Chapter 21: Super Light Weapons

"Yang Huawi, you must be tired after spending the whole day shopping with this young lady. How about coming over to my place? I've already made arrangements with the arms factory, which is in the city. I'll take you there tomorrow morning," Wang Pengfei asked.

"No need, I'll just rest here. I still need to process this stone and extract the blue crystals. I might need them for weapon manufacturing in a few days," Yang Huawi replied, patting the stone in his hand.

"Blue crystals?" Wang Pengfei was intrigued by the stone Yang Huawi was holding but quickly realized Yang Huawi's way of doing things.

That night, the city police station was bound to be busy. In the office, Yang Huawi used his bare hands to crush the beautiful stone into powder. Then, he sifted through the pile of stone fragments, picking out the blue crystals no larger than a fingernail. Eventually, Wang Pengfei couldn't stand it anymore and had to lend a hand. He used his hands like tweezers, quickly sorting through the fragments. Yang Huawi didn't miss even the tiniest speck of powder. After a whole night's work, they managed to extract about two kilograms of blue crystals. Wang Pengfei's help wasn't in vain, as he learned that this was a new type of material and wisely kept some large samples.

In the morning, Yang Huawi ate a big meal again. Although he wasn't hungry, years of combat had made him develop a habit of eating as much as he could when food was available. In the battles in the Holy City, the consumption was massive, and there was no guarantee of the next meal. As the saying in the Holy City goes, "Better to be a glutton than to die of starvation."

The arms factory in Binhai City wasn't the largest or most advanced in the country, but it was definitely one of the oldest. This factory had made significant contributions to the well-known Type 95 series of light weapons, though the fruits of their labor were ultimately claimed by Northern Heavy Industries. Consequently, the factory was highly dissatisfied. The recent task of developing new weapons was highly valued by the Binhai City arms factory. The nearly sixty-year-old factory director grit his teeth and personally bought fruit to invite the factory's prized assets: a Level 8 blacksmith, a Level 8 sheet metal worker, a Level 8 welder, and a Level 8 lathe operator, each over sixty years old. Such people were highly skilled and could not be hired even with a lot of money.

The Level 8 blacksmith could tell the temperature in the furnace just by swinging his hand, with a maximum variance of fifty degrees. The sheet metal worker was even more remarkable; he had crafted the body of a car using a wooden hammer. An offer of eighty million was made by foreigners, but he refused to sell. Each person had their own expertise and was among the best. Although modern technology was advancing, with precision robots replacing manual labor on production lines, human skill sometimes far exceeded mechanical capabilities.

Yang Huawi threw himself into the factory and was like a person who had disappeared, but in the past few days, the food consumption at the Binhai City arms factory had greatly increased. Yang Huawi ate as much as ten people, causing complaints from the chef. However, seeing Yang Huawi's physique, muscles, and imposing presence, the chef wisely chose to keep quiet.

The skills of these old technicians were indeed as impressive as rumored. With their help, after half a month, a meticulously handcrafted large handgun was completed. Thirty centimeters long and weighing five kilograms, it resembled an oversized Desert Eagle. It was equipped with a silencer, a small sight, a mini grenade launcher, a tactical flashlight, and various other accessories. The gun looked peculiar, with a thicker barrel but an internal diameter only slightly larger than a matchstick. This was necessary because the blue explosives Yang Huawi created were extremely powerful. Without the blue crystals, even the finest materials wouldn't be able to withstand such explosive force.

Even so, the gun could only be described as terrifying. The initial bullet speed reached a frightening 5000 meters per second, with a range of 5000 meters. This meant that from the moment the gun was fired until the bullet hit the target took less than one second. Such a feat was unimaginable with modern weapons. If this weapon could be mass-produced, it would represent a significant upgrade for all weapons on Earth.

As Yang Huawi said, due to material limitations, this weapon could not be mass-produced. Even if large quantities of blue crystals were obtained, it would still be impossible due to the high requirements. It could only be achieved in a laboratory. Thus, Yang Huawi became the first person in this era to be equipped with such a futuristic weapon, costing millions.

Yang Huawi left the arms factory with 500 rounds of ammunition and twelve large thumb-sized explosive blocks, driving a newly assigned Chery Jeep back to the city police department. As for the impact the factory's achievements would have when reported, it was beyond his concern.

