Inner World.

"Super Beast Scroll!"

Using all the energy in his body to reach out to his ninja backpack, Sasuke summoned the Super beast scroll he had received and utilized it in an instant.

Suguru turned around to attend to Sasuke only to find a large eagle soaring into the distance with a bloodied figure lying on its back.

And just like Suguru watched Sasuke disappear into the distance, Sasuke watched him as well, standing strong like the warrior he was, until his body gave out and lost consciousness...



A massive eagle soared through the skies, at breakneck speed and landed right before a tattered homeless shelter, stirring massive winds with every flap of its huge wingspan.

Landing seamlessly, it gently crouched down and spread out its wings onto the ground, allowing the injured figure atop its back to slide down gracefully.

With one hand holding his guts from spilling by supplying cursed energy to hold his skin intact and suppress the bleeding, Sasuke slowly arose with all his strength and staggered into the shelter.

The large eagle behind him suddenly disappeared into a puff of smoke, as he reached the entrance. The place had already been scouted by him a while back and was to be used as a haven for a few days in the situation where he happened to fallout with the Star Religious Group or the Zen'in clan.

The lack of security cameras and the fact that it was quite the distance from residential area made it a bit safer than anywhere else he knew, however the place had been overflowing with curses the first time he had inspected it, and only after a bit of effort had he managed to purge the evil.

Staggering inside, he ultimately dropped to the ground and groaned in pain, feeling as if thousands of needles were pricking his body alongside the already painful wound. His body spasmed for a second, the aftermath of unleashing the Cursed Seal of Heaven without any prior training.

Taking in multiple deep breaths to try to calm himself, his mind raced as he thought of a solution to his crisis. What could he do at this point to heal himself - nothing.

Who could he even call? Aside from the Zen'in clan and Suguru he had just met, he didn't know anyone again with the capabilities to resolve his crisis..


A second later, his eyes widened, before he reached for the ninja backpack and took out a black card from within.

A card belonging to the mysterious woman he fought many nights ago. He already knew her real identity, as Mei Mei from the Jujutsu school, but somehow it seemed to happen that in this timeline, she seemed to be connected to Q.

He didn't know if he could trust her. Perhaps she had just been assigned a mission from the higher ups to infiltrate the mercernary world, perhaps she really was a mercernary, it all felt vague to him at this point.


Another spasm completely removed the thought of not reaching out to her from his mind, as he coughed out blood. With the way things were going on, he estimated he had only about 10 to 15 minutes. After that, he would lose total control of the Seal and inevitably die.

At this point, there were only two choices before him, but all lead to the same result. Call Mei Mei and ask for help, but she could betray him, leading to his arrest by the forces of Jujutsu and his eventual death or he could just lay there and slowly die.

He had pledged to survive no matter what, hence he had to take a chance, even if it had a high probability of backfiring. He couldn't just allow himself to die because of his paranoia, even though he basically had nothing to lose. All in all, it was worth a try.

Reaching for the ninja backpack he summoned a phone which he had bought a while back, gritting his teeth amidst the pain, dialed the number on the card and waited for an answer.

Jujutsu High.....

Within the recreational field of Jujutsu High, the tennis ball court was filled with sounds of bats hitting tennis balls.

Two girls faced off against each other, their faces riddled with seriousness, as they hit tbe tennis ball back and forth at impressive speed.

The first girl was dressed in a tennis sports wear consisting of a short white skirt, sneakers and an orange just like her opponent, however unlike the short brown hair of the opponent, her icy blue hair was tied behind her, and her irises remained strained on the tennis ball.


About a second later, her cellphone on a small chair along with her belongings rang and vibrated, causing her to lose focus, as the tennis ball rushed past her.

Sighing, she rolled her eyes in defeat seeing her opponent rejoice, she rushed to her phone and picked it up.

Seeing as it was an unknown caller she frowned a bit, wondering how a stranger had gotten access to her Q mercernary contact.


She spoke in a calm voice, however the painful grunts and disturbance from the other side caused her to raise a brow.


The person was only able to speak one word when he once more let out painful groans and gnashed his teeth so hard that even she could hear it over the phone.

'That voice?It's him?'

Realization struck her in a moment and she listened closely wanting to confirm her suspicion.

The moment she heard the voice once more the other side, she confirmed her suspicion and frowned, wondering how someone she had judged as immensely powerful was in such a state.

"Tell me where you are?!"

Her voice raised with urgency, as she listened to him carefully.

"Oi, Ieiri, come with me!"

Without wasting time, she grabbed onto her partner and both of them hurriedly rushed out of the sports center.



Spasm after spasm, cough after cough, Sasuke's condition deteriorated. It was to the point where now, the pain from the hole in his chest was completely non existent.

Now, he had only two choices, to turn off the curse mark and die immediately from blood loss and internal injuries or hold on, despite the nerve wracking pain till Mei Mei arrived.

