Attacked from all sides

His body was hurled flying, devastated by the attack, even with his incredible durability. Not just him, nearly a fourth of the forest was ripped apart from the attack never to return to its original state.


An elderly man dressed in Zen'in clan robes descended from the sky onto the frozen pond, and behind him, stood dozens of sorcerers and mercenaries ready to tear Sasuke apart.

"Don't let your guard down. He's tricky, but we can take him down. It's the way only we leave this place alive..."



Wasting no time, they chased after him, the sorcerers mustering their cursed energy and ready to utilise their cursed techniques, the ordinary mercenaries drawing their weapons as they chased behind.

Recovering as quickly as he could, Sasuke shoved the rocks and debris off his body, as the Hundred Healings Jutsu revolved, resolving a fair amount of his internal injuries and the pain. He staggered to his feet and turned towards the numerous incoming sorcerers and mercenaries, yet he remained calm.

Touching his forehead and feeling the blood that dripped down his face, he took out rolls of white bandages and wrapped them around his forehead, before wrapping his fingers and knuckles all the way to his forearms..

Looking at the incoming enemies, he turned behind him only to find the forest behind him razed down from just that single attack from the Zen'in clan elder.

With this, he could only wonder why the hell was such a person not registered as special grade. Could it be that truly the classifying system was old fashioned or was something wrong?

Deciding to forget about this for the mean time, he mustered his cursed energy and unleashed a Jutsu right off the bat.

"Chidori Senbon! --- Chidori Needles!"

Dozens upon dozens of electric needles constructs swarmed out towards the incoming enemies. The chidori needles were not extremely powerful offensively, yet they had the power to incapacitate an enemy for a moment before a killing blow was delivered..

"Protect yourselves!!"

The Zen'in clan leader quickly employed a thin barrier of cursed energy around his body, protecting him from the incoming attacks, but some of the mercenaries and even sorcerers weren't so lucky and were stunned by the needles, losing momentum and even crashing into the ground.

Sasuke however, wasn't finished with his assault. A barrage of shurikens ripped into the forest at incredible speed, tearing apart the bodies of the stunned enemies, reducing their numbers instantly.

"You bastard! Stop hiding! Come out and fight!!!"

The Zen'in clan elder roared out in fury, looking sick and tired from Sasuke's constant sneak attacks, and as if his prayers were being answered, a figure flickered into their midst right on cue, his right hand grasping tightly onto a lightning covered three pronged kunai.

He instantly began another killing spree, taking advantage of the fact that they were currently disorganised by his sneaky attacks, utilizing his superior agility and speed, to tear them apart.

The mercernaries were far easier to kill, as his every move brought several of them to their deaths, but the sorcerers were quite tricky to deal with. All he needed to do was stun them with an illusion to prevent them from utilising their cursed techniques and he could finish them off instantly.

Dodging a blade to the neck, he turned around to face a Jujutsu sorcerer who was ready to rip him apart. He sidestepped, dodging another slash to the neck, before he executed a quick kick punch combo hurling the poor mercerbary backwards as he spit blood, and then ended his life with a shuriken to the head.

The kunai in his hand spun, covered in streaks of electricity, but before he could go onto the next target, his Sharingan quickly picked up on a spike in a cursed energy signature behind him and without wasting a beat, his figure moved..

Corkscrewing in the air like an acrobat, two long and huge earthen spikes missed him by a beat, an attack from a Zen'in clan folk, aimed right at him with thr full intent to rip him apart.

While still in midair, as his body spun around, the electric wrapped kunai shot towards the attacker with blinding speed and tore into his chest with deadeye accuracy. Sticking his landing, Sasuke pulled onto the metallic wire attached to the end of the kunai and pulled him in, before decapitating him with a swift slash of the Kusanagi as blood spurted all over him.



The Zen'in clan elder roared out in fury and slammed his palms together unleashing a sound wave that threatened to destroy everything it touched. This time however, Sasuke was fully prepared for the attack. With no Jutsu powerful enough to block or even cancel out such an attack in his arsenal, he resorted to the only thing he could do; avoiding it with his superior speed.

Switching into the PLCM almost instantly, his figure wrapped in purple lightning flickered out of the range of destruction, and landed on a tall tree's branch, staring down at the Zen'in clan elder from above.

"How is this possible?! No one has ever avoided my attack before?!"

The elder exclaimed in shock, as he turned towards Sasuke who was completely unscathed by the attack in wonder.

