Cursed Seal of Heaven


Thinking up to this point, he ignored the pain and turned towards the curse spirit that was rushing towards him, aiming to kill, before he let out a smile and slowly staggered to his feet.

The beasts massive jaw was almost in front of him in a split second, however he raised his head, staring towards it confidently and clenched his fists.

"Cursed Seal of Heaven..."


At this point, nearly two thirds of the warehouse had already been ripped apart from the battles that went on within. Another explosion further rocked it, causing the remaining pillars to just crumble, tearing the whole place down and even causing damage to the areas further outside of the warehouse.

Meanwhile, at the epicenter of the explosion, a shirtless figure stood his ground against the massive arm of the shadowy cursed spirit, a rather shocking scene, since he had been completely ragdolled earlier by the same curse.

This time however, the left side of his body was covered in flame like markings that slowly dissolved into black tomoe shaped tattoos, that ran up the side of his face to his feet.

A small smile slowly manifested on his face and he wasted no time, going in for the attack. His blade wrapped in a fierce current of wind slashed through the curse's arm, neatly cleaving it off, before he kicked out, and corkscrewed into the air.

"Raiton: Inazamu bimu no Jutsu: Lightning style: Lightning Beam Jutsu!!"

While in midair, he quickly performed a set of hand seals, within a split second and fired off a massive bolt of lightning that struck the body of the curse, paralyzing it for one, and decimating it's flesh..


The lightning that coated his blade, streaked across his whole body, and reverberated like the chirping of birds, as he focused it into one point to unleash it's devastating effects.



The curse instantly disappeared into the shadows, as fast as it had arrived, leaving his all out attack to hit nothing.

'I guess I underestimated the effects of Orochimaru's cursed seal of Heaven. My nearly depleted reserves have been replenished fully. Not even mentioning the elevation in physical strength and speed..'

Sasuke let out breath, Orochimaru's cursed Seal of Heaven had exceeded his expectations. Had it not, well, I guess we'll never find out what would've happened.

His Sharingan surveyed his area with scrutiny, and his muscles tensed, his body, ready to act with the least disturbance or movement.


He did not even have to wait long. A shadowy portal opened before him, and dozens of dark scaled slithering shadowy serpents rushed out towards him, their giant maws opened and ready to devour him.

Sheathing his Kusanagi onto his lower back, Sasuke pulled out two kunai in both hands and held onto the thin metallic ropes attached to their ends.

The blades were wrapped in a sheath of lightning and without hesitation he flickered into their midst, spinning his blades around with immense speeds and ripping through curses without stopping.

While the Kusanagi allowed him to cut through anything in his path, the chained kunai or in this case, the *Kusarigama, had more reach.

Every single curse torn apart by the blades was ravaged by streaks of lightning and quickly exorcised.

'Its using this horde as a diversion in order to attack from the shadows once more. However this time, I'm gonna destroy it once and for all..'

Sasuke's Sharingan revolved within their sockets, ready and expectant for a sneak attack, and right on cue, as he corkscrewed in midair, after ripping apart two of the slithering curses, a portal opened right beside him, and a massive gorilla like head opened its jaws wide, threatening to swallow him.



The kunai in his hands blitzed in a flash, and pierced into its jaws, causing the curse to roar out in pain, however, Sasuke wasn't done. Streaks of lightning paralyzed and decimated it's scalp, as he grabbed the two metal wires and pulled onto them, directly jerking its body out of the shadow realm.

"Katon: Gokka Mekakkyu: Majestic Destroyer Flame Jutsu!!!"

Letting go of his kunai, Sasuke performed multiple hand seals in a split second, brought his hands close to his lips and spat out a massive a spread of majestic flames, that quickly engulfed the curses' body.

Enhanced by the power of the cursed seal of Heaven, the Jutsu was amped up nearly two times it's usual strength, as the flames blazed, annihilating everything in its path.

Sasuke wasn't done, however. Spamming one last beam of lightning to the already blazing figure of the curse, he performed hand seals and flicked out an explosive tag.


Unsheathing his Kusanagi he flickered towards the curse, wrapped in lightning and slashed out, cleanly bisecting its body, as sprays of blood erupted and bathed him.

"I did it.."

Slowly sheathing the blade behind him, he took in multiple deep breaths, before he let out a laugh, ignoring the explosion that rocked thee surroundings behind him.

He had done it. He had crossed the hurdle he first thought nearly impossible. He had defeated not just one, but two first grades all by himself, yes, all by himself.

However, he couldn't turn off the curse mark of Heaven just yet. He had to make sure, all the curses were completely exorcised, before he could slip into unconsciousness.

Looking into the distance, he saw about one third of the warehouse shrouded in darkness, particularly, a domain expansion.

He could feel himself reaching his limit, so he rushed to the particular section of the warehouse. He could've escaped right now, but he had to make sure at least, Suguru Geto was alive.

The old man he had been sent to assassinate had escaped from here, meaning information of everything that happened in this place was going to spread to the outside, and mainly, the Jujutsu world.

