong,hmmm when do you say we're leaving"I asked

"by 9"she replied

I sat up ,threw off the bed covers swung my leg over to the side of the bed stood up and walked to the mirror , tossing my hair back

Gazing at my reflection with a sleepy smile

"Darm ,still pretty as always"I said

"why don't you go shower now and let's get done with this "my mother said

With a gentle rustle of her clothes, she rose from the bed and glided out of the room ,her presence lingering even after she'd gone

After a while I got dressed in a yellow

Bright sundress and white petal , it's lightweight fabric flowing around my legs as I move

The dress was sleeveless with a v neck and a fitted waist line , accentuating a youthful figure ,the hem just above my kneels giving me a carefree and playful look

"perfect just want I needed"

as I was about heading downstairs ,I suddenly darted back to the mirror , unable to resist one last glance at my reflection ,with a satisfied smile ,I gazed at my beauty ,my eyes sparkling with delight and then,with a playful flourish ,I blew a kiss to myself making a dramatic "muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

sound as I savoured my own loveliness ,with a final flourish ,I turned away from the mirror and headed downstairs to start my day with breakfast

I wolfed down my breakfast in my record time,eager to get going since mum was taking me this time ,No sooner had I finished that my mum swept into the kitchen , looking stylishly in her dress ,and headed straight to the coffee maker to brew herself a fresh cup

After my mother finished brewing her coffee in the kitchen, she headed out to the car, giving a loud honk on the horn to signal that it was time to leave. I had already arranged for our maid to load our bags into the boot, so I simply grabbed my things and jumped into the car. With a final check, we set off on our journey


"As I arrived at school, I was taken aback by its stunning beauty, radiant in the sunlight that illuminated its rooftop. I couldn't help but gaze in wonder, my curiosity piqued. 'If the outside is this breathtaking,' I thought to myself, 'I can only imagine how incredible the inside must be.'

With a mix of excitement and calmness, I stepped out of the car, and my mother helped me unload my luggage from the boot. We made our way inside, where I received my student card, proudly declaring me a freshman. Eager to explore, I set off to find my room, and after a brief search, I exclaimed with delight, 'Oh, here it is! I've finally found it!'

"As we stepped inside, I was surprised to find that the room wasn't exactly what I had envisioned. However, it was still manageable, and I was determined to make the most of it. My attention was soon diverted to my roommate, a stunning light-skinned young lady who was lounging in her nightgown. Despite her disheveled appearance, she exuded a certain charm. I wondered why she looked a bit unkempt, but I was willing to give her a chance. After all, I was here to enjoy myself and take a break from responsibility."

"As I settled into my new space, I noticed my mum's disapproving gaze fixed on my roommate. But I didn't let it faze me - I was too thrilled to be finally independent, away from my mum's watchful eye and Bradford's lackluster affection. My mum, however, was still in motherly mode, doling out advice and helping me with my luggage. Once she was satisfied I was settled, I let out a sigh of relief and collapsed onto the bed, wiping the exhaustion from my face. Ah, blissful freedom!"

"I escorted my mum to the car, and she gave me the usual goodbye hugs and kisses. I know, I know, it's not like I'm dying or anything, but mum's just being mum! She reminded me to take care of myself, and I promised to text her later. She got a bit emotional, saying she'd miss me, but I just teased her and told her to hit the road. Oh, and she reminded me to call Bradford too. Anyway, now that she's gone, it's time for me to make some friends. But first, let me get acquainted with my roommate."

"I returned to my hostel, only to be met with a shocking sight: a guy sitting in our room! I double-checked the room number to ensure I hadn't entered the wrong one, but it was indeed mine. I re-entered the room, closing the door behind me. 'Sorry, I think you're in the wrong room,' I said, trying to sound calm. But then I realized, I had checked the number, and this was my room! 'You're the one who's in the wrong room,' I asserted. 'And besides, men aren't allowed in the ladies' hostel, what are you doing here?' I asked, trying to hide my annoyance. But he just ignored me, engrossed in reading one of my novels. I walked over and took the book from his hands, trying to reason with him. Just then, my roommate emerged from the bathroom, naked, and I was left speechless"

"As I entered the room, I was appalled to see a stranger standing over my roommate, Daisy, who was sitting on her bed. He had kissed her nipple, and I felt compelled to intervene. 'Hold up, hold up, hold up! Come on, you're a lady, have some dignity!' I exclaimed. I quickly grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe and handed Daisy one of my pink nightdresses. 'This isn't a place for explicit behavior,' I scolded the stranger. 'Just get out!' I demanded, trying to escort him out the door. But he resisted, removing his hand from mine forcefully. 'Who's she?' he asked, looking at me defiantly. surely a new roommate,' daisy replied. 'While I'm gone, I think you need to explain the rules to her.' He looked at me fearlessly, but I didn't back down. 'What's this pretty girl's name?' he asked, smirking. 'mandy, duh!' daisy replied, while I rolled my eyes saying. 'It's Mandy, dumbhead,'

"After the stranger departed, I turned my attention to Daisy, seeking an explanation. 'Why did I just intervene?' she asked

still trying to process the scene. Daisy's expression was perplexed, so I elaborated,

'I didn't enroll in this school to witness explicit behavior!'

Her demeanor shifted, and I pressed on,

'As a lady, don't you think you deserve dignity?'

Daisy's response was nonchalant, so I inquired,

'Who is that man to you? Your boyfriend?' Her denial was swift, but I pointed out the inconsistency,

'Yet you allowed him to see you in a state of undress and kiss your nipples!'

Daisy rationalized it as the ultimate expression of love, but I countered,

'Girl, that's a flawed notion! True love transcends physical intimacy.'"

Daisy's pov;

"Daisy and I continued to debate the rules and boundaries in our room, and I found myself advocating for what I believed was right. As the hours passed, the room grew dark, and I received a call from my mother, who was still offering guidance on how to navigate my situation with my roommate and reminding me to reach out to Bradford. I listened patiently, assuring her I would contact him later in the day, but for now, I was exhausted and stressed from the events of the day. I needed to focus on preparing for school the next day. After exchanging goodnight wishes, she hung up, and I lay down on my bed, gazing up at the ceiling until I drifted off to sleep, looking forward to a peaceful Tomorrow "