In a different part of the warehouse, a massive explosion set off, shaking the foundation of the structure, before a massive cloud of smoke erupted at the epicenter.
*Step* *Step..*
From within the smoke, multiple footsteps rang out and a figure slowly walked out, wrapped in a billowing sheath of cursed energy.
His hands remained in the pockets of his baggy Jujutsu pants, his hair still tied into a ponytail, and his handsome face riddled with small bruises, surprisingly the only evidence of the high stakes battle he was currently in.
Before him, a white skinned humanoid curse laughed hysterically, as it watched him walk out of the cloud of smoke with a frown on his face.
'It's advanced beyond first grade alright, however, it's not exactly special grade. While it possesses immense physicality, it's destructive capabilities are not quite on the level of Special Grade yet, but still I can't get careless..'
Suguru's eyes reflected a calm yet serious gaze. He had never seen or even heard of such a powerful curse in the existence of Jujutsu. However, this didn't mean anything. He was going to win.
"You pack quite the mean punch, however if that's all you have....you'll die."
With a smile on his face, he let out a smile and waved his hand. Instantly, a small black dot quickly materialized, from which nearly uncountable amount of purplish baby looking curses flooded out, quickly rushing towards the curse, with the intention to rip it to pieces.
Meanwhile, the multiple eyes on the scalp of the curse couldn't help but widen in shock, wondering how it's own brethren could attack it. However seeing as how they came at him with no intention of stopping, it quickly blitzed into their midst, tearing and ripping them apart, with it's enormous strength.
The curses seemed endless, however it persisted, destroying them simple waves of his hand. However it expression changed once more, when nearly uncountable number of squid shaped cursed shot towards it like bullets.
Facing the barrage on both sides, the curse employed its impressive speed and agility, dodging some of the curses that came and it, tearing apart those it could.
Geto who was about to unleash another move suddenly halted and turned around with widened eyes. Seeing how Suguru's army came at it relentlessly, the curse blitzed through their bodies and aimed a punch right to the back of his head, at immense speed.
In a split second however, he summoned a massive furry curse and hurled himself into the air, speeding out of the curse's range of attack.
He landed on the back of a swan like curse and looked on in surprise, seeing his huge furry curse get obliterated in a single punch.
Seeing as how it's attacks never landed on the intended target, the white humanoid curse roared, brought it's palms together and unleashed massive beam of cursed energy towards Suguru who was watching it from above.
The swan like cursed spirit that Suguru rode on quickly zipped through the air, dodging the beam of cursed energy, as well as the many beams that followed behind that attack.
Meanwhile, Suguru waved his hand, and summoned another maelstrom of centipede like curses that quickly swallowed the white humanoid curse, as he touched down and landed gently.
'Since it's depending on cursed energy and stamina, I can wear it out using the riff-raff. Then finish it off with a.. what?!!!'
Suguru thought to himself, ready to summon legions of curses to his aid, when his heart shook. A massive beam of cursed energy suddenly erupted from underground and swallowed his figure, leaving him with no time to react.
His body was hurled into the distance and crashed into a pillar, skidding across the floor until he crashed into a wall.
A shrill laughter resounded, as the curse began walking towards him with its arms outstretched as if asserting it's dominance over him.
"Ughhh. That was smart. I got a little careless there..sigh. Satoru's not gonna lemme have it easy when he hears about this..... but"
Suguru slowly arose, from the ground, wiping the trickle of blood from his lips, and stared down the curse with bloodlust in his eyes.
Suddenly, a sudden silence descended onto the entire place, as darkness swallowed the curse, shrouding the entire area in the shade of black.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the warehouse, beams of gold and streaks of lightning zoomed across at immense speeds, drowning the entire section of the warehouse in crackling bolts of lightning and gold light, while clouds of darkness occasionally emerged, obstructing the path of the lightning stream.
A figure suddenly blurred into motion, materializing from the streak of lightning and landing on the surface of a wall, as if were a plain horizontal surface.
He covered his mouth and tried to prevent the blood that was boiling within his guts from pouring out, however he still vomited and let out a small sigh, before he crouched down on the wall and watched the chain of explosions set off in the distance.
"I've been a bit overconfident no? Those two possess far greater durability and stamina, but at least, with this, I can finally take this one down..."
His bloody red irises shone with hope, as he watched a badly mangled and scorched figure emerge from the clouds of smoke and fire, rushing towards him in pure, unadulterated rage.
