Bloody Rampage III

Using his senses, he picked up the cursed energy signature of four sorcerers within the group as well as 5 ordinary humans who would classify as mercenaries, and took in a deep breath.

Picking up the small crow on his shoulder, he stroke it's head gently and then released it upwards, before summoning a kunai into his hand and multiple shurikens, waiting and bidding his time until it was the right opportunity to strike.


POV change...

A small wind blew within this small part of the forest, leaves rustled, and the occasional cacophonous chirping of birds spelled a peaceful yet slightly ominous atmosphere.

A couple of fast paced footsteps rushed through the woods at immense speeds only to stop abruptly, underneath a blanketed expanse of leaves belonging to massive trees. Their senses picking up subtle movements and sparks of cursed energy which caused them to raise their guards.

The man in lead, a forty something year old man dressed in a black kimono with a katana sheathed at his waist furrowed his brows, as he extended his cursed energy to envelope the entire area, trying to discover the hiding target yet after a while, he found nothing.

"He's here. I can feel a presence!! I just need to know his exact position.."

The man mumbled to himself, yet his team who had long given up the search sighed but still kept on the lookout.

"Sigh. If I had known we were going to hunting down the most talented and powerful mercenary in recent times, I would've said no with capitals. I regret being here.."

One man within their midst, evidently fed up with all the blood and gore finally spat out in regret, while his teammates glared towards him with a mixture of pity and disgust.

"We'll get him. We'll avenge our fallen brothers and sisters, Tao. It's alright."

To the side, his friend tried to comfort him, yet he was on the verge of madness, grabbing his own hair and plopping to the ground.

"You don't get it. None of you do! That Zero! He's a heartless! Ruthless killing machine. We're going to die! We're all going to die!!"

The man roared out in fear, yet the other teammates, especially the sorcerers amongst them ignored him, grasping onto their cursed energy waiting to attack.


Meanwhile, none of them had noticed the raven flying above their heads in circles until it began cawing relentlessly and touched down onto the branch of a small tree, glaring directly into the eyes of the leader.

"Don't let you guard d-"

The moment realisation dawned on him, the leader turned around to warn his teammates, yet it was too late. Behind them, a bloodied figure flickered into the midst like a ghost and wasted no time, going straight for the kill. No fancy jutsus or cursed techniques, just incredible high speed moves, agility and deadly precision.


The Kusanagi began to harvest souls just as it was doing before. Two mercernaries, the scared man and his friend were instantly decapitated and ripped from the midsection respectively as their blood dyed the ground red.

Two Jujutsu sorcerers focused their cursed energies to unleash their techniques, but a single gaze from the Sharingan petrified them on the spot. One of them though petrified grabbed claws upwards as if trying to swim up from within a deep lake, while the other just stood still, as if his soul had left his body.

A shuriken to the head dropped the first sorcerer before a kunai to the neck dropped the other.

In mere seconds four people had lost their lives at the hands of the grim reaper.

"Attack together! He can't take on all of us at once!!"

The leader unsheathed his blade and stretched out his arm, unleashing his cursed energy into some kind of icy crystallized sword in his other hand before chasing down Sasuke, however he only raised his head revealing a nonchalant glare at them. And right before any of them could touch him, he morphed into crows and disappeared.

But, unbeknownst to them, multiple white paper tags had been attached to not only the dead bodies, but also on the trees that surrounded them.

"What the hell?!"

The leader, quite the perceptive fellow managed to notice the strange paper tags, but his teammates were too busy guarding against Sasuke's strange methods that they failed to notice...


A massive and loud explosion rocked the entire landscape, sending out massive shockwaves that rippled all over.

Standing on the branch of a tall tree, Sasuke descended slowly to the ground and stared at the remains of the landscape from his destructive attack, before he turned around and began walking away to tear apart the next group of victims..


Before he could take a dozen steps, he paused abruptly, sensing incoming projectiles. With supernatural agility, he cockscrewed, and then turned around to the face the source of the attack, only to sidestep and grab an incoming projectile to the face; what looked like an icy crystalline blade.

