I take a shot as I'm putting on the finishing touches on my face, it's Friday night and I'm getting ready to head into a short shift at the club tonight. Tasha called in and I'm the only one not doing shit on a Friday night.. Go figure. Oh well more money in my pocket, I won't complain I need all I can get to get out of this shit hole I call home.
It's not much but it is home, plus I've made it gorgeous.. Atleast on the inside.. Working at Starlight has really helped, I work less and make more.. I know why though, it's a very exclusive club. You're only getting in through invite or a donation big enough to show you can play.
The club is filled with a variety of people from all walks of life. I've been working there for about six months now, I've grown very fond of the taboo'd lifestyle I've witnessed while working. Things that would repulse 'sane' people, but to me it's now a second home. I've met so many nice people. And a few not so nice people, Rich men always think that their money can buy whatever is in the club.. Which for the most part they can.. But I've never been on the menu.. No matter who or how much.
Technically I'm a Bottle girl, but some nights I do other things, dance (although I am one of the few who remains clothed) they've also had me behind the bar and I've even been sent to greet the more elite guests. They tend to be a bit more ... entitled. I couldn't tell you how many offers I've gotten, I've never been tempted.
I love and encourage this lifestyle but I'm here to work, if they want sugar babies or a play thing for the night all they have to do is take a step forward. I personally don't like to mix business and pleasure.. Plus I'm a very jealous person, like toxic jealous. None of these men that come in here really do it for me.
I'm wearing my cute lace stockings under my black mini dress, this is one of my favorite dresses, short, flashy and hugs me in all the right spots, stilettos. I'm good to go, I head down my stairs to go meet my uber which should be any minute now. I'm curious what Jan is going to assign to me tonight. I hope I'm on bottle duty, the best part is we get to drink shots, like we can't get wasted but we're allowed to drink with the customers.
The uber is here after a minute and I climb into the back seat and get on my phone texting my bestie Cara, she's the one who got me this job, she's been here for years. She tells me the club is packed full of big spenders. Which makes me happy, that means it's going to be a good tip night.
It only takes about fifteen minutes until we're in front of the club, it's very discreet so there's no line outside, just a guard/ bouncer at the inside of each door. I knock as I'm greeted by Milo, a big tattooed man who scares the shit out of me, not like I think he'd hurt me but just big and scary, he rarely talks but the few times we've interacted he's been pretty nice.
I walk into the dimly lit room walking down the hallway to go find Jan to see where she wants me, it doesn't take long. She greets me pleasantly and tells me to cover Tasha's section, the two tables on the east side. She tells me to make sure they're both taken care of very well, heavy on the very.
She's never been that clear on clients, these must be part of the one percent, the high rollers. I won't complain I'm hoping to leave with atleast a grand of tips tonight. I go to my locker put my bag away and douse myself in my best perfume. A lot of girls use a lot of glitter but I know better.
I put my game face on and head to the bar, I take a shot and head to get a peep of the two men I'll be catering to. There's only one there so far, some young guy staring at all of the half naked people walking around, he must be new here. I make my way towards him as I ask him if he needs anything.
' Are you on the menu ' the man snickers out. I laugh as I tell him I'm not. He tells me a cognac will do just fine. So that's what I go grab. He asks me a few questions, asking about Tasha, telling me she's the one who invited him, but that the one night he stops in she's not here. We chat for a few minutes before I take notice of my other section has taken a seat.
I finish with this man telling him if he likes Tasha there's a few other girls here that could get him through the pain, I tease him. He smiles, as he takes his drink and wants to go explore. I let him know to let me know if he needs anything. I watch as he walks into the more ... Exclusive end of the club where, noone knows what goes on except the ones doing it.
I look over and start to make my to this man to get his drink order, The man looks to be around forty, he's wearing a jet black suit that pairs well with the little bit of grey in his hair. I gulp and make my way.
' Are you ready to order sir? ' I ask with a shaky voice.
' You don't look like Tasha dear? ' His eyes narrow at me and I feel weird.
' That's because I'm not! Tasha isn't here tonight, is there a drink you prefer? '
I watch his lips curl, at my brassness, there's a darkness about this man that brings me fear but also has my pussy throbbing HARD. We are playing chicken with our eyes before his smile forms.
' I'll take a Cognac '
I nod and go fetch the drink, I try to hurry as I can tell he's not one for waiting. I walk to his side to place his drink in front of him along with the bottle to its side. As I'm leaned over I feel his eyes on my body, I know he wants to touch me and I'm not going to lie for the first time in the six months I've been here, I actually want him to.
