Chapter One



Vampires. Vampires. Vampires!


Wherever I look, that's all I see. I turned off the TV after seeing an ad for yet another movie featuring a famous vampire star. They were everywhere. I had never experienced living in a world where this bothersome existence wasn't present. When I was born, vampires were already considered gods of our society.


It wasn't a religious worship but rather a veneration that manifested as gratitude and admiration. Vampires had established themselves as the saviors of our species, the architects of a coexistence that elevated humans to new heights. When the revelation of the existence of vampires became public, it wasn't a simple unveiling of nocturnal beings. They emerged with a gift for humanity: innovative technologies and revolutionary advancements in medicine. They weren't just bloodthirsty creatures of the night; they were bearers of knowledge and progress that transcended the limits of human imagination.


Vampires weren't merely revealed; they were introduced as creators of an era of prosperity and evolution. This warm reception that vampires experienced was meticulously cultivated by the joint effort of the media and governments in highlighting all the benefits that accompanied their presence. From the moment vampires were introduced to us humans, a meticulously planned media campaign was put into action. The media unfolded not only to demystify the stories and mythologies we knew about them but also to point out all the benefits they brought with them. Reports, documentaries, and interviews flooded communication channels, transforming vampires from dark figures into catalysts of progress and benevolence.


Meanwhile, governments played a fundamental role in driving this narrative. Leaders and authorities highlighted the technological advancements, medical discoveries, and positive impact on the quality of life brought by vampires. A harmony between the political sphere and the media was skillfully woven to build a positive view of coexistence between humans and vampires.


Of course, at the time, many protests and demonstrations took place. People were afraid to go out on the streets and be attacked by bloodthirsty monsters. The uncertainty about the vampires' intentions fueled insecurity. What would they gain from this? Why bring these advancements only now? Many questions swirled in the minds of humans most resistant to this new era in our society.


However, mysteriously, these voices of resistance gradually fell silent. The murmur of distrust gave way to an unsettling silence. What was once a tumult of questions became an intriguing quiet, as if an invisible hand had calmed the turbulent waters of distrust. Naturally, at the time, no one questioned much. Most were too euphoric about this novelty to actually question or even care about these people. Years have passed since then, and it seems everyone has gotten used to having them around.


I went to the kitchen with the intention of preparing something quick to eat, while my gaze automatically fixed on the clock hanging on the wall. The dial indicated that it was already past ten at night, and Rey still hadn't returned. I was always pissed off about this.

Rey and I had been together for more than two years, and at the beginning, I saw him as my prince charming. However, this image began to crumble since we decided to live together about a year ago.


Rey, unfortunately, didn't have a steady job, living off occasional gigs. For this reason, he never had money to pay the household bills, which always ended up falling on my shoulders. Besides, he was incapable of performing simple tasks, like washing a glass he had dirtied.


I confess that, at times, I found myself questioning why I persisted in this relationship. Especially when he left home, claiming to be at some job, only to return in the early hours of the morning. But it ended up becoming a vicious circle. A spiral of behaviors that repeated in a predictable manner.


He arrived whenever he wanted and slept in the living room, thinking I wouldn't know the exact time he got home. This habit became a kind of nightly ritual, subtly challenging my patience and trust.


The irony appeared the next day when Rey, as if by a magical transformation, went back to being the prince charming who initially won me over. His careless attitudes and negligent behavior were momentarily replaced by affectionate gestures and passionate words. And, as in a predictable script, I inevitably ended up forgiving him.


This alternation between phases of disenchantment and reconciliation created a repetitive cycle of expectations and disappointments. Rey's image oscillated between the shadow of his nighttime behavior and the fleeting light of affectionate rapprochement the next day. This situation, although absurd, kept me clinging to an eternal hope that the prince charming would reappear definitively, overshadowing the moments of carelessness and disappointment.


In this cycle of forgiveness and reconciliation, I unconsciously ended up seeking constancy in inconstancy. Always hoping that, at some point, he would return to being the prince I fell in love with.


But today I was tired of it. I decided to leave home earlier than usual. Rey was sprawled carelessly on the couch. The pungent smell of alcohol permeated the air, and his clothes were scattered carelessly on the floor.