"No technique or ability is perfect. Each of them has a downside or a counter. Your technique might be powerful, but it has one incrediblw weakness...


Speaking out for the second time since entering this mountain range, Sasuke instantly formed a seal on one hand and utilized one of his signature techniques.

"Katon: Gokakyuu No Jutsu!!.-- Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!!"

A massive fireball resembling a meteor descended towards the elder who took a frightened step back, but steled his resolve.

"Cursed Technique: Resonance Breaker!!"

Getting into a stance, he gathered all of his cursed energy into a single point of contact around his fists and punched out with all his might.


Space seemed to warp around his fist, as massive sound waves decimated the land, and everything around him, within a 5 mile radius. Even Sasuke's fireball wasn't spared from the assault and was completely torn apart, yet Sasuke merely smiled in the face of utter destruction.

Vanishing from where he stood like a phantom, his body materialized behind the Zen'in clan elder so fast that it looked as if he had teleported.

It took a moment for the old man to realise that Sasuke had shunshined behind him, but when he tried to turn around, the only thing he was met with was a fist wrapped in a thick current of electricity.


His body was sent flying as he skidded across the rocky ground, leaving bloodstains wherever he passed. He tried to pick himself up and fight back, but Sasuke had done more damage than he could sustain. His jaw was brutally shattered and hanging off his face loosely as he staggered.

But without wasting time, two kunai ripped into his chest, before streams of lightning decimated his body, travelling along the electric wires which Sasuke held in his hand. With a small tug, the elder was flung into the air towards Sasuke's figure, and just like that a chidori finished him off, tearing into his chest and destroying his heart.

Switching out of the PLCM, Sasuke coughed out blood and nearly collapsed to his feet. Even someone with such vast cursed energy reserves like him was experiencing the backlash of the technique. He had to recuperate in order to continue fighting, but was fate going to let him?

"Get him!!!!"

Before he could take a step away, multitudes of enemies came rushing towards him from all sides, leaving no room for escape. His destructive clash with the Zen'in clan elder seemed to have exposed his location to all the others.

Cursed techniques upon cursed techniques came blasting towards him from all sides, yet he remained calm. He knew he wasn't going to be able to kill everyone here in this state. He just needed to stun them long enough to escape and recuperate. And it wasn't long till an idea popped up his mind.

Slowly unsheathing the Kusanagi, he grabbed onto the handle with all of his strength cocked it back, as he pulled onto every single strand of cursed energy he could muster.

"Chidori Nagashi!!! --- Chidori Stream!"

Without hesitation, the Kusanagi ripped into the ground with all his might and right there, a wondrous phenomena occured . Streams of lightning exploded forth, travelling across the grounds like snakes and crawling up the bodies of the incoming enemies, decimating their flesh.

Every one within a 3 mile radius was caught within the range of attack and was torn apart. The attack happened almost instatenously, meaning none of the enemies could even dream of escaping.

As Sasuke released the attack, he watched every single one of them slump to the ground either unconscious or dead, their bodies twitching uncontrollably as he heaved a sigh of relief. With his Sharingan turned off and his cursed energy reserves almost dried up he held himself up by a rock and planned to shunshin away when the unexpected happened.

A massive right arm, wrapped in a fierce tendril of cursed energy sneaked up from behind him and smashed right into his figure. Only noticing the attack at the last moment, he was able to turn around and get his guard up, but his body was hurled into the distance,


He crashed into multiple rocks, and only came to a stop after skidding several meters away.


He coughed out blood as his internal injuries worsened, yet he managed to pick himself up into a sitting position as his back rested against the stem of a tall tree and he gazed murderously at the incoming figure before him.

"What a nice coincidence.."

The handsome and well spoken Joben with the menacing stitch like scar on his forehead walked out with a round of applause, and a small ridiculing smile on his face.

Behind him, Sasuke noticed two creatures. One of them was whitish humanoid cursed spirit, familiar to him in every way.. and unlike the one had met before this was a bonafide Special Grade cursed womb..

The other creature was far menacing than the cursed womb, and it's aura was so intense that even Sasuke didn't know what he was looking at. With a lower human body and a serpentine upper body, it's massive and muscular ape like arms stretched to the ground as its slit pupils glared murderously at him.

The most intriguing thing about it wasn't even it's appearance, rather, it's cursed energy seemed to possess the meekness of human nature, that savageness of cursed kind, along with one last property that Sasuke found utterly familiar yet couldn't remember where he knew it from....

A/N: Sorry for the late update guys. I promise to update regularly from now on...