Chapter 25: Cesarean Section

Yang Huawei didn't ask any more questions. Being a man himself and familiar with the open-minded culture of the Holy City, he was well aware of what Fang Hongyan might be thinking. After all, Fang Hongyan was indeed very sexy—her chest was ample, and her hips were full. However, her power was lacking. With a 500-year gap in aesthetics, the future's first criterion for beauty was power. Unfortunately, Fang Hongyan did not possess this quality. On the other hand, Liu Rubmei's research prowess made Yang Huawei regard her more favorably. If he had to choose, he would pick Liu Rubmei over Fang Hongyan.

As the two of them left the residential building, several people hurriedly descended from the building opposite. They were carrying a woman on a bed board. The woman was young, appearing to be in labor, clutching her large belly and crying out in pain. Her cries were mournful and sharp, like nails scraping glass.

"This is ridiculous. If she's about to give birth, why isn't she in a hospital? Instead, she's at home," Fang Hongyan remarked, frowning at the scene.

Yang Huawei shook his head slightly and strode across the street. Fang Hongyan had no choice but to follow. Yang Huawei reached the group, waved them aside, and lifted the woman's clothing to reveal her belly. The woman's belly was intermittently distending as if something were trying to break through. Yang Huawei's face darkened. This was not a pregnant woman but rather a victim of a monster's parasite. From the looks of it, the monster was about to break free.

"What the hell are you doing? This is a patient, and she needs to be taken to the hospital immediately," one of the men yelled in frustration and kicked at Yang Huawei. Yang Huawei remained unmoved, allowing the kick to land. The man, however, ended up on the ground, clutching his foot and screaming in pain.

"Find a quiet place," Yang Huawei said without turning around, his eyes fixed on the woman's belly. Blood and fluid were already flowing from beneath her. Yang Huawei pulled down her pants to reveal that blood was flowing freely, and the woman's screams grew louder. Her face had turned almost transparent from the pain.

"Requisition a room," Fang Hongyan said, drawing her gun and rushing into the building. Yang Huawei picked up the woman and followed her. The family members who had been watching were still stunned, unable to understand why someone had suddenly appeared, lifting the patient's clothes and pants. Could this person be a doctor? But who had ever seen a doctor with a gun instead of a scalpel?

Fang Hongyan kicked open a door on the first floor. The young couple by the window, who had been watching the commotion, were stunned to see a sensuous woman in tight leather and armed with two guns burst in.

"Special Operations. We are requisitioning your room. Leave immediately, or you will be shot without question," Fang Hongyan said, aiming her guns at the couple.

The couple was dumbfounded. This was China, a peaceful country where such aggressive robbers were unheard of. They decided to consider her a seductive robber.

"Get the hell out of here," Fang Hongyan shouted angrily. After Yang Huawei carried the screaming woman inside, Fang Hongyan became enraged, holstered her guns, and moved swiftly to the couple. She grabbed them by the arms and threw them out the door, slamming it shut and securing it. Dealing with ordinary people was easy for her compared to dealing with Yang Huawei.

Yang Huawei carried the woman into the bathroom while Fang Hongyan drew the curtains. However, just as she finished, there was a loud crash as the glass was shattered.

"Return my wife! I need to take her to the hospital. What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to make things worse?" the man outside screamed, his voice filled with anguish. Since they were on the first floor, with anti-theft bars on the windows, the man couldn't get inside. Other relatives joined in the shouting, but Fang Hongyan ignored them and entered the bathroom.

Yang Huawei placed the woman in the bathtub, where she continued to scream and smash her head against the walls and the edge of the tub. Her lips were torn and bleeding, and her head was a bloody mess from the constant banging.

"Brother Wei, this isn't going to work. You need to find a way to save her. What do you do when your place is infested with monsters?" Fang Hongyan said, unable to watch any longer, pulling at Yang Huawei's sleeve.

"Give me a knife. The only option now is to perform a forced cesarean to extract the alien monster. However, this woman is beyond saving," Yang Huawei said calmly, with a trace of sorrow in his eyes. This was the best he could do for Fang Hongyan's comfort. In the future, such things wouldn't happen. People in the future wouldn't be as weak as those in the present. When faced with beastmen or monsters, it was either they die or we do, so parasitism wouldn't occur. Hence, the concept of parasitism was unheard of in the future.

Fang Hongyan quickly fetched a kitchen knife from the kitchen. Yang Huawei's custom-made knife from the armory hadn't been completed yet, and since Fang Hongyan only carried guns, a kitchen knife would have to do.

Yang Huawei took the knife and, without hesitation, made a cut. Fang Hongyan frowned deeply. Although she had heard of cesarean sections, as a virgin who had never been with a man, she had never seen a cesarean performed on someone else.