Multiple golden beams exploded towards him, with lightning speed, however he leapt into the air, corkscrewing and dodging nearly majority of them, before getting blasted into the ground. As he lay grunting and groaning in pain, the ground on which he lay on seemed to wriggle, then a massive figure instantly erupted from the ground, wrapped in shadows.
Before Sasuke could even react, his entire figure was swallowed by the massive jaws of the beast, however the body that had been swallowed suddenly exploded into a massive surge of lightning that quickly swallowed the massive shadowy figure.
"Got you!!!"
Sasuke's real figure suddenly materialized in mid air, facing the grotesque insectoid visage of the shadowy figure. His Sharingan quickly revolved, followed by a massive surge of cursed energy, and just like that, the massive figure suddenly halted in its tracks, forcefully pulled into an illusion by the visual prowess of the Sharingan.
Taking in deep breaths, a smile formed on Sasuke's face and he stretched his hand out, towards the incoming blue furry curse.
Instantly, a small dot materialized behind him, and large shurikens blasted towards the beast-like creature.
The shuriken barrage seemed endless, however the curse spirit as nimble as ever managed to dodge what it could and deflect many, manifesting it's own technique and unleashing barrages of golden beams.
As the rain of blades halted, its large eyes glared towards Sasuke's figure only to find him out of sight. It then proceeded to survey the entire area but couldn't even catch a whiff of his cursed energy signature.
While cursed spirits were known to be stronger and more durable compared to regular sorcerers of each respective grade, they lacked the intelligence the sorcerers had.
And this was a disadvantage, Sasuke had taken advantage of in this battle and it's what had kept him alive till now, using his various means and tricks to outsmart the curse.
Seeing as how the opponent had suddenly disappeared, the curse seemed to lower it's guard, and in that moment, the ground suddenly cracked open and a large shuriken blitzed towards it at impressive speed.
It raised it's arm, about to unleash a cursed technique, however the shuriken ripped through it's arm, cleaving it off cleanly, as blood spurted all over.
Up in the air, the shuriken suddenly poofed into smoke and materialized into the figure of Sasuke, who instantly unsheathed the Kusanagi and descended with immense speed, ready to exorcise the beast.
With one of its arms cleaned off, the curse resorted to it's other arm, formed a hand seal and unleashed another barrage of golden beams towards Sasuke, however, the Sharingan instantly revolved casting an illusion on its consciousness, leaving it vulnerable for a moment.
Ignoring the beams of cursed energy that tore through and scorched his body, Sasuke summoned the might of lightning and encased his entire body, before focusing all that energy to the blade of the Kusanagi.
While extremely dangerous, such an attack was usually executed at high speed possessed extreme penetration power that could cause fatal damage to the opponent.
With the Kusanagi cocked back, Sasuke wasted no time and pierced towards the head of the curse, causing its whole body to explode, as streams of lightning erupted like shockwaves, spreading into the distance.
On the other hand, Sasuke was hurled into a pillar by the impact of the attack. Quickly using the Kusanagi as support he staggered to his feet, while coughing blood, and stared at the shadowy figure that blitzed towards him.
Raising his blade he prepared to attack, only for his eyes to widen in surprise. The shadowy curse seemed to have portaled directly to him, as a black mass of shadow materialized beside him, only for a massive arm to nearly shatter the bones in his body and hurl him into the distance.
He had been able to react to the attack, but was too weak to move out of the way. He crashed into the ground, a puked blood once more, as multiple creaking sounds rang out from within his body.
'Sigh. I guess this is as far I can go..The drawbacks of this would leave me vulnerable for a while, but I guess its worth a shot..'
Resting his back against a wall, Sasuke thought, as he wiped the blood that flowed from his lips and nose, before a smile formed on his face. Turns out, he was capable enough to fight off a first grade after all. While the blue furry beast seemed weaker than Mahito and other first grades in the series, it was still a bonafide first grade and would've definitely killed him had he not been smart.
Thinking up to this point, he ignored the pain and turned towards the curse spirit that was rushing towards him, aiming to kill, before he let out a smile and slowly staggered to his feet.
The beasts massive jaw was almost in front of him in a split second, however he raised his head, staring towards it confidently and clenched his fists.
"Cursed Seal of Heaven..."
A/N: Hey there guys. It's your favourite author here👋. I want to ask a question right? Do you guys think a Susano'o can defend against a Hollow Purple? Or any other techniques of the Limitless? Lemme know what you guys think in the comments.