At this point, he didn't even groan or scream inwardly, he just lay there, as blood flowed out of his orifices. Thoughts ran through his head, bringing with them memories from his past lives.

Virgil had lived his life for the sole purpose of vengeance. While along the way, he had found love and had gotten married, he had never forgotten his true goal.

Sasuke Zen'in on the other hand had lived in fame and glory for about a quarter of his life, before he descended into the abyss of failure.

And now he, the third born now lay in a pool of blood, having had to call an enemy who was sooner or later going to betray him to come save his life. Was this really the kind of life he wanted to live?

He wished for nothing in this life. No fame, no riches, no authority, nothing. He just wanted to grow strong enough to survive. Was it really too much to ask, or was he just cursed by the universe.

He mused as his lips curved out to form a small smile, while withholding the tears in his eyes that threatened to fall..


The last 5 minutes felt like the longest 5 minutes ever. The system was as silent as ever, and at this point he felt his consciousness slowly give in to the pain. Every human being was subject to a certain threshold of pain that when reached could lead to dire consequences.

This was it. This was his end. He had already activated the system's one time life saving ticket. There was nothing he could do. His breathing began to slow, and a sense of drowsiness overtook him, as his eyelids slowly fell to close his eyes forever.



Right in that moment, a vehicle rammed through the wooden walls of the abandoned homeless shelter, a sleek black Jeep, nearly bringing the whole thing down on itself.

Two figures rushed out of the vehicle instantly, and surveyed around.

Mei Mei was dressed in a black long sleeve shirt and skirt, while Ieiri was dressed in her Jujutsu uniform.

Their eyes scanned around for a bit, until they finally located the haggard and battered figure that lay in a pool of blood.


Mei Mei located him rather quickly and they rushed to him instantly.

"This .."

Looking at his condition, even Mei Mei who was always a calm and cool headed person couldn't help but gasp in surprise for a moment..

At this point, he was totally unconscious and the black tattoos on his body slowly receded back into his body.

"Remember what you promised me, Mei-san. If he's dead then I can take his cadava apart anyhow and study him. It is the least I can do for such a rare specimen.."

"Let's see .."

Putting on her examination gloves, Ieiri reminded, before she quickly began her examination, using cursed energy to palpate and slowly make out the extent of damage within the battered body.

"Woah. This guy, is he human? It's as if his cells were constructed from the purest cursed energy.. erh mmmm!!

...His condition is extremely dire. He's lost a lot of blood from the wound on his chest, the dilated irises and ruptured blood vessels, show that his body seems to have undergone extreme pain before passing out.."

She quickly performed her examination, before she took of the gloves and slowly placed her hands on his chest.

About a second later, a milky white cool energy covered her palm and instantly engulfed his figure. Slowly, the wound on his chest began to close up, his ruptured blood vessels fully healed, and his pale face slowly regaining color.

"When will he wake up? "

Standing by the side nonchalantly and watching Ieiri do her thing, Mei Mei thought for a moment and asked.

"I don't know. I mean, his injuries weren't really fatal for a Jujutsu sorcerer with a trained body like him, but the pain he endured caused his body to shut off. It might probably take days, weeks, I don't know.."

She explained briefly and shrugged, while taking her hands off the body and slowly getting to her feet, while Mei frowned a bit.


Within a rather wide landscape, a figure slowly stirred to consciousness, his eyelashes fluttering open, his dry and chapped lips moving, while his fingers twitched for a moment.


Blinded by the glare of the bright sun, his eyes squinted, as he slowly arose to his feet with a groan wondering where he was...

"Where am I?...

Is this the afterlife?"

He looked around and first looked towards his body in surprise. His injuries were healed, and he felt great, no he felt better than before. Lighter, and sturdier.

Around him, he looked like he was in what he could call some kind of paradise. The whole place was filled with greenery and overflowing rivers and waterfalls that screamed of an afterlife.

"I can't access cursed energy.."

Realization dawned on him, and he frowned. No cursed energy meant he had access to nothing. No Ninjutsu, no Sharingan, nothing.

'Let me just take a look around and see where I am first...'

He began to walk around, and did so for about several minutes until he saw a small fountain in the distance.

He felt as if something was beckoning to him from that area so he walked over there, and upon his arrival, he came into contact with a tall and handsome figure meditating on a rock.

The figure's long dark hair fell to his face, and he was wrapped in a long purple robe.

"No way..."

Sasuke halted his steps, and his heart jerked within his chest.

The figure slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head, revealing a rather peculiar shaped Sharingan in his left eye, and a purple ringed iris, with six tomoe floating within in his right eye.

"I have been waiting for you.."

The moment he spoke, Sasuke couldn't help but take a step back in fear. This was none other than the OG matured Uchiha Sasuke from the Boruto Universe. How in the hell was he in this place!

A/N: Another chapter, another day.