Chapter 26: The Early Warning System

Yang Huawei ignored the injured, whose wounds were not severe, and focused on catching the alien creatures. Even if he couldn't capture them all, he needed to find out where they came from. They couldn't have just appeared out of nowhere.

The woman's relatives were crying outside the building, and the first floor, blasted by Yang Huawei's dynamite, had started to catch fire. In the distance, the sound of police cars was approaching, and several cars marked for interviews rushed into the neighborhood. Reporters and photographers, armed with cameras, jumped out of their vehicles, moving faster than regular troops.

Just as reporters were about to start filming, another SUV screeched to a halt. Wang Pengfei jumped out of the car, followed by two unfamiliar people.

"Stop filming. You have no business here. Leave now; you can't report this anyway," Wang Pengfei said, flashing his credentials. "Even if you film it, you won't be able to publish it."

"Who are you?" The pretty female reporter looked at Wang Pengfei with confusion.

"National Security. You don't need to know more. Leave now, or you'll be detained by the police for 48 hours. Which will it be?" Wang Pengfei said, staring at the female reporter. "Don't worry about facing any punishment when you return. The television stations in the city should have received notifications. Leave now."

Ignoring the female reporter's protests, Wang Pengfei stormed towards Yang Huawei and Fang Hongyan, while the two accompanying men dispersed the crowd. Fire trucks arrived and began spraying water. Unfortunately for the young couple, their home not only saw a fatal incident inside but was also set on fire.

"Everyone, don't panic. The police will come to handle this matter and provide a satisfactory answer to all of you," a man shouted to the chaotic crowd.

As Wang Pengfei approached Yang Huawei and Fang Hongyan, his face was nearly livid. Yang Huawei maintained a severe expression, while Fang Hongyan, seeing Wang Pengfei's almost explosive demeanor, felt a bit scared. Despite years in special operations, she had never seen her team leader like this.

Wang Pengfei, looking at Yang Huawei, finally deflated. He grabbed Fang Hongyan from behind Yang Huawei. "Damn it, can't you behave yourself? Yang Huawei is new and doesn't understand much, but you've been with Special Ops for five years. How could you make such a mess? When did Special Ops become so arrogant?" Wang Pengfei scolded, dragging Fang Hongyan with gestures of apology that made her face flush red without uttering a word.

"Now you can't avoid being arrogant," Yang Huawei suddenly said, surprising Wang Pengfei.

"Yang Huawei, what have you done now? What's worse than blowing up a civilian home? We need harmony," Wang Pengfei nearly shouted, his temper fraying. If it had been anyone other than Yang Huawei, Wang Pengfei would have slapped them already.

"They have appeared, and there are many of them. Over two hundred people have died in the city, all in the same way, which means over two hundred of these creatures have appeared in this city alone. While we're talking, there might be more people infected," Yang Huawei said calmly.

"Only? You mean…" Wang Pengfei was taken aback, not expecting such a situation so soon after Yang Huawei's arrival.

"Yes, it's magical beasts, though they are only the lowest-level beasts. If you don't take this seriously and fully commit to hunting them, there will likely be even more problems. Harmony? What a joke," Yang Huawei said with a hint of disdain, his frustration evident.

"I'll report this to the capital personally, but the best outcome will be for Special Ops to handle it secretly," Wang Pengfei said with a wry smile.

"No, we need regular troops involved, and they must be elite troops," Yang Huawei insisted firmly.

"Do you think the Republic of China is our personal property?" Wang Pengfei rolled his eyes. "Even in the imperial era, one had to listen to the ministers. I'll go find the minister; maybe he'll listen." Wang Pengfei sighed. "By the way, you two, go back to the division immediately. You've caused such a big commotion. If the Special Ops from the capital investigate, you'll be in trouble. If it weren't for my connections, you'd be in even more trouble." Wang Pengfei said, patting Fang Hongyan on the head, avoiding doing the same to Yang Huawei, who was like a tiger's head.

