chapter 2


Another day, another slay! Time to head to class. I wore a bright yellow top and trousers with black sneakers, adding a touch of glamour with a swipe of lip gloss. I held a mini mirror in one hand and applied the gloss with the other, giving my lips a luscious shine. 'I'm gone, Daisy!' I said, closing the door behind me and locking it to prevent any unwanted visitors.

As I searched for my class, I thought about the exciting possibilities of attending a designer school, where I'd learn to design fabrics and possibly explore other creative avenues.

Lost in thought, I accidentally bumped into someone, causing their books to fall. 'Sorry!' I apologized, bending down to gather their scattered books. But as I handed them back, I realized with a start that it was the same guy who had been in my room the day before. 'You!' I exclaimed, my anger flaring up."

"'Yes, me,' he replied curtly, snatching the books from my hands with a hint of aggression. I stood my ground, 'And what are you doing here, sinful lover?' His response was laced with rudeness, 'None of your business.' I shot back, mimicking his tone, 'Hey, just because I didn't deal with you yesterday doesn't mean I'll tolerate you today.'

He closed the distance between us, his eyes locked on mine with an unnerving intensity. I retreated, my back against the door, as he placed his hands on either side of me, trapping me. 'I can do whatever I like with you,' he whispered, his gaze piercing. I looked away, my heart racing, as an uncomfortable silence fell between us.

His eyes seemed to burn with temptation, and he traced his thumb over my lips, 'Why don't I taste this fruit?' he suggested, his voice low and husky. But I snapped back to reality, 'Hey, let go of me!' I yelled, trying to push him away. He warned, 'Quiet, you'll draw a crowd.' But I refused to back down, 'Let go!' I demanded, and slapped him across the face."

"I hadn't planned on slapping him, but my instincts took over. As I looked around, I saw people gathering, their faces filled with shock and awe. Some were whispering, 'Oh my God, she just slapped one of the worst bullies!' Others were saying, 'She's surely going to pay for that.' I had never intended to confront a bully, as I'm too sensitive to handle such situations. The thought of an eighteen-year-old girl like me crying in public because of bullying was unbearable. But fate had other plans.

I wondered, what's the worst he could do to me? I'm just a lady. I stood my ground, trying to appear braver than I felt. The bully's face was red with anger, and I could see the humiliation in his eyes. I knew I had to be prepared for the consequences of my actions."

"I offered a tentative apology, 'I'm sorry,' but he just seared me with a glance, his eyes flashing with fury. 'You'll pay for what you did,' he growled, before barging into the classroom. I trailed behind him, my heart pounding in my chest. As I entered the room, I was surprised to see that he had walked into the same class as mine. I thought to myself, 'Perhaps this won't be as catastrophic as I feared.'

As I made my way to my seat, I felt the weight of everyone's gaze upon me. I attempted to exude confidence, thinking, 'What's the worst that could happen?' My eyes landed on a name on the table beside me - 'Bill'. I mused, 'What a pleasant name, I'm sure we'll become fast friends.' But my optimism was brutally shattered when I discovered that the bully I had just confronted was none other than Bill, my seat partner."

"As I sat in class, I couldn't shake off the regret that lingered within me. My mind kept wandering back to the incident earlier, and I couldn't help but wonder what had possessed me to stand up to Bill like that. Now, here I was, face to face with my worst nightmare once again. I had been hoping for a fairy tale ending, but it seemed like my story was more of a cautionary tale than a Cinderella story.

Just as I was trying to muster up the courage to leave the class, Bill sat down beside me, his presence making my heart race. I frantically searched for an escape route, but before I could make a move, the teacher walked in, trapping me in this uncomfortable situation."

As I struggled to find a way out of this predicament, Bill appeared beside me, his presence sending my heart into a frantic rhythm. I desperately sought an escape route, but fate seemed to be conspiring against me. Just as I was about to make a move, the teacher walked in, closing the door behind her and trapping me in this uncomfortable situation."

"The teacher's cheerful greeting, 'Good morning, students!' was met with a chorus of responses, a harmonious 'Good morning!' from the class. As the lesson on fabrics commenced, Bill's whisper cut through the air, 'Guess who's gone tonight?' His voice was barely audible, but I knew he meant for me to hear it. A shiver ran down my spine as I wondered why he was threatening me like this. What had I done to deserve such malice?

When our eyes met, I deliberately looked away, refusing to engage with him. But Bill persisted, his voice laced with a challenge, 'Hey, you!' he said, 'Don't dare give me that attitude when you humiliated me in front of everyone.' But I knew he'd find a way to make me pay for what i did, to make me regret ever crossing him ."

"I apologized sincerely, 'I'm sorry.' But Bill's response was incredulous, 'Sorry? How could you be sorry?he said

You made me do that to you just because you couldn't keep your hands still!' I replied

'Oh really?' he retorted, trying to sound calm despite the escalating tension. But before we could continue, the teacher intervened, 'What's going on here?' she asked sternly, her eyes scanning the room. I realized our chat had been loud enough to attract her attention."

"'Nothing,' bill replied, downplaying the situation. But I persisted, 'Just him asking me for a pen to jot down some notes, but I didn't bring an extra one.' I tried to brush it off, but Bill wouldn't let it go.