As Yang Huawei's knife made a bloody incision in the woman's abdomen, a blood-shadow sprang out, lunging at Fang Hongyan. Yang Huawei grabbed the shadow and shook it, slinging the blood away. In his hand was a small, silver monster about a foot long. The monster's eyes, hidden behind a transparent membrane, glowed with a fierce light as it struggled to free itself from Yang Huawei's iron grip.

Fang Hongyan was startled and fell backward, her hands instinctively drawing her guns. However, Yang Huawei had a tight grip on the small monster. Despite its recent birth, the creature was already sharp-toothed and clawed. Its teeth and claws scraped against Yang Huawei's arm, making a grinding noise, and its slender tail lashed out, making a popping sound that caused Fang Hongyan a visceral thrill.

"So this is a monster?" Fang Hongyan asked, looking at the small but ferocious creature with shock.

"You'll find out soon. Monsters have a characteristic: they contain magic crystals in their brains. Though these crystals don't hold much energy, they can power small machines. For a newly born one like this, the crystal is not very useful," Yang Huawei explained, examining the monster and then looking at the woman. Her abdomen was a mess of internal organs, and her eyes were lifeless. With a sigh, Yang Huawei squeezed, causing the small creature to go limp.

Yang Huawei crushed the monster's brain, and a purple fluid oozed out, emitting a faintly foul odor.

Yang Huawei's fingers dug into the monster's rotten brain, extracting a tiny crystal, smaller than a match head. The crystal was an irregular prism, glowing with a faint purple light.

"This is the thing? It can power machinery? With such a small piece, what can it power?" Fang Hongyan asked, turning the beautiful crystal over between her fingers, puzzled.

"Well, it could power an electric bike for several hundred kilometers," Yang Huawei said after a moment's thought.

"Uh…" Fang Hongyan was stunned, almost dropping the tiny, beautiful crystal. She could hardly imagine that such a small thing could power a bike for hundreds of kilometers.

"Magic crystals above level five can power a heavy vehicle for thousands of kilometers. Most of the energy in the Holy City comes from magic crystals, with only centralized energy departments still using primitive solar power. However, we've heard that some lunatics at the research institute dismantled a few nuclear bombs and managed to develop nuclear power, but that's classified information," Yang Huawei said, tossing the remains of the alien creature aside.

"Perhaps… perhaps these aliens will soon be eradicated," Fang Hongyan suggested.

"Oh?" Yang Huawei looked back at Fang Hongyan with interest.

"If news spreads that magic crystals can provide a lot of energy, many people will hunt down these alien monsters. Humans are incredibly resilient. Once they set their sights on something, that thing is not far from extinction. If we hunt them while they are still weak, although there might be some human losses, these monsters might soon be protected as endangered species," Fang Hongyan said, smiling bitterly. Humans had already caused immense damage to Earth. As Fang Hongyan had said, once humans set their sights on something, it was only a matter of time before that thing was destroyed.

"Impossible," Yang Huawei shook his head helplessly. Even the soldiers in the Holy City couldn't handle monsters, let alone modern people from 500 years ago. Though these creatures were only level-one monsters, far from the top levels like ten or thirteen, even a single newborn monster could easily overpower a platoon of ordinary soldiers. Without using heavy weapons for widespread strikes, ordinary humans couldn't capture or kill these creatures. Moreover, there were too few super-powered individuals like the thirteen, and even in the future, where human potential was fully tapped, superpowers were merely auxiliary and accounted for no more than 20% of the population.

"This is a matter between the strong; I don't agree with your opinion. Ordinary people chasing after the magical beasts might give them more chances to parasitize," Yang Huawei said as he stood up, took a block of dynamite from his leg, broke it in half, attached a detonator, and threw it into the woman's split-open abdomen before turning to leave.

"I was just saying, let's study it further," Fang Hongyan mumbled as she followed him. When she opened the door, the man who had been screaming outside, along with a few of his relatives, tried to rush in, and some onlookers also wanted to get a closer look. Yang Huawei frowned. Why are they trying to get in when it's about to explode? Haven't they lived long enough? Yang Huawei, suppressing his anger, stretched out his arm and pushed everyone out, causing several people to crash into the walls and faint on the spot.

Fang Hongyan shut the door behind her, and with a loud bang, the security door was blown off its frame by the shockwave. A large cloud of smoke billowed out, causing everyone to freeze in shock. They stopped watching and screamed as they pushed their way out. Yang Huawei didn't injure anyone, but the stampede injured a few. Fang Hongyan shook her head in frustration. The Chinese tendency to watch the excitement has caused countless problems, but they never seem to learn.