Chapter 18: He Is a Pig

"Well... I'm also very glad to meet you," Liu Rumei said with a hint of excitement, her words coming out a bit haltingly. Yang Huawai's extremely respectful salute, more sincere than the enthusiasm of others she usually encounters, touched her deeply.

Wang Pengfei and the others behind her felt a bit embarrassed. In this era, corrupted by money, the standard for measuring whether someone is respected has inexplicably become linked with wealth. Although some people disdain this, they are in the minority. At least they had never shown the same level of respect to researchers as Yang Huawai did.

"However, I'd rather meet the so-called mad director you mentioned," Liu Rumei said with a serious expression.

"Well... if you could live for five hundred years, maybe you'd get a chance. But as for the theory of parallel universes, even if you lived that long, you might still not be able to see him," Yang Huawai replied, also serious.

"I'll go with you when you return then," Liu Rumei said with a smile. When she smiled, some dirt fell from her face, completely lacking any feminine grace. Yet, it was precisely her appearance that made Yang Huawai find her more attractive than Fang Hongyan.

"Who is this?" Fang Hongyan yawned as she walked out from the inner room, scanning the place with a somewhat dazed look. Guided by her woman's intuition or competitive spirit, she fixed her gaze on Liu Rumei. Seeing Liu Rumei's dirty appearance, she instinctively frowned, showing a displeased expression. However, as soon as this expression appeared, she felt a chill and a tightening sensation all over her body, almost feeling the urge to shrink into a ball. She turned her head with difficulty and met Yang Huawai's cold, predatory gaze.

"Leave this place immediately, or I'll help you," Yang Huawai said coldly, his fist slightly clenched, a chilling murderous aura emanating towards Fang Hongyan.

"Well..." Fang Hongyan was left speechless under Yang Huawai's menacing gaze. Wang Pengfei immediately rushed forward, dragging Fang Hongyan out without a word. Fang Hongyan stubbornly resisted, but she couldn't match Wang Pengfei's strength and was unwillingly dragged out. Yang Huawai snorted and then turned his gaze back to Liu Rumei, his expression softening instantly. The killing intent he had just shown had affected more than just Fang Hongyan. Apart from Liu Rumei, who seemed unaware, the others were all affected to varying degrees, with the two bodyguards of Liu Rumei already having their backs soaked with sweat.

"Miss Liu Rumei, let's get started," Yang Huawai said, turning around to lift up the fallen table, reattaching the broken leg, and patting it to stabilize. After a short while, he managed to restore the table to a usable state, setting up two intact chairs in front of it. Yang Huawai walked over and carefully placed Liu Rumei's metal box on the table. He knew that researchers carried their belongings with great care, and in the past, because of rough handling, they had often been scolded by the mad director.

Surprisingly, Liu Rumei, who always kept the box close, showed no objection to Yang Huawai's actions. Instead, she smiled at him and sat down at the table. Yang Huawai, also with a gentle expression, sat beside her.

"It seems we don't have much to do here," Xiao Guo said softly, gently pulling his two colleagues out. The recent killing intent had even frightened the audacious special agents.

The two bodyguards exchanged helpless glances. Given Yang Huawai's earlier display of power, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he had come from a sea of corpses and rivers of blood. If he wanted to cause trouble, they would be powerless to stop him. Moreover, Yang Huawai didn't seem to harbor ill intentions, so the two decided to withdraw to avoid disturbing Liu Rumei's work.

"First, I need to take some blood and skin samples. Don't worry, it won't affect you," Liu Rumei said, becoming serious as she talked about work. In a moment of distraction, her face seemed to radiate a holy light, revealing an unusual beauty that her dirty face and thick glasses couldn't hide.

"No problem," Yang Huawai replied with equal seriousness, extending his muscular arm, which was as gnarled as an old tree root.

Liu Rumei carefully opened the box, revealing various sealed test tubes, shiny tools, and delicate instruments. She took out a syringe, swabbed Yang Huawai's vein, and tried to insert the needle. However, the needle only sank slightly into the muscle, unable to penetrate further. Fortunately, the equipment was specially made; otherwise, a standard needle would have broken by now.

"That won't work. In the future, we need to fight, and with long-term battles and some of the things the mad director has researched, our bodies have far surpassed your imagination in terms of defense, strength, and healing speed," Yang Huawai said, picking up a knife from Liu Rumei's box. The knife had a round handle and a blade about five centimeters long. Yang Huawai took the knife and forcefully stabbed it into his arm, the blade sinking halfway.