"I'll kill you!!"

Sasuke turned his head to the side in confusion, wondering how the leader of the group he had just blown up to smithereens was still alive and mostly unharmed, now threatening to kill him.


Meanwhile, far away from the ongoing commotion and battles, the Zen'in clan elders still waited, bidding their time and waiting for an opportune moment to strike..



The next moment however, nearly all of them paused in their stead and turned towards the incoming footsteps, cursed energy bubbling and all. The entire mountain range had been sealed off completely and noone could get in or out without messing up one of the talismanic formations that held the seal in place.

Right then and there, they feel a sudden disturbance, that tore a hole in their seal. Someone had infiltrated the area and was walking calmly towards them.

However in the moment, the figure slowly came to view. A tall white haired, bespectacled and handsome fellow, dressed in a standard Jujutsu uniform walked out drinking from a soda can. Around him, cursed energy undulated like sonic waves, pulling and pushing matter around him, as if he was some kind of God.

Seeing his figure, the elders relaxed and a smile blossomed on their faces. It would seem like they wouldn't have to dirty their hands after all.

"Ah. Gojo Satoru. Vice Principal Yaga did say you were going to arrive soon.."

The clan head beamed a smile towards the youth's direction, yet he walked past, ignoring everything, under the stunned gazes of everyone present and walked to the body of his fallen friend.

In that moment, this head lowered for a moment, and the soda can in his hand suddenly twisted and folded. In a burst of cursed energy he disappeared like a ghost, the sudden flare of his energy stirring the dust where he stood.

"What an intriguing little fellow. It'll be best if he can take care of that wretch..."

The handsome man with a scar, Joben, dressed in robes let out a small smile as he gazed at the spot where Gojo Satoru had disappeared.





An explosion rocked the battleground, as a figure came tumbling through the air, and smashed right into the rocky terrain heavily, skidding multiple times, on the ground and onto a large pond.. But before he could drown to his death, his cursed energy flared up and the entire water body was frozen solid, as he back flipped and landed on a knee regaining his bearing.

From the distance, a figure wrapped in a streak of purple lightning came rushing down murderously at him, armed with a blade, at incredible speed.

Spotting Sasuke's lightning cloaked figure blitzing towards him from afar, the man unleashed his cursed technique, sending rows upon rows of icy crystal swords piercing towards him.

Without a change in momentum, Sasuke gripped the Kusanagi tightly, formed multiple hand seals and used a lightning Jutsu of his own. Summoning multiple streaks of purple lightning to form a protective shield around his figure, any single sword that came piercing towards him was disintegrated by the volatile energies.

In but a moment, he landed on the frozen pond and blitzed towards the enemy in one stride. But, the opponent was no slouch either. Cursed energy exploded from his figure like a storm, and massive icicles and spike erupted from underneath the icy pond, ripping apart wherever Sasuke's feet landed, wanting to tear him into shreds, yet his supernatural agility and the sharingan made it difficult to even be touched by ordinary means.

"Chidori Nagashi! -- Chidori Stream!"

With another hand seal, stream of lightning erupted from a single point and crashed point blank into the body of the man, leaving no room for escape. His body was flung into several rocks, charred and burnt to a crisp, yet alive for some reason.

Walking step by step over to him, Sasuke cocked back the Kusanagi, ready to put an end to his misery, when...


A massive explosion of sound waves rocked the terrain, blasting towards him precisely. But this time, he wasn't going to be caught offguard. With the LPCM now running at full capacity, he crossed his arms before his chest and directly tanked the attack.

His body was hurled flying, devastated by the attack, even with his incredible durability. Not just him, nearly a fourth of the forest was ripped apart from the attack never to return to its original state.


An elderly man dressed in Zen'in clan robes descended from the sky onto the frozen pond, and behind him, stood dozens of sorcerers and mercenaries ready to tear Sasuke apart.

"Don't let your guard down. He's tricky, but we can take him down. It's the only we leave this place alive..."

A/N: Have a good evening🙏