My breath is shallowed a bit, as I straighten myself up I watch as he takes a drink and sets his glass back down. I ask him if there's anything else I can help with.
' No '
I smile and head to the bar, I ask for a double shot, that was intense. Why am I feeling like this.. He's ... I don't even know. The man doesn't do much, I'm quite surprised he's in the more open area of the club, He's alone so maybe he isn't playing with anyone.. But then again maybe he just came to see Tasha. She was the hire right before me, she's tall, thin and absolutely gorgeous.
The first man returns to his booth and I go ask if he's ready for another drink, he nods so I go grab him another. I lean down to set it down as he pulls me on his lap. We're supposed to be over friendly to keep the cash flow going so I giggle as he's playfully teasing me. He releases me and smacks my ass as I finish telling him I'll be back to check on him soon.
Ew, is all that's going through my mind, I take a two second notice of the older man, his gaze is on me and on me only. The throbbing is driving me insane, at this point I know what I'm doing when I get home.
Most people get their relief on the other side of the club but again, not exactly my cup of tea, there's very little privacy on that end, but that's why they like it I guess. It's darkness is about the only sense of privacy there, I've been on that side once and it's not as busy as you'd think... Their focus is on pleasure not bottles.
There's a lot of passing faces, I haven't seen Cara yet, so I text her. She sends me a picture of her sitting on the lap of some blonde guy, Cara is one of the goofiest people you'd ever come across. She's a fucking stunner, like model material. She's been my best friend since high school. I'm more reserved so maybe that's why we clicked so much.
She follows up with she'll be this way here in a bit. I need to ask her about this man, I can't help but glance his way, our eyes meet from a distance and my heart literally stops for a moment. The goosebumps form all over my body as I quickly turn back around and order another shot.
I'm never like this and honestly not a fan. I take a deep breath before downing the shot and making my way back to the man as I ask if he needs anything. I watch as only one side of his lips curl into a smirk, I raise a brow at this.
' What I want isn't on the menu ' He growls at me.
I furrow my brows at this as I lean down to top his drink off.
' We're very accommodating here, Are you sure? ' I say coyly, trying to do my job and keep the customers happy.
I watch as he takes a drink of his cognac and sets his glass down before looking up at me, the light hits just right and I can see his beautiful eyes. One blue, one green.. I bite my lip as I'm caught up. The man licks his lips before answering me.
' I'm sure. perilousness isn't really the forte here. ' The low deep tone of his voice is just.. Lustful.
He takes notice of my shallow breathing. I have a lot of emotions and thoughts running through my mind right now and me riding his face is one of them. I need to get away from him. NOW!
I turn to go before he grabs my wrist pulling me back onto his lap using his hand to lightly grip my throat pulling me against him fully before his free hand creeps up my thigh and he whispers into my right ear..
' I bet if I felt your pussy right now it's soaked huh.. You like dangerous men don't you love? When you decide to put yourself on the menu.. I'll indulge ' Again the low tone of his words do enough.
His finger traced so close to the wetness he knew he would find if he went only an inch closer. My breath is ragged at this point. The man releases me and I take one last look at him as I bite my lip and turn to walk away. I get about halfway to the bar as I'm met with Cara.
' Hey babe, how's the shift so far? ' her bubbly tone let's me know she's tipsy.
I look at the man finishing his drink as he's standing up, I quickly and discreetly ask Cara who that man is. She giggles and says
' That's Mr. Wright.. He's been a high roller here for awhile, He just observes .. never played on the other side even though every girl here has tried... Everyone of us failing ' she says.
' Is he here a lot ' I ask in a almost desperate tone.
' Hmm a few times a week but never for long... He tips beautifully though.. Is he yours tonight? '
' Yeah he was.. It was .. Interesting to say the least ' I respond as I rub my neck almost wishing he'd done more to me.
I take a double shot with Cara and tell her I'll talk to her later, I'm going to collect the tips and heading out since both of customers have gone. The young man left a few fifties and the other table had a bunch of hundreds stacked neatly. My heart drops, there's gotta be atleast a few grand there.
The next half hour I do what I need to as well as order an uber home. It's 2am by the time I get home and I just can not get this man out of my head. I grab my toy and put myself to sleep to the mere thought of ... Mr. Wright.
I hope he's there at my next shift. The real question is what kind of risk is he into and how can he read me so well.