"No," Yang Huawei refused again, leaving Wang Pengfei stunned. "We must chase down those alien magical beasts and find their source. We still don't know where they came from. If a level ten beast appears one day, even I won't be able to handle it."

"Ugh…" Wang Pengfei groaned, feeling exasperated. Yang Huawei was like a heavy tank charging through the city, and this was China, not Afghanistan or Iraq.

"Team leader, how about bringing in the Early Warning System? Its intuition is strong enough. If we have a clear target and monitor it closely, we might minimize the impact," Fang Hongyan suggested softly.

"The Early Warning System is in the south on a terrorist investigation," Wang Pengfei said.

"What terrorist is scarier than these alien magical beasts? I bet if these creatures get into a crowd, with today's network speed, it will be impossible to avoid panic," Fang Hongyan said.

"Alright, no problem. I'll call and bring the Early Warning System back," Wang Pengfei said through gritted teeth, pulling out his phone.

The Early Warning System returned quickly. It was just getting dark when it arrived. Special Ops could mobilize military planes for urgent missions. Wang Pengfei's urgent request meant the Early Warning System was airlifted from Mingkun Airport in the south on a passing military transport plane.

The Early Warning System, named Yu Jing, was 1.76 meters tall, looked very spirited, and wore battle camouflage still damp from the rain. He carried a long pack on his back, which Yang Huawei could tell contained weapons.

In Special Ops, although a well-trained ordinary soldier could potentially defeat Yu Jing in hand-to-hand combat, in long-distance pursuits or gunfights, even ten of the best Special Ops members might not match Yu Jing's one sniper rifle. His ability to foresee the future, actually an exceptionally developed sixth sense, allowed him to anticipate enemy movements and attacks. This auxiliary ability was highly valued in Special Ops, as working with Yu Jing was like adding an extra layer of insurance.

"You must be Yang Huawei. I'm Yu Jing, known as the Early Warning System," Yu Jing introduced himself, shaking Yang Huawei's hand after a thorough mutual inspection.

"Hello," Yang Huawei replied, shaking Yu Jing's hand lightly. Yu Jing turned back to Wang Pengfei with a smile, but as soon as he did, the smile disappeared, replaced by a grim expression, surprising Wang Pengfei.

Yu Jing pulled Wang Pengfei away, and only when they turned a corner out of Yang Huawei's sight did Yu Jing let out a long sigh and collapse.

"What's wrong with you?" Wang Pengfei asked, supporting Yu Jing, puzzled as he seemed unharmed.

"Damn it, I'd rather not have such super intuition. Facing Yang Huawei just now felt like facing a nuclear bomb that could explode at any moment. It scared me to death," Yu Jing said, wiping his cold sweat. This was the downside of having such strong intuition.

"Where did you find such a treasure?" Yu Jing asked.

"It's not a secret anymore. He's from the future," Wang Pengfei replied without looking up. "And he's a huge problem."

"From the future? What are you talking about? What's the future like? Can people fly? Is everyone as strong as him? Is…"

"Enough with the questions. Just focus on getting something useful from him. If you do, I'll record it as a major achievement and increase your salary tenfold," Wang Pengfei said.

"Really?" Yu Jing was overjoyed. "My girlfriend spends so much money; even making fifty or eighty thousand a month isn't enough."

"Really. But since Fang Hongyan hasn't gotten anything useful, it's up to you," Wang Pengfei said, patting Yu Jing on the shoulder.

"Does he prefer men?" Yu Jing asked, breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Bullshit. Can't you think of something else? Not everyone is as obsessed with this as you are. Yu Jing, it's not my business to meddle in your personal life, but you should break up with her. She's not the kind of person who will settle down and live a good life. You should find someone who can live a stable life with you," Wang Pengfei advised with a serious tone.

"But… she… she…" Yu Jing stammered, unable to complete his sentence.