Not only had his identity been exposed, if Suguru Geto, one of the prodigies of Jujutsu died, he would be placed at the top of the most wanted list of Jujutsu. Not to talk about the fact that, he didn't want a blue eyed revenge filled Gojo hot on his heels.

He rushed towards the section and hopped onto one of the intact storage containers, watching what was going on intently.

As the domain's barrier shattered, Suguru's figure came into view, unharmed but with a few bruises on his face, and some tears in his uniform, while the cursed womb was bisected at the waist, neatly cleaved into two, and lay in a pool of blood, as its lower body seemed to ignite and disappear.


Sasuke had not even heaved a sigh of relief when he noticed movements from the upper body of the cursed womb, movements that even Suguru had failed to noticed, and at that moment, Sasuke knew, that Suguru was going to pay for that.

The curse instantly blitzed towards him, summoning it's last vestiges of cursed energy for a last ditch attack, as its arm pierced towards him like a blade.


But the time he had realized it, it was nearly too late, and the sound of flesh tearing apart reverberated as Suguru's eyes widened in shock..

Suguru Geto P.O.V

After unleashing one of my special grades, I controlled to quickly unleash it's domain which shrouded everything in a pitch black darkness.

My cursed spirit was a humanoid in the form of a mutilated long haired woman, in a white wedding dress, with a rather scary visage.

"dO yOu ThInK iM pReTtY..."

While my body was not visible within the domain, I could still see everything that transpired within, and the shock on the face of the curse I battled. The domain operated using the medium of words . Once activated, the curse spirit needed to activate it's sure hit effect by asking the opponent a question and when the right answer was not provided, the sure hit effect decimated the opponent.

It was a pretty simple domain, and while not as powerful as a bonafide Special Grade domain, it's effects were extremely lethal and practically unable to guard against..

Right on cue, an invisible slash ripped through the body of the curse I was battling, bisecting it's body into two, as blood spilled all over.

Taking in a deep breath, I quickly reabsorbed my special grade and canceled out the domain, watching it s lower body turn into ashes, a clear indication that it had been completely exorcised.


Just when I thought I had completed the execution, I felt something I had never felt since I entered the massive gates of Jujutsu. The crawling, heart stinging sensation of fear and an imminent demise.

Before I could even realise it, the curse I thought I had put down was upon me, ready to pierce my heart and take my life.. My body had not even had the chance to react, but I could already see death smiling at me.


Suguru Geto P.O.V. end..

Blood splashed onto his body, and his vision was dyed red, however the pain never came. Rather, as he turned around, he saw a shirtless figure standing in between the himself and the curse, with the blade like arm lodged deep into his guts.

Half of his body was wrapped in intricately designed black tattoos, and his eyes were widened like saucers, while the Sharingan dilated in pain..

It only took about a split second for Suguru to recover himself, and instantly, threw out a punch wrapped in immense cursed energy that hurled the curse several meters away.

"Cough! Cough!"

Feeling the pain of the huge arm getting pulled out of his chest, Sasuke groaned in pain and collapsed to the ground, coughing blood and spit.

Luckily for him, the curse had missed his heart and most vital organs, however, he was still losing blood and could potentially lose his life.

"Forgive me. I should've reacted quickly enough. Don't worry, I'll get Ieiri to heal you as soon as possible, just hold on a bit.

We cannot lose you...You are a gift to Jujutsu.."

Suguru spoke and suddenly turned around to face the curse incoming with another attack. Lying down in pain, Sasuke could see the multiple eyeballs of the curse gazing towards him I'm fascination, as if they had just seen the most delicious meal on earth.

"Cursed Technique: Maximum Uzumaki!!"

A large spiralling orb of darkness revolved behind Geto's figure, with his hand upstretched, as dozens upon dozens of curses he had summoned for the battle were quickly absorbed.

While Uzumaki was purely an offensive technique, it had a brilliant advantage that was extremely beneficial to the user. On the surface, it seemed like the user was using up all the curses in his arsenal, but when an Uzumaki consisting of semi first grades and upwards is fired, their cursed techniques are extracted from their core and imbued into the user, allowing him to execute them freely.


The aftermath of the attack was destruction that span miles upon miles. The cursed womb had been eradicated through and through, leaving nothing behind, nothing except a scaly red demonic finger that fell to the ground.

"Super Beast Scroll!"

Summoning all the energy in his body to reach out to his ninja backpack, Sasuke summoned the Super beast scroll he had received and utilized it in an instant.

Suguru turned around to attend to Sasuke only to find a large eagle soaring into the distance with a bloodied figure lying on its back.

And just like Suguru watched Sasuke disappear into the distance, Sasuke watched him as well, standing strong like the warrior he was, until his body gave out and lost consciousness...

*Kusarigama: An ancient Japanese medieval weapon consisting of a short blade or kunai with a long chain attached to its end..

A/N: This has gotta be the most exhausting chapter I've ever written. Nearly fainted after I finished it. Show some love people..Sasuke needs it.