I looked at him for a while, admiring his beauty. Rey was gorgeous, even in that slovenly circumstance. His slightly disheveled light brown hair matched perfectly with his athletic body, all crowned by an almost childlike smile he always carried with him.


One thing I couldn't deny, Rey was stunning. His features and physical presence were a work of art in themselves. Before the temptation to confront him and trigger a familiar vicious cycle of forgiveness manifested, I resisted the impulse.


I chose not to wake him, avoiding a confrontation that, in the past, only resulted in another episode of temporary reconciliation. Silently, I headed to work, leaving behind the Adonis sleeping on the couch.


I worked in a high-end clothing store, which always earned me a great commission on sales in addition to the fixed salary I received. I was saving this extra money for emergencies.


I had lived a tough life when I was with my family. My father spent all the money on gambling and drinking, leaving both me and my mother often without even enough to eat.


Fortunately, the store was experiencing a high demand for sales, so I knew that even if I arrived before my shift, I could start working and accumulate extra hours.


I stopped in front of the store and looked at its facade. The giant sign with red letters reading — Bloody Clothes— dominated the space above the newly updated display window. A new batch of items had just arrived, and it was bound to cause a stir among the human customers who were eager to get clothes worn by vampires.


It was somewhat predictable that this would happen, especially after a recent interview where some vampire actors appeared in extremely eye-catching outfits. You know how it is, when those guys show something, people go crazy.


Didn't I say they were rooted in our society? Everything seemed to revolve around them, including fashion. Bloody Clothes specialized in bringing humans clothing, accessories, and shoes that replicated what famous vampires wore. The store had become something of a reference for those wanting a vampiric aesthetic and willing to spend a significant amount to embody that distinctive look.


I can't deny that vampires had good taste. The pieces were usually different and beautiful. But it deeply bothered me how humans had stopped creating things and only copied and picked up the crumbs they gave us. It was as if human originality and innovation were being erased by the shadow of vampiric influence.


I walked into the store, and it was already chaotic. Customers were browsing the racks, and salespeople were running back and forth between the stockroom and the fitting rooms with various pieces in their hands.


I headed to the back of the store, followed by my extremely enthusiastic manager.


— Elion!— she said, smiling inside our changing room. — I'm so glad you arrived early! I was just about to call you!—


— Good morning, Pen,— I said, trying to sound upbeat.


— As I mentioned last week, the new collection arrived today!— Pen said, almost bouncing with excitement. — I even managed to set aside a few pieces for myself! That's why we'll be packed for the next few days. So if you could start your shift as soon as possible, I'd appreciate it.—


Since I was immersed in my personal hell at home, I had completely forgotten that today was the big day. I found it absurd how people created such a frenzy just to buy clothes. It was a desperation that rarely required us to run sales to clear our stock.


But deep down, I loved this time of year. My commission almost tripled.


— I'll just change and head to the floor,— I responded, forcing a smile.


— Thanks, Elion.—


Pen, still smiling, turned and left. Today, again, she wore a low-cut dress shirt, displaying her newly acquired blood brand above her right breast. Her red hair was styled in a chic bun that contrasted with her dark brown skin. The casual elegance and confidence she exuded were almost palpable.


Now she was part of their world. The blood brand represented the physical evidence that you were officially bound to a vampire. A symbol was meticulously engraved on the human's skin, a tattoo that clearly indicated their connection to that specific vampire. It was a mark that, once made, was for life.


There was no specific location on the body for this mark; it was an exclusive choice of the vampire with whom the dark pact had been established. Additionally, the symbol varied. Each vampire family or vampire had their own symbol, making clear to whom the human belonged.


And even though it seemed akin to branding cattle, many took pride in owning these marks. I honestly didn't understand the reason for displaying such a mark with so much pride. It was like shouting to the world that you were now a vampire's pet.


Well, Pen's mark wasn't my problem.


I finished changing into the white linen dress shirt and black fitted pants, the store's standard uniform.


As I looked at myself in the large mirror, I took some time to adjust my light blonde hair, which had a subtle volume, and made a few soft touches to my brown eyes. Luckily, there were no signs of dark circles, which provided a momentary relief.


Once ready, I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face. It was time to get into character, to embody the positive and helpful attitude expected of an employee in that environment. The smile, although forced, was the mask I wore to face another day at the store.


Let's make some money.