"'Oh, Mr. Bill, you should have asked me nicely,' I said, trying to sound calm. 'MR. BILL, yes, don't you know you have to show respect?' The teacher intervened, her voice firm but amused.

"'How, ma'am?' I asked, my tone dripping with sarcasm. And then, a whisper spread like wildfire through the class: 'His father is the owner of this school, which makes him the second in command.' I was shocked, my eyes widening in disbelief. I quickly looked down, resting my head on the table, trying to avoid the teacher's and the class's gaze."

"Oh God, Mandy, what have you gotten yourself into?" I thought to myself, my mind racing with the implications of Bill's father owning the school. I felt like I had unknowingly stepped into a hornet's nest, and now I was facing the consequences.

"I rose from my seat, seeking a momentary respite from the charged atmosphere. 'Ma'am, may I be excused to use the ladies' room?' I requested, hoping for a brief sanctuary. But the teacher's response was like a slap in the face: 'It's left for him to decide.' I felt like I'd been punched in the gut.

"'Left for whom?' I asked, my voice laced with incredulity. And then the teacher's words delivered the final blow: 'For Mr. Bill.' My eyes went wide with shock, my mind reeling in disbelief. Was she actually implying that I needed Bill's consent to use the restroom? The thought was nothing short of absurd."

"'On one condition,' Bill said, his voice dripping with smugness. I felt a sense of trepidation as I asked, 'What?' The classroom fell silent, the only sound the quiet hum of anticipation. And then, like a whispered secret, I heard the murmurs: 'Bill's conditions are always hard.'

"'You are to be my maid until I don't want you anymore,' Bill declared, his words like a slap in the face. 'Maid?' I exclaimed, my voice incredulous. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Another whisper circulated around the room: 'Why is Bill being so gentle with this girl?' I felt a surge of indignation.

"'I can't, I won't, I didn't pay to be anyone's maid,' I said, my voice firm. 'I came to learn and leave this place, not to be someone's personal servant.'"

"'Suit yourself,' Bill said, leaning back in his chair with a devilish smirk. But I was determined to escape this nightmare. I wanted to leave this place and never look back. 'Fine,' I spat out of annoyance, 'I'll be your maid.' I couldn't believe I was agreeing to this, but I just wanted to get out of there.

"'Wait, I didn't get that recorded,' Bill said, his smirk growing wider. 'Say it again.' I glared at him, my anger boiling over. 'I'll be your maid,' I repeated through gritted teeth.

"'Good,' Bill said, seeming to savor his victory. 'May I go now?' I asked, hoping to finally escape. But Bill just chuckled. 'Hmmm, no. Since you're my maid, you can't just leave.' I felt a surge of indignation. 'Dream again, Bill,' I shot back, turning on my heel and storming out of the classroom."

"I stormed into the ladies' room, eager to wash away the annoyance of the day. 'Why would he ask me to be his maid?' I fumed, staring at my reflection in the mirror. 'Who does that?' I muttered, my anger boiling over. 'I hate you, Bill,' I hissed, my eyes flashing with indignation.

"But as I gazed at my reflection, my beauty caught my attention, and I couldn't help but smile. 'Hey, pretty,' I said to myself, 'I know you're having a bad day, but don't let anyone ruin your beauty. Okay? Always remain cute, nothing more.' I was lost in my own little world when a lady burst into the room, closing the door behind her as if she was being chased.

"'Hey,' she said, approaching me with a friendly smile. 'Hi,' I replied, curious about her sudden entrance. 'I made sure to catch up with you,' she said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. 'Me? Why?' I asked, intrigued. 'Because I wanted us to be friends,' she said, her smile widening.

"'Oh, oh, well...I'm having a bad day today, so would you mind trying this tomorrow?' I suggested, still wary. 'Hmm, you know, I just want to tell you how things are done in this school,' she said, her expression turning serious. 'Aren't you a freshman too?' I asked, assuming she was new like me. 'Na, I've been here for two years now, I'm in grade four,' she replied, smiling knowingly."

"'Ohhh,' I muttered, still trying to process the unexpected encounter. 'So, I'm Lucy, and you're Mandy,' she said, extending her hand for a handshake. I smiled wryly, thinking to myself, 'Guessing I'm popular now.'

"'Well, give me your digits, and we can chat more after school. How about that?' Lucy asked, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. 'Okay, sure,' I agreed, handing over my phone. We exchanged numbers, and Lucy smiled again, showing off her bright teeth.

"'Why are you smiling too much?' I murmured, feeling a bit uneasy. 'Hun, nothing,' she replied, waving her hand dismissively. 'Okay,' I said, still feeling a bit skeptical. 'See you later,' Lucy said, before turning and walking out of the ladies' room, leaving me wondering what had just happened."

"I couldn't help but think, 'If I can make friends in this ladies' restroom, why not hold my own lessons here?' Silly me, I chuckled to myself. But reality quickly set in, and I remembered I still had a class to attend. 'Lemme head back to class before anything else happens in my absence,' I thought, making my way out of the restroom.

"As I walked back to class, I couldn't shake off the feeling that this chance encounter with Lucy might be the start of something unexpected. Little did I know, my day was about to take another surprising turn."