"Ah..." Liu Rumei gasped, quickly grabbing a test tube to collect the blood from the wound. As Yang Huawai withdrew the knife, blood spurted out, filling the entire test tube. Within a short time, the wound healed, leaving only a red mark.

Yang Huawai continued to slice off small pieces of muscle, moving so quickly that the knife made a whooshing sound. Liu Rumei, without a frown, efficiently collected the muscle tissue into test tubes, sealed them, and placed them in the box, then locked it carefully, finally letting out a sigh of relief.

"The higher-ups asked me to remind you about the promised explosive formulas and weapon manufacturing methods," Liu Rumei asked with interest, still staring at the box.

"Materials vary. Future materials come from mutated giant trees and monster bones. If you follow the original formula, you won't be able to produce it. However, before coming here, the research institute had already theoretically researched the production methods based on ancient, or rather current, materials. I'll make a list; you take it back and prepare the materials with your people. Choose a weapons factory and let me know when you're ready. How much your people can learn depends on yourselves," Yang Huawai said.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll head back," Liu Rumei said, her eyes still on the box. Her nonchalant manner of speaking was extremely rude, but since she was a researcher, Yang Huawai's temper was unexpectedly good. He directly helped her carry the box and escorted Liu Rumei out.

As the car drove away, Yang Huawai continued to stand in the yard, staring at the disappearing vehicle, unmoving like a statue.

"Captain, do you think that big guy has taken a liking to that Liu researcher?" Xiao Guo whispered to Wang Pengfei. "He ignores the sexy beauty Fang Hongyan and..."

"Can you shut up? Men are not just thinking about those dirty ideas towards women. How come you all think that way?" Wang Pengfei said, angrily slapping Xiao Guo to the ground, which slightly eased his frustration. In just one day, Yang Huawai had repeatedly amazed them with surprises that greatly challenged their worldview and values, representing the virtues humanity had once lost. Of course, his violent temper didn't count.

"Hmph, let me see how I can deal with him," Fang Hongyan said defiantly, hiding behind Wang Pengfei.

"Fang Hongyan, I warn you, don't go provoking him. As I mentioned, he is not my subordinate but only a collaborator with our Special Operations Division. If you provoke him and he ends up killing someone among you, the higher-ups might not even care. Understand?" Wang Pengfei said sternly, causing Xiao Guo and the others to shiver at the thought of Yang Huawai's abnormal strength.

Fang Hongyan was stunned for a moment, then started to smile seductively. "Hehe, women don't need to act directly to deal with men."

"Uh... I didn't mean to incite anyone to take action. I just meant..." Fang Hongyan was taken aback by Wang Pengfei's icy gaze and awkwardly explained.

"Fang Hongyan, I've already warned you. You're an adult, and the team spoils you, but he's not like us. Handle it yourself, but I still advise you to keep those little schemes to yourself," Wang Pengfei said before turning and walking away.

A van stopped at the police station's entrance, and two attendants in white service uniforms got out, opening the rear door and dragging out four or five large boxes. Yang Huawai's nose twitched, and he couldn't help but drool.

"Hey, guys, we've brought you some food. Help us out," one of the attendants called to Yang Huawai. The weight of dozens of dishes together was not light.

"All right, you're done here," Yang Huawai said, walking over, stacking the four large boxes and one small box together, and lifting them with ease as he headed inside.

"Hey, we haven't been paid yet," the attendant shouted, the voice piercing.

"Shut up. Isn't the food delivered now?" Xiao Guo said while clutching his wallet, distressed. Even with the special agents' high salaries and bonuses, Yang Huawai's meal was still going to cost several thousand.

Back in the office, Yang Hu

awai placed the five boxes on the table and started eating without any pretense or hesitation. He devoured a crystal pork knuckle in just two bites, leaving only the bones. A large braised carp was attacked from the head, devoured in huge chunks, including the bones and fish spikes.

"He... really is a pig..." Fang Hongyan, peering through the door crack, swallowed hard. Just watching Yang Huawai's eating habits made her feel full.

"Next meal, whoever wants to pay can pay. I won't cover it. I still don't have a wife, unless it's reimbursed," Xiao Guo said, squeezing his deflated wallet with a gloomy face.

"Fine, just bear with it. We'll get a reimbursement form later," Wang Pengfei said grumpily.