Back at the Special Task Force Unit 13, Yang Huawi sat in front of the computer, browsing the unit's website and focusing on the latest information. Although there weren't many tasks for Unit 13, it didn't mean there were none. However, Yang Huawi was only interested in information related to orcs or magical beasts. There had been a report once of two sheep in Binhai City being drained of blood by unknown creatures. This made Yang Huawi nervous, but the investigation revealed it was a previously undiscovered species, a rare one from millions of years ago, unrelated to Yang Huawi.

As Yang Huawi returned to his previous routine of staring at the computer, Wang Pengfei approached him with a troubled expression.

"Wang Pengfei, just tell me what's up. You know my temperament," Yang Huawi said without looking up from the computer, as he had grown familiar with his colleagues over the past month.

"Well, the higher-ups want me to ask if you could do more research or share some of your findings. Since you're always here, if you need any information, we can help you track it," Wang Pengfei said carefully. "If not, perhaps you could come up with a military training method."

"Heh." Yang Huawi looked up and smiled at Wang Pengfei, causing Wang Pengfei to feel uneasy.

"I'm just a soldier. The fact that I managed to make this gun shows that I'm skilled at maintaining weapons. The specific process of how it was made was taught by the researchers, and there's a bit of luck involved. As for other technological achievements, there are some, like a small battlefield radar with a transparent screen that doesn't obstruct vision, allows communication, transmits images, assists in aiming, and detects all life forms within a five-kilometer radius. But I'm just a soldier, and I only know how to use these things. I don't know how they are made. It would have been great if a researcher had come with the transfer."

Yang Huawi continued with a smile, "As for military training methods, they're not suitable for this era. In the Holy City, we had a pill that developed our potential and made us stronger from a young age. You see me, but that's also a matter for the research institute. I only know it contains extracts from magical beasts and mutated trees. You can't make that. Our military training is simpler. After basic combat and weapon training, we take a team and expand the Holy City's range by one kilometer. Those who survive this round are the elite, but the loss rate is over sixty percent. Can you handle that? Even if you can, where would I find so many magical beasts and orcs for you to fight?"

"Ah…" Even Wang Pengfei was stunned. He had known that survival was harsh 500 years later, but he hadn't expected it to be this extreme.

"This gun and these explosives are the limit of what I can achieve under the current conditions. The world has changed dramatically in 500 years. Humanity's power has been compressed into a corner, and all existing minerals and materials have been abandoned in favor of new materials with different principles. Even if the mad scientist director came, he would have no solution," Yang Huawi said, shaking his head. "Report honestly. Those who reach those positions are not fools; they should understand that what I'm saying is the truth."

"Sigh, it can only be this way," Wang Pengfei sighed. Human nature always wants more, and that's something no one can change. But isn't it precisely this human desire that has allowed humanity to survive fiercely under the siege of demons?

Meanwhile, in a small city a thousand miles away from Binhai City, Yanjiang City was a county-level city with a population of only a few hundred thousand. It was not outstanding in any aspect on the vast land of China. The Special Task Force personnel were already on edge and naturally did not set up a branch here. However, such a small city had experienced something extremely frightening.

"Chief, we can't delay any longer. We need to report this. More than two hundred people have died. If we wait any longer, we definitely won't be able to handle it," Jiang Yuan, the captain of the criminal police team, burst into the chief's office, slamming his hand on the chief's desk and shouting.

Chief Zhu Xuewen, shaking his fat body and wiping his greasy sweat, reached for the phone but hesitated and withdrew his hand. "Jiang, if this matter gets out, we're both finished," Zhu Xuewen said with a trembling voice. Zhu Xuewen was only forty years old and had just given a bribe a few days ago, eyeing a lucrative position. He was unwilling to let go at this critical


"Chief, look at this. Over two hundred people have died in such a brutal manner. We've been investigating for over half a month, but haven't found a single clue. Chief, it's the internet age now. Even if we block the news, it won't be for long. At most, three more days. In the past half month, hundreds of pictures have been posted online. Our people have deleted them, but who knows how many have been circulated," Jiang Yuan said, slamming a stack of photos onto the desk. Jiang Yuan, in his thirties and full of energy, had initially thought that sealing the news and capturing the ruthless killer would be a great achievement. However, the situation had only worsened and become uncontrollable.

Zhu Xuewen glanced at the photos scattered on the desk. His fat body trembled again, and his face turned pale. The people in the photos were unrecognizable. Their stomachs were torn open, and their bodies were shredded into pieces, as if something had emerged from their stomachs and eaten half of the bodies.

"Three days, give me three more days to block the news," Zhu Xuewen gritted his teeth and said. In these three days, he planned to run around, exert all his effort, and transfer out. Then he